Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Help your kids help themselves…….please!!

 I’ve heard this same thing from others who are in charge of hiring young people.  I don’t think this just applies to jobs. This applies to scholarships. I know people, personally, who have filled out the scholarship applications and written essays for their kids to ensure they’ll get the awards.  I want my kids to get them to; the jobs and the awards. But who needs them?  They do. So I agree. They need to do the work and feel the disappointment when they just don’t get chosen or they miss deadlines or don’t do things correctly. Start at home. Give them chores and assignments. Not for money. Our kids don’t have a lot of chores but they do have them and I give them extra work especially during the summer if they’re not working much.  See how well they follow instructions. Have them redo things to some extent. Maybe not perfect but they will have a boss or scholarship reviewer who expects directions to be followed.  

Give them these opportunities by restraining yourself as a parent and not doing it for them. Teach them to set up reminders on their devices.  Show them shortcuts or organizational skills to help them better complete these applications.  Give them advice on the essay, after they’ve written it and let them know they can take it or leave it…it’s theirs. Make it theirs!

Some of my kids have gotten jobs and scholarships they really wanted and needed.  Some have been turned down.  But in the end I’m proud of them no matter what because they put themselves out there and did it themselves.  Whatever they have gotten is their accomplishment, not mine.

Here’s what I really don social media:

“For the past two summers I've been the pool director at a country club pool.

I have a staff of 11 lifeguards - seven boys and four girls. Nine of the guards are college freshmen and sophomores, and two are high school seniors.

This isn't my first job as a country club pool director, but it is my first job as a country club pool director since becoming a parent. 

Over the past two summers I have noticed some common threads with lifeguard applicants and my staff.

These are my anecdotal observations and not scientifically backed data or research, but I have consistently seen the same thing repeat itself over and over again.

Guards whose parents micromanage and do everything they can to prevent their kids from failing are my least dependable guards.

They don't know how to pay attention to detail, and they are not proactive. 

This isn't specific to one gender, but I see it predominantly with boys. 

I've received applications filled out by parents. I've received emails, texts, and private messages from parents asking questions their kids are capable of asking themselves.

What I have learned from personal experience, both with my own kids and my employees is that the best way to help kids learn and grow and become independent and reliable is to stop doing things for them.

Let them learn how to communicate with adults. Let them miss deadlines. Let them miss out on job opportunities.

Let them be responsible for both their good and their bad results. 

Let them learn from their mistakes. 

They will not make the same mistake twice if it costs them time or money or opportunity or all three.

But they will continue to be flake jobs if they know you are going to do the important stuff for them no matter what.

This is how mothers of boys, in particular, perpetuate the cycle of men who don't contribute equally at home.

When you are raised by a mother who does things for you in order to make sure you don't miss out, you don't suddenly snap out of it when you get married or become a parent.

In most cases, you do what you know.

As parents, if we want to put dependable, reliable, proactive and successful teenagers out into the world, we have got to be willing to let them struggle and fail.

Because that's the only way for them to grow. Failure is a necessary part of a healthy human experience. 

Because failure isn't actually failure.

It's a guidepost. 

You're either winning, or you're learning.

Let your kids learn.”

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Pearl Harbor


Pearl Harbor….beautifully sad.  I’ve always wanted to go so when we had enough miles for a free stop on Oahu on our way home from Korea I took it. The tour was great.  They took us to see some things in Honolulu and explained some Hawaiian culture and history. We had a native Hawaiian guide that was phenomenal. We spent almost 5 hours at Pearl Harbor.  The water shuttle to the Arizona runs every 15 minutes so you get about 12 quietly, somber minutes over the ship to read the names and understand what really happened that day.  Then we went to the Missouri. Because Harry Truman was President at the time that’s the battleship they signed the war to its end.  We wandered around it for probably two hours looking at and reading everything. Then back to the park where there were movies to watch about what happened and tons of artifacts and articles from the war.  Truly amazing stories. My daughter loved the history of it all and it makes what you read in the books really real!  #pearlharbor #ussarizona #hawaiiwithmydaughter