Friday, June 13, 2008

My lesson for the day

We get to take classes every so often at work, so today I took one on attitudes.  It doesn't just focus on the workplace, but home too. 

I realized today that I didn't handle the stuff that happened this year as badly as I first thought.  I'm sure some close to me might judge on the days that were bad when I was in a bad mood with everything going on at once, but if any one of those people put themselves in my place for just a second, I don't think they'd be so judgemental.  I know there are people who have been or are going throughg more harsh times than what we've been through this year.  I remember that when something happens and remember how blessed I am that it's not worse.  Regardless of what others close to me think, on my bad days, I'm allowed a bad day here and there.  I'm allowed to be a little grouchy the day after my youngest baby has a seizure and scares the crap out of me.  I'm allowed a little slack.  Give it to me!

All in all, I was scared through all of it; Brian's accident, Cole's appendectomy (a little) and Chelsi's seizure, I handled it well.  I tried my best to keep the positive thoughts coming through as the scary ones kept creeping into my conscious.  I reminded myself daily how lucky I was.  When Brian was paralyzed, I reminded myself he was still here.  When he could walk and not move his hands, I reminded myself he could walk and most can't.  I'm not perfect, I know that.  However, the person probably hardest on me, is me.  I don't allow myself any give.  So, when others make comments to make me feel weak through this, it makes it that much harder on me.  I come down even harder on myself.  Shame on me for not believing in myself and my strength. 

I'm glad we had this class today.  I needed to see this in myself.  I need to be able to relax and not think I'm always wrong in the way I handle life. 

So, if you're reading this and a friend or family member of yours is or has gone through some rough times and they were a little on edge (sometimes to say the least), don't judge them until you've realistically put yourself in their place.  Give them some space and some room to feel the way they feel.  We all deserve that.  It might be your turn some time down the will you handle it?


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