Thursday, July 11, 2024

Grief always finds you


Raw and real.  I don’t like this part of me. The part that feels vulnerable and weak. But I know there’s someone that needs this. Just to know they’re not alone and that this pain is a lot to carry every single day while you try to smile and go on.  This song was on my Spotify list when I decided to exercise and it hit.  I miss him terribly and need a 5 minute break from life. 

You can’t hide from it.  It finds you at the most inopportune times and moments.  It catches you off-guard and you have to just experience it.  I’ve been told I have to experience it or it will never get better.  I’ve also been told by close friends with similar losses that you eventually learn to live with the grief and it never really leaves you.  I know I’m at the beginning and have a long road ahead of me.

#takeabreak #griefisreal  #letitout

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