“ But there can be a downside.
The normal behavior of the tribe often over powers the destred be havior of the individual. For example, one study found that when chimpanzee learns an effective way to crack nuts open as a member one group and then switches to a new group that uses a less effective strategy, it will avoid using the superior nut cracking method just lo blend in with the rest of the chimps.
Humans are similar. There is tremendous internal pressure to comply with the norms of the group.”
This is from Atomic Habits. Wonderful read.
They’re basically saying we would rather fit in sometimes than do what is right or even more efficient. Do you think that’s true? I do sometimes. I’ve seen it plenty. I’ve seen someone agree with one person and then turn around and agree to the opposite with another just to fit into both social situations. I don’t think this is necessarily the majority. Or maybe I just hope not.
I tell my kids to have a view on something. Know what that is. It doesn’t mean that someone can’t change your mind but sometimes you just know something is right or works better. It’s okay to be in the minority and stay with what you know as long as you’re open.