Monday, July 15, 2024

Life flashes


before your eyes. But it’s really their life. 

This. This is what I see in my head in just seconds when someone says something so benign but somehow my son comes to mind. We had college orientation a week ago and the professor that spoke to the parents (very interesting man) spoke of the day he sent his daughter off to kindergarten when she was younger and how he cried. He was talking about parents not being ready to let our kids go onto the next phase while they are excited and ready. My son immediately came to mind even though I was there for our youngest daughter and just like that. I’d seen him in my head from birth to death and thinking about what I have left of him.  One of these days I hope this lessens a little. Not so much that I can no longer hear his voice in my head or picture him walking up the stairs when he came home to visit but enough that not every mention of certain milestones don’t make me cry in public. 

#healing #momslove #missmyson

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