Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Do something for others

 Nothing will ever change what happened.  We’re not angry at God or anyone else. We will always have questions caused by human nature but those will never be answered and we know this. While I’m sure everyone would have written the same checks to an education fund for our high school and college kids we wanted to really make Cole’s life make a difference. We asked that people instead make donations to our charities in memory of him. 

It’s already been almost 3 weeks. Some days I can’t stop crying and then I have more moments when I think he’s just in KS and will be calling. And then we find out things like what he had his siblings as beneficiaries on like he knew he would be taking care of them. The more I deal with all of this the more I found out I didn’t know a lot of things and he had so much more than even we knew and was much deeper. Spoiler. For anyone who wrote blank checks we made them out to Make a Wish. The day Cole got his wish was a day he couldn’t stop smiling. We want to make a child smile too. 

#toosoon #myson #makeawish #americanheartassociation #childrensmirackenetwork 

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