Sunday, May 26, 2013

Day 3 (May 26th - Sunday)

A lot is closed on Sundays, so we had to find things to do that were open....which meant EVERYONE was doing those things.

We went to church at Myeongdong Catholic Cathedral.  It's very, very old.  We were about 5 minutes late by the time we found it. It's common for people to stroll in as it moves on though, so we didn't feel bad.  It's like a little city outside the church with religious things for sale and the nuns walking everywhere.  It wasn't a whole lot different than our church.  A few of the prayers were slightly different and then instead of shaking hands you bow.  When they do collection, they just have individuals in two spots and people pass through the aisles like you're going to communion to tithe.  It had tv screens because it was so big you could not see the alter.  Then, it listed a number below which was the hymn.  There wasn't much group singing, but the choir was really nice.  It was done in 40 minutes which is shorter than our masses.

After that we came back to the hotel to grab our gear and make the 30 minute subway ride with a transfer to Seoul Grand Park Station to go to the Seoul Zoo.  Much like most zoos, but more places to stop so families can sit and rest.  More animals were outside and little more accessible to watch....or it seemed compared to our zoo.  The kids really liked the zoo, but they always like the zoo.  Coming back wasn't so great.  I thought we'd stop at Seoul Station to eat and that turned into a was so crowded.  We gave up and thought we'd walk to find Lotteria.  Well, it wasn't where I remembered, so we again gave up.  We just went to Paris Baguette and shared a sandwich (too hot to eat) and went back to the hotel.  We went back to 7-11 for ice cream and just snacked on the food we'd brought.  So glad we did bring food. We brought trail mix, peanuts, peanut's all going over well now.

Tomorrow is Jaemin's foster family visit and Coex!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day 3 (part 2)

Done for the day.  I can't take another activity.  We went to see Cookin' Nanta and then ate dinner.  The show was AWESOME!  So hilarious.  Definitely see it if you're in Seoul.  All 5 kids loved it.  The big boys even through balls back at the performers.  Very interactive and you do not have to know Korean to get it.  Then we went to a mom and pop restaurant and had bulgogi.  Very good, but halmoni just kept trying to feed us more and more.  Jaemin could just live on the little fish they had.  I think they were pickled and looked like anchovies, but not sure what kind.  He ate and ate and ate and very much pleased halmoni.

I just liked this first picture of Cole, Chase and Chelsi walking through Seoul.

Day 3 (Saturday May 25th)

Today,we enjoyed our usual HUGE breakfast.  Really starts the day off right!  Talked to a family at breakfast who just came in from Philly and we'll be going on a tour with them next week.  They had plans for the day as did we.

All of the guys stayed at the hotel to rest and swim.  They all are pretty tired even though they got quite a bit of sleep last night.  We woke up, but everyone else went back to sleep except me.  Jaemin was so impressed with himself because he stayed dry and he said "but, I left my pee alarm at home".  He said he doesn't need it anymore.  Don't know about that.  Us girls went to find Dongdaemun Market and the toy alley.  Wow!  We walked probably 4-6 miles today.  We finally found the toys after asking a police officer.  :)  We found a firetruck with Pororo for Jaemin and a Pororo camera for Jae and Pororo utensils for Jaemin.  Of course we got 3 little fans for the little kids.  They're only 1,000W and it does help keep you cool.  It was SO hot today.  Chelsi got some slippers and hair items, goggles and socks.  Kaelin got hair items and socks.  Then, we got some little insulated water bottle carriers so the little kids can carry their own water around.  We made our way back to the same subway exit and hopped over to the Hongdae area to find Hello Kitty Cafe.  The directions online stink and I forgot my little map, though, if I remember right, I don't think it would have helped.  We walked almost all of the area and it's a really happening place for young people so it was super packed!  We did not go to the free market....entirely too tired.  It took us finding 3 different people, asking for directions and playing charades until we found it.  The good thing was we found Etude House along the way.  So, I loaded up on my make up and we asked the ladies there and we were just down the street by then.  Then, we saw PINK!  We ordered frozen yogurt waffles.  It was just frozen yogurt on thick waffles covered in strawberry jelly.  It was really good.  We drank so much water when we go there too.  Hello Kitty is ALL pink and ALL Hello Kitty.  Had we gotten a latte or hot chocolate it would have had her face in the drink, but it was much too hot.  Our waffles were Hello Kitty shaped though.

