Friday, December 23, 2011


We sat down to tonight for family night. We kind of let these nights fall by the way side when the days are longer and nicer, but in the Winter we tend to have them more often. So, since I got a McDonald's gift card for Christmas, at work, I picked some up for everyone tonight and we sat on the floor in the living room for a picnic and watched a movie. Jaemin actually sat still with me the whole time. Of course, during part of it I did his brushing therapy and that always keeps him calm, but it counts the same.

Anyways, I had DVR'd Soul Surfer a couple of weeks ago and we hadn't had a chance to watch it yet. It was so amazing. I had tears through most of it. As a mother and just as a human this girl, Bethany Hamilton, is just amazing, mature, inspiring and beautiful. I don't mean beautiful as in pretty (which she's that too), but a beautiful personality.

I would be so blessed and proud if any of my kids carried the same pride, modesty, faith, strength and belief that this girl did in the face of adversity. I'm sure they didn't show just how hard her worst days really were, but everyone's entitled to their worst's how you react and I can honestly say I wouldn't be proud of myself most times...more than likely. Everyone could learn from a person like her.

It was such a nice calming way to spend the eve of Christmas Eve. And as we plan for tomorrow I feel happy. Seeing movies like that put your life in perspective which is another lesson she learned and taught in the movie. So, tomorrow morning I will go for my eye visit, finish up a few groceries and come back and get all the kids ready to go to Brian's grandparents for Christmas. We will eat and talk and then go to church. I LOVE Christmas Eve mass. It's so relaxing, beautiful and just calming. It's always my favorite. Brian talked about going on Christmas Day, but I grew up on Christmas Eve mass and there's just nothing that compares to the beautifulness of the night with Christmas music and the kids dressed up so pretty and handsome.

To my family, missing this weekend in NY, I hope the 4 of you have a wonderful Christmas too and I will call you this weekend or Skype so I can see my sweet nephew on Christmas. To my dad in FL, I will call you tonight. You can finally open the Christmas present the 3 of us kids sent to you.

Goodnight all and blessings to everyone or at least the ability to count your blessings afforded to you all year long.

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