Sunday, December 7, 2008


We're going through the motions of all the Christmas hullaballoo...the Christmas programs, decorating, the Christmas card pic.

They love the decorating and watching movies together.  Yes, we usually, actually, watch a few Christmas movies together as a family.  Christmas movies are my favorites, so I'm inflicting that habit on my children and so far they seem to enjoy it.  :)  First, I have a picture of the kids in front of the tree in their pj's.  This is a tradition, but the tradition is usually to use the picture on our Christmas card.  However, I was proactive this year and took a picture in early November so I would have plenty of time to get the card printed and glad I did with all of the flus going through the house.  Chase was sad we didn't take a picture in front of the tree in their pj's so they asked that I do that even though we would not use on a card.  I asked them to make a goofy face and this is what I instantly got:

Here are the kids decorating the upstairs and downstairs trees.

My little Christmas reindeer being the ham she is.

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