By the time we got to the cafe we had no idea where we were and no idea where the exit we came out was, so we just started walking in a straight line and did find an exit to the same line, so we went back to the hotel from there.  Chelsi was carrying my camera on the subway, so she took some pictures on the way back.  The girls are finally getting the hang of swiping our prepaid subway cards.  We loaded some more money on them and went on our way.  And tonight we just have to go to the theatre and relax and watch Nanta!  Sounds good to me.  Then, more walking at the zoo (Seoul Grand Park) tomorrow.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Day 2 Part 2

We decided to go swimming.  The hotel has such a nice pool.  Brian said the locker room is even nicer so eventually he and Chase and Cole went to the sauna and whirlpool.  They relieved some muscles and had fun wearing themselves out in the pool.  It's 6pm here and poor Jaemin couldn't finish his supper.  He started falling off his chair at the table and we had to put him in bed.

We didn't feel like going out, so we just went behind the hotel to Cafe Mamas.  It's pretty good as all of the internet said.  Just sandwiches, but good.  Not cheap, but food isn't terrible cheap anyways.  Then, back to 7-11 for soda to bring back.

Our housekeeper came while we were in and just loved the kids.  She gave me a hug and thanked us.  So sweet, but we're the lucky ones.  She saw us again later and just loves to pat Jaemin.  I'll be taking a shower and going to bed soon.  The boys are content watching Discovery Channel.  One of the few in English.

On the flight here, I had some of the best compliments.  I had a compliment on my hair as we were walking back to our seats on the plain to Chicago and then twice was told what well behaved children we have.  So nice to hear from strangers!

I really do think everyone's enjoying themselves.

Day 2 (Friday May 24th in Seoul)

Today was a busy day.  We probably had more subway stops today than we will have most of the time we're here.  We went to Jogyesa Temple, then to Gyeongbokung Palace and last we went to Seodaemun Prison.  It was a lot of subway riding even though they're in the same area....or remotely anyways.  We're finally getting good at transferring lines.  We didn't do that 4 years ago, but this time we have to quite a bit.  Of course, first we had breakfast at our hotel's buffet.  Good way to start the day out.  Then, the girls and I went out to Paris Baguette to get bread for the peanut butter we brought and then we went to the 7-11 to get T-money for the subway system.  It doesn't save a lot, but does save at every transfer as if it was just one trip.  Kaelin's now has a lower balance than the rest of us because she kept scanning it and then some lady tried to help, but thought we were trying to go where Kaelin was (other side of the turn style) instead of vice versa and she swiped her card more.  Oh well, we now have it figured out.

Jogyesa, wasn't a whole lot to see.  They were praying in temple and you couldn't take pictures up close, but there were HUGE gold Budha inside that were pretty neat.  I did get a picture of the lanterns hanging everywhere and the outside of the temple.  Not a must see, but still glad we did.

Then, it was onto Gyeongbokung Palace.  Everything in Seoul's neat because you have a metropolis and there are pieces of history in the middle of it all.  Brian and I separated for a little bit so the girls and I could watch the changing of the guard and the boys all went to the bathroom.  He said when they were walking back in some kids from a 4-H club stopped him to ask questions like why were in Korea etc. and then they had to take pictures with them.  Later, we were stopped by some university girls who did the same thing.  This time, though, I asked them to take a picture of us in return.  Smart girl, huh?  We had lots of schools doing tours and they were trying their English by just saying a quick hi and then giggling when we responded.  There was a lot of girls making googly eyes at the boys.  Oh my!  The boys didn't hear them, but there was a group of girls that pointed and giggled every single time we met them in the palace.  But, when we were leaving they tried their English out and said "handsome guys" and giggled some more.  They got a lot of second glances!  We all had to duck to get through a little tunnel and someone made a comment about Cole being so tall when he came out and stood up.  So funny.

Last we went to Seodaemun Prison.  Cole doesn't like history class all that much, but he's just like his dad and does enjoy seeing history, so he picked this one out.  It was pretty neat.  It reminded me much of Missouri's State Pen now that it's closed.  So sad.  Especially the room full of pictures and names of prisoners over the years with the last being in the 1940's.  That's all the longer SK has really been on it's own and getting such a great economy going.  The torture there was awful.  Kaelin didn't like it that much.  She said it was creepy.  It was Brian and Cole's favorite.  Chase liked the palace.  I was content at all and Jaemin was just content when he was on my back.  He kept saying his foot hurt, but we think he twisted it maybe....not sure.  He got down when we said we'd go back to the hotel for ice cream lunch.  He was ALL better.

We promised him, he walked the rest of the way and we followed through.  There's a 7-11 right behind the hotel, so we went there and got a bunch of ice cream bars and went to the roof to eat. Resting time for the rest of the day/night.  Then, days off tomorrow except Hello Kitty for the girls and I.  I'm also hoping to go into Myeongdong for Etude House makeup one of these days.