Saturday, July 27, 2024

Don’t pay your bills



I ALWAYS pay my medical bills right away. I have a high deductible health plan but have been putting away money monthly for several years into my health savings account.  I ALWAYS have the money to pay this way.          

BUT WAIT!       

 I also ALWAYS read my bill to make sure the insurance allowance is on there and matches my EOB from my plan and make sure it’s the services I received.  This bill was generated by a hospital that my doctor was attached to when I went to HIS office for a cortisone injection in my hand. I was never in the hospital and was billed like I received surgery in an OR.  This made my bill from the hospital over $1000 in addition to the $200 bill from my doctor.  I called the biller and they said that’s just how they bill.  I then called the doctor’s nurse and told them about it. He agreed it sounded weird and said he would ask someone who might know. Low and behold a couple weeks later my insurance processed a new bill with me owing $1 for the steroids and the original bill is gone.  I saved over $1000 by saying something.  Check your bills. This isn’t the first time I’ve been misbilled so always check. 

Now do I agree with the $1?  No  I never received anything from that hospital and the last shot had a $.10 allowable from the doctor because HE billed the steroid.  However, chances are I’ll never see a bill for $1 anyways.

 #incorrectmedicalbilling #savemoney #reviewbills 

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