Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Alright, here's a brag

Mom's try not to do it often, but I have to say, my baby girl is SO smart!  We've always thought each one was special in their own way for one thing or another.  Cole studied everything and, despite heart surgery at 8 1/2 months, still fully walked by 10.  Chase was a laid back, go with the flow, lover baby.  He was always smarter than he let on.  Kaelin was little miss independence...still is.  She walked at 10 months and has been going non-stop ever since.  She's the one who laughs a lot, but is pretty sensitive.

Chelsi seems to have pieces of all 3 of her siblings rolled into one.  She's got a sweet, loving personality.  She's funny and laughs a lot.  She is incredibly bright!  This baby born 10 weeks early at 3 lbs is doing so much!  She is terribly coordinated, dances and sings.  She has a memory like a recorder.  If she hears it a couple of times, she remembers it.  She just turned 3 a month ago and knows more than any of the other 3, maybe even combined, at this age.  This weekend she started saying our phone number as loud as she could in the middle of Target.  I had no idea she knew it.  Apparently, Brian's been quizzing Kaelin occassionally on the way home so she knows it for school and now Chelsi knows it too.  She knows all of her letter and number...I can't remember how far she can count anymore because she goes on and on.  She recognizes all of her number to 10 and 90% of her letters and can tell you what word is associated with the letter.  She knows her shapes and colors and can speak extremely clear and articulated.  She knows exactly, in perfect English, how to get across what she wants to say to anyone and she very clearly does that.  She tells you exactly what she's thinking and you don't have to guess at what she's saying.  She uses proper English better than most school-aged kids.  She can sing so many songs.  I've lost count of everything she knows.  Then, a couple of weeks ago, we were sitting on the floor and she started reciting the Hail Mary.  Apparently, they pray that at daycare, but mil didn't think she could do it on her own.  I recorded it, so I'll put it below.  The light is aweful and she wasn't really in the mood to do it, so it's not as clear as she usually is.  She's such a big girl is such a teensy, young body.  My baby girl!

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