Saturday, June 2, 2007

Yet another picture of Chelsi sleeping.

Our daughter can fall asleep anywhere! I swear she'd only been sitting in the chair for maybe 5 minutes.  I was finishing up the floors and the next thing I knew the chair was fully laid back.  How it didn't tip I have no idea.  She would wake for a second and the chair back would pop straight up and she'd go back to sleep and it would slowly go back again.  After that little 5 minute cat nap she wouldn't hardly go back to bed for her afternoon nap.  She said 'granpa' over and over again until she fell asleep.  BTW, that's what she calls grandma and grandpa.  Except lately it's been "I want granpa now".  For a not quite 2 year old she speaks in very demanding sentences.  :)

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