Saturday, January 16, 2010

Save More, Live Better....Walmart


Had to post the slogan.  Chelsi loves to repeat it all the time.  We are obviously there too often for everything!

I realize that the Walmarts of the world can be hurtful to the mom and pop shops of the world, but sometimes, especially for lower-middle class families like ourselves, they're a lifesaver!  Kae and I just went to the vision center for eye exams today.  Where else can you do all we did for $197 with no vision insurance.  We can't afford family vision insurance.  It would cost far too much over a year's time.  But, with our health insurance allowing a $35 copay for the exam we're pretty set for self/private pay.  For this money I got Brian's new frames and lenses, Kaelin's exam as well as my exam and lenses.  That's really a good price for this!  And, of course, I work this into a medical savings plan to save even more.

Brian's frames were in the $9 sets, so VERY cheap.  His lenses were the $38 lenses they frills, just plastic lenses with no glare protection since he only uses them at night after his contacts are out.  Kaelin only needed the exam, but since she has an astigmatism and one eye is worse than the other she will need glasses within the next 2 years.  We were well aware of this.  They told us this 2 years ago that by the time she was 9 she'd be in glasses.  Looks like she's still on target.  She's already picked out some too cute frames for herself.  She looks gorgeous in them, so no worries on her part.  I had some old frames, so I just had them put my new lenses in them.  My lenses were $35 more than Brian's, but because mine are for reading and computer use I need the glare.  My astigmatism causes my eyes to get more tired and she said having that glare protection will help when they get tired.  I asked if I could just get reading glasses, but one eye is quite a bit different than the other.  It looked like the paper said 20/25 in one and 20/50 in the other.  I have to say for what we paid, he was VERY thorough and VERY good with our daughter.  He had a lot of patience with her constant moving and distractions.


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