Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Don’t blink


They grow up just that fast. Just like that my second to last is out of high school. 

I really didn’t expect to get emotional at graduation. I never have in the past. But I wasn’t expecting what she did. The older kids always bought and brought me a rose during the ceremony. She had three in her hand so I assumed she had bought one for me and one for her grandmas.  She gave me mine and then gave her little brother one and then gave me the last and told me it was for her oldest brother we lose two months ago.  That explained why she was crying before she got to me and then it was all over for me. Our son wouldn’t have been able to make her graduation with work so it wasn’t a particularly emotional event until then.

And little brother admitted to me that he would have been disappointed if she hadnt given him one. He’s going to miss her!

 I love my girls and they are definitely an inspiration. 

#mydaughters #graduation #imisshim

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