Tuesday, January 2, 2007

I hate you mom!

Okay, we've all heard this from our kids a million times.  Most of us would be pretty well off if we had a dollar for everytime we heard it from all of our kids.

I heard it from Chase today, but because I "threatened" to take a picture.  :)

He told me I was mean and he hated me.  Can't help but laugh at him. 

Here's the story:

I was doing dishes and the boys were watching their youngest sister (keeping her out of the kitchen).  I could hear them pulling her pull toy up and down the hall as fast as they could.  They started doing it because she was laughing at them, then she just became disinterested.  Our hallway is hardwood, so I told them to keep the toy off the hardwood, to which they looked at me like "whatever".  So I told them if they didn't quit I'd take a picture of them playing with a baby toy (6 and 9 years old).  Chase says "you don't have your camera"....ha ha Chase I keep it in the kitchen.  When he found that out he started telling me he hated me.  So afraid someone might see him playing with a baby toy.

You have to laugh.

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