Sunday, March 18, 2007

Happy Family (Airplane) Day Girls!!

This week is a special week. It marks the 1st anniversary of our youngest joining our family and the 4th anniversary of our oldest daughter joining our family. We generally, don't do a whole lot other than go out to dinner, but dad is also making our 4 year old's favorite meal for supper, so it's chicken noodle soup here. It was so much fun making these slide shows. Although, Kaelin's was just so hard to believe how much they've all grown as I watched hers playback. What happened to my babies?  We love you!!!!!! 

Kaelin's Slide Show Here

Chelsi's Slide Show Here

Update on Donations for American Heart Association Heart Walk

Donate Here

We're at $60 with offline and online donations and have until July.  Please keep donating.  Cole really wants to hit at least $700 this year.


Sunday, March 11, 2007

Busy, but great last few days.

Whew.  I don't think we've had time to breathe lately.  Cole's birthday was Thursday.  He got a new football from mom and dad and loved it!!  He also got $$ from Grandma/Grandpa H. and gift cards to Bass Pro from two of his Godparents.....along with many phone calls that night.  Our phone rang off the hook for him.

Happy Birthday big boy!!!


Saturday was designated Spring clean up at our house.  We're so used to such mild Winter's that we've always been able to keep up here and there throughout Winter, but this year was much different.  The temp came up to around 60 degrees, so while dad was at work the four kiddos and I cleaned up the driveway and cleaned out the garage....for 4 hours!  They did well and Chelsi put up with being outside for so long and even overlapping naptime, very well.  Here are some pictures from Saturday morning/afternoon.

And last, but not least, someone on one of the adoption boards posted a great link to a picture/Korean dictionary that speaks.  Kaelin thought it was so neat that she now asks if she can get on the computer to study.  So we're starting her with numbers.  She's so serious and it's so sweet.  Here she is hard at work.


Sunday, March 4, 2007

I do all the work and SHE falls asleep

After church it was time to get the house cleaned.  I strapped Chelsi to my back and went to work.  Usually she doesn't want to be carried very long, but she fell asleep about 20 minutes into my chores.  By then, I may as well finish so I did.  But she did look awefully darn cute sleeping back there, so dad took a picture.

Eating mommy's back.

Head falling to the side.

After taking her off my back she just flopped onto my bed still very deeply sleeping.

Then daddy tried to wake her with kisses (it's not nap time yet).

Oh yeah, had to throw in a new Chelsi face.  We call it 'old man face.  :)

Sunday, February 25, 2007

More photos!!!!

Goofball had his Valentine's Party and his teacher was nice enough to email pics to me.  I can't imagine why he said he had so much fun that day.

Mom, M and I went shopping yesterday at the outlet mall and came back with some great finds for the girls.  Here are the outfits they got (Chelsi's shirt is actually from her Godparents, N and T).

They're such girlie girls!!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Funny girl

Oh, Kaelin's such a dork sometimes.  Okay, so she doesn't know the words to Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star....she says "uppa uppa world so high".  Well, she was playing with Chels' see'n'say and she had the rooster.  She says "crocodiledoo" instead of "cockadoodledoo".  What a goof!  Wish I had a picture of a rooster with a crocodile head to insert here.  :)

Big prayers needed now!!!!!!!!!!!!! for this little girl

Please pray for little Brea.  She was born in China and has since arrived home and caught a virus.  The virus has caused fluid to build up on her heart and she's now needing an emergency heart transplant.  She will be having the transplant this week.  I work in this area and I know how well these little ones can do afterward so I have total faith that God will guide the hands of these doctors to heal this little girl.

Lord, please keepy little Brea with her parents and heal her sweet heart.
