Friday, March 7, 2025

You either laugh or cry


I’ve been bracing myself for March.  Not just the crazy winds we’ve had but the storms that I have been expecting for many months.  I’ve been cleaning like crazy and doing all of the other crazy OCD tendency type things in preparation. That is just how I deal with stress. 

We’ve been preparing for tomorrow’s special day. The girls came home from college for it and the youngest comes home saying something happened to his ankle at track and he looked it up and seemed to be achilles related.  

I googled as well and then remembered the single tidbit of info they gave us on his birth father and that was that he ruptured his Achilles running track. Such a weird little detail to be the only thing they shared with us. The coach said he would have the school trainer look at it Monday but we decided given the possible family history and the fact that you have to wrap the foot specific for this injury, I took him to the ET.  

They did an X-ray and of course saw no breaks.  I mentioned why I brought him in and they listened. They got an ultrasound in there and there it was. It’s hanging on by maybe one fibrous thread.  He has a ruptured Achilles tendon.  

So he is wrapped and on crutches with an appointment with the orthopedic next Wednesday. Assuming real cast st that point.  I guess our year of all this crap started 3/24/24 when we lost our oldest and had no plans on letting us end it quietly.  

All if have left in me is to laugh!