Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Little triumphs

Parenting is full of repetition.  We repeat ourselves, what feels like, a hundred million times.  And about 10 of those times we get listened to.   But, sometimes it eventually sinks in.  The big boys have had curfews on coming back from the neighbors or just coming in the past few days and they have done so great at actually doing it instead of getting the usual answer, after coming in late, of "I forgot" or "I didn't know what time it was", etc.  Tonight they even picked up the limbs in the yard before coming in like we asked.  Such minor things, really, but they feel like major accomplishments.

It's times like these that you sit back and think that maybe, just maybe, some of what you are repeating is going somewhere.  And maybe they will hear your voice in the back of their minds as they are faced with choices.  One can hope.

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