Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Wahooo!!! It's forever and official!

He's ours forever and ever.  I'm so glad to be done.  Only the certificate of citizenship to go, but I can do that at my leisure this Spring.  I'm just so happy that he's officially Jaemin William Park *******.  The judge and attorneys signed Jaemin's Happy Adoption Day book like they did with the girls too.  That was great.  She said we're still the only ones to ever have brought that book in for this.  She liked the idea.

He seemed to almost know what was going on all morning.  He's been all smiles all day.  Just happy with everything including the car ride, which is not normally him.  I could just look at him and he would smile real big for me.  When they say he's our responsibility forever now it just fills me with happiness because if we're responsible for him then he IS ours and we just love him so much!

What a happy day!  What a blessed mother I AM!!!!!!!!!

On the way to eat after court.

On the way home from everything.  Our newest American citizen was tired and so was big sis'.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Goofy bunnies

The girls wanted their picture taken since I was messing with the camera.  I told them to give each other bunny ears, assuming they both knew what that meant since big brothers do it all the time.  Well, apparently, Kae knew what it meant and she gave bunny ears, but Chelsi gave them to herself.

Too cute!

What a beautiful girl!


This is Jaemin's newest.  He's been shaking his shoulders and saying "uhuh" when he doesn't want something, but he really doesn't answer when it's yes.  Tonight, I asked him if he wanted to eat and he just looked at me.  I asked him to tell me yes and he, as big as he could, nodded.  Now when you ask a question he very honestly answers with either a huge nod or shaking his entire body for no.

He's is so funny.


Oh my...

My first born is at his first school dance.  I can't believe it.  He actually asked to go.  He didn't do a date or anything which is fine with me seeing as he's only in 7th grade.  I forced him to take pictures with mom first.  He wasn't thrilled, but that was what it cost him to go.  :)  I'm shocked he actually wanted to go.  Brian said there were a couple of his classmates getting dropped off right before and after him without dates as well, so that's good.  They can just hang out for a bit.

This is the first time he's gone somewhere completely away from both of us and not with another family member either.  So weird to think he's that old already.  Hope he has a great time tonight!

The good and the bad of the day....

Bad news first because it's fairly short.  We got new puppies almost 2 weeks ago.  One was a little awkward when walking and we kind of wondered if there wasn't something neurologically wrong.  He seemed really weak.  Anyways, yesterday the boys found him dead in his house.  The other puppy is much bigger and was always fine.  But, suddenly late last night he started vomiting and diarrhea and could barely walk.  Looked like the symptoms of parvo.  By 4 am he was gone too.  They must have come to us with it already.  It's so sad as the boys take that kind of loss pretty hard.  They were the cutest little beagle pups too.

The good news, or should I say memory, for today is that today is 4 years since we found out about Miss Chelsi.  We didn't see her picture for another day, but just the little we knew about her we knew she was ours and we wanted her.  I cannot believe that has been 4 years.  She's a perfect little girl and we had an amazing Christmas that year.  It was the first time ever that we could say we were having a baby at Christmas and mom put her picture on the fridge for Christmas Day for everyone to see.  So she was introduced to the entire family on Christmas Day 4 years ago too.  What a great year that was and what a great girl she is!  Love you Chels.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Chelsi Faces

Thursday, December 10, 2009

So where are you on Christmas?

Other than one thing I have to wait on, I'm done, done, done!  As soon as Walmart ships and receives the rest of what grandpa bought, I can wrap that and be done with that too.  Tonight I had to stop there to get our groceries and toiletries and pick up our site-to-store order...one of them.  I didn't realize how big the thing was!  Luckily, I folded down one of the van seats and shoved it in.  Then, poor, Brian had to put it in our closet until I get time to put it together before Christmas.  And after I put it together I still have to hide it 'til then.  This is grandpa's gift to my two littles.  I ordered one of those Radio Flyer wagons with the foldable handle and seatbelts and cup holder....like their own little car.  I'm hoping it will come in handy on trips to the zoo and such instead of carrying them.  They're both getting to heavy, but Chelsi's short little legs just don't go very far very fast and Jaemin is still pretty wobbly on the walking.

This ought to be fun to put together, huh?
