Thursday, September 8, 2011

Apparently my bed is just right

During naptime, most of the time anyways, Jaemin sleeps in his toddler bed in his room.  At night I make him go to his portacrib which is next to my bed.  He  will NOT sleep in his room at night, so this is our compromise.  I told him last night he was absolutely not to get out of his bed and into mine.  He tends to destroy.  So, after 10 pm last night I walked into my room ready to get into bed and well, things were turned down for me already.  Little stinker.  Between that and always wanting to sleep with all of his pairs of underwear I'm not sure what we're going to do with him. He's crazy!  :)  Such a fun boy.  Always keeps mommy guessing.

His nice cozy spot.

Here's where he always goes to after he hikes his leg over the crib and drops out.

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