Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Two days of doctors down

Cole is done with his workup.  Very painless and all done.  Results of the EKG and echo were no different than in July, which was expected.  We'll have MRI results and dilation of his right ventricle later in the week or early next week.  Still unsure if he'll have a good idea of when surgery will be off of that.  Not sure if we should plan to go to Korea anymore or not.  But, Cole and I had a nice day together.  Nothing says love like spending 11 hours with you mom.  We talked a lot and it was nice!

I spent today trying to get Jaemin's autism evaluation set up.  While I'm not completely convinced of it, the ped says he has enough symptoms to be concerned and he may just be very low on the spectrum...meaning very high functioning.  While we wait for his April evaluation we're trying some changes to his acid reflux med and giving him yogurt to make sure it's not a yeast sensitivity.  I feel like we have to do something in the next two months.  May as well.

I've been watching both of my boys so much more intently lately.  I'm waiting for Cole to suddenly go off, so to speak.  I mean when's he going to suddenly start having symptoms?  Is it going to be sudden like when he was an infant, or am I going to get some notice on surgery this time?  I have no idea what to expect and that's the part that scares me the most.  Jaemin, I just watch for anything he does that keeps him off the spectrum.  Cheering at anything he does...even though mostly he neurologically typical.  I find myself holding Jaemin more and seeing just how intense my love is for him and how lucky we are to have this little angel in our lives no matter what happens.

I'm the luckiest mom in the world!


alicia said...

You are such a dedicated mom - it's a journey for you with the "unknowns"...I'm sending you thoughts and prayers for good outcomes for your boys!


Mindful_Frugalista said...
