Thursday, June 28, 2012

Another year of swimming lessons done!

Only the littlest 3 went this year, but they did well.  Kaelin passed level 4.  It was her 2nd attempt, but she'll go onto level 5 next year which mostly teaches water safety and rescue.  Chelsi did not pass level 3, but level 3 is a pretty high level at only age 6 and in 4 foot water when you're only 3 1/2 foot tall is tougher.  We didn't expect it since she had strep on test night, last night.  She had to miss and stay home.  Jaemin passed preschool lessons.  The only thing I worried about Jaemin not passing was paying attention and listening.  He has no problems getting in water which is really all their trying to do at this level.  They do not allow a child to go past preschool without passing and being 5 years or older.  So he does have to go to level 2 preschool or we could skip next year when he's 4 and send him at 5, to the level 1 class for big kids.  But, he enjoys swimming so much we'll send him, I'm sure.

His teacher even wrote "LOVED Jaemin's enthusiasm for the water" on his evaluation.  And boy did he have enthusiasm.  She told another instructor how crazy he is.  The put them in the 2 foot tonight and she told him to jump in.  She said "I know you don't need my help like the other kids, I know you want in" and he just leaped into the water.  He actually swims in the 2 foot.  He just drops under the water, moves his arms and kicks his legs and maneuvers around the pool.  The instructors for preschool were just shocked at how comfortable he was and how good he was in the water.  I still can't believe how well he swims without any lessons until these past 2 weeks.  He's a bit of a natural athlete I think.

And while we worry about some of Jaemin's social and emotional delays from his sensory disorder and speech delay, I'm so proud of him at lessons.  He worked so hard and tried so hard.  It's hard for him to relate to his peers and he would grab their hands as soon as the teacher mentioned it to walk around the pool or do an activity.  He'd watch his teacher's movements so close so he could mimic with his own.  He is a truly amazing kid.  I fall in love more and more with him every single day, if that's even possible.  I really do adore Jaemin.

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