Thursday, May 23, 2013

We're here and were TIRED!

We left at 4am and arrived at about 5pm the next day in Seoul.  Just translating pure time, that was 3am the next day.  We still had to navigate the airport, which thankfully Incheon is one of the best, and exchange our money (some of it), get our cell phone, get our bus tickets and find the bus.  We did all of that including baggage claim and customs in 1 hour, which I thought was pretty good.  Then, we found our bus and it took almost 2 hours to get to the hotel.  We had lots of stops and then he stopped the bus and turned off the engine at one point, for some reason we don't know.  You literally go 1 foot, 1 minute, sometimes in Seoul.  Traffic is unlike anything I've ever seen.  I haven't seen New York, but honestly, if I wasn't too tired to have taken a picture outside of our bus I don't think it would even compare.  Still waiting for a bus to hit a bus as close together as they drive.  Welcoming the subway!

The trip here was pretty noneventful, thankfully.  We got to our first airport and there was some sort of issue with Chase's name, of all my kids, on the ticket, so we couldn't do the kiosk and had to wait in the really long line with 1st class tickets constantly bumping in front of you. Then, some poor guy got booted off a United flight and found an American flight, but needed to catch it almost an hour before we had ours and we were cutting it close, so we let him in front of us.  He looked stressed!  By the time we got to our gate (thank God I was so prepared the ticket agent loved us) we loaded within 10 to 15 minutes.  Jaemin loved flying above the clouds and Cole and Chase kept watching out the window taking in their first flight experience.  We got to Chicago with plenty of time to spare, but left a little late because a little storm decided to stroll through....yes, our luggage took on water.  I don't know if it was in transit or in the belly of our Korean Air flight.  All I know is that when we unpacked some of our gifts were wet (not damp) our luggage was wet on the outside and my white shirt had a water mark I'm praying isn't stained because it's my favorite.  I rinsed it and hung it up to dry.  As an aside, the only thing we've noticed I forgot to pack is Brian's socks.  Ooops!  We were arguing about what kind and I guess I never revisited, so he's wearing Chase's since I packed the big boys plenty.  The flight to Seoul was LONG, but Korean Air always keeps things comfortable.  Cole even made a comment as soon as we loaded how much nicer the plane was.  Brian's only complaint was they're feeding you and giving your drinks so often it's hard to sleep.  I can't even count how many drinks and food they offered.  We had at least 2 snacks and several drinks, including wine and beer at no extra charge!  The kids, and this is cool, got little welcome packs.  They even gave one to Chase, isn't that sweet?  :)  They got stickers and colored pencils and little magnadoodles.  Awesome because I forgot to buy one. They had, probably, 15-20 movies to watch, series, etc.  No one wanted for anything and I got probably 4 movies watched...of course dozed here and there through them.  One of the attendants just loved Chelsi and made sure to tell her goodbye. Jaemin's personality will be back soon, but he did VERY well.  He loved the first plane ride and was so amazed at flying that he just sat their and had a perpetual smile on his face for the 40 minute flight.  He did pretty well playing the iPod most of the time on the long flight and watched Cinderella.  Thank goodness for USB ports on this flight.  The little extra we spent to fly Korean Air was SO worth it and there's not a person out of the 7 of us who won't agree.  Jaemin slept the last 3 hours of the flight, as did Cole.  Cole was really comfortable.  Window seats are the best on this flight because there's so much space and then you have the bonus of leaning your head to go to sleep.  Chase had the other window seat and finally took melatonin to sleep the last few hours.  He rarely sleeps while traveling; just has trouble.

The hotel is just as nice as the last trip, 4 years ago.  We have a 2 bedroom at Fraser Place Central.  Ours has a king...awesome!  We have a queen at home, so this is nice.  The girls have a queen in their room.  Chase is sleeping on a pull away in the living room, but it's not an American hotel pull away. It's like a full on twin bed pull away, not a cheap, nasty mattress.  Jaemin and Cole slept on the pull out couch.  They all fell asleep with no problems, but it's only 5 am here now and I don't know how they all slept.  I'm hoping they're sleeping well.  We'll see when I venture out of the bedroom.  Jaemin is beside me playing angry birds so Cole can sleep some more.  There's enough room for all of us.  Of course, we had to go get more towels last night, but that's typical anywhere we go.  We have gifts unpacked and bagged and today we're going to venture out a bit.  Tomorrow's an easy day.  The girls and I are going to check out Hello Kitty Cafe, maybe a market place and I just bought show tickets to Nanta for tomorrow night.  Have to see a show, right?  It's like being in NYC and not going to a show.

Will post the few pics I took after the kids get up and I can get to my camera.

AND here are the pictures.

Jaemin playing iPod, waiting in Chicago.....and the rest of the family.

He was excited to see how big our plane was.
Not too long into the flight.

The ground from the camera on the plane....probably closer to the arctic.
Last leg....everyone's tired.

Monday, May 20, 2013

just two more sleeps

and we leave for Seoul!

I have also set up a blog for the kids.  Don't know if or when they'll actually post, but it's a free place for them to diary the trip.

See ya soon!!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

no words....except we did have to add just one more bag

School's Out!

We survived another year with 4 in school.  They all had good grades, some B honor roll and some A.  The elementary still gives awards by class, so Kaelin got one for completing the Presidential Fitness test and Chelsi got Top Reader and Top Musician in her class.

Good job girls!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Big Changes

I shouldn't really say changes, but they are, but maybe they are more adjustments....for me.  Cole got his license.  He's a pretty good driver, but it still scares me because he's an impulsive teenager and there's a million really bad drivers out there driving with him.  I'm happy for him.  I know this is a sign he's growing up.  I just pray God is with him all the time.  Hopefully his St. Christopher medal protects him as he's out there.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Chase is 13

Brought this guy home on Mother's Day 13 years ago. He's a blessing too.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Good Choice

I'm so glad that since we've had 7 years of saving, we've also had 7 years of planning our Korea trip.  Needless to say there is A LOT of planning for a family of 7 to leave for 2 weeks.  I've had so many lists going for the last several months.  I have to-do lists, packing lists, itinerary, lists of maps in Seoul, etc.  I've spent the last few weekends working hard around the house every single weekend, of course, that also means every one else in the house has been working hard too.  We got all of the flowers in, the garage cleaned up (that wasn't planned until the septic backed up), windows are washed, Spring cleaning is done.  I knew May would be terribly busy and I didn't want to stress any of us out anymore than we'd already be getting ready to go and getting ready for school to be out.  So this weekend, I cleaned the windows one last time, so much pollen on the outside, and am just sitting back to enjoy.  I've printed my coupons for my last shopping trip before we leave.  Chase had his birthday party last night and is enjoying spending the day fishing with his brother, dad and his friend for his birthday.  Mother's Day I'll spend doing my monthly shopping and finishing laundry up.  I spent some time earlier in the week to do the meal planning for the next week and 1/2 so we don't end up with an abundance of left overs or perishables.  I have one last grocery list; no perishables allowed.  So far, very relaxing!

Next week will be very busy, but we knew that.  I have the 5K for a fundraiser for our neighbor's grandson, a local celebration will be the rest of the day, possibly dependent on weather.  Then, Sunday is set to clean the house one last time and set all of the suitcases out and realistically pack everything.  Monday, the boys have their sports physicals and of course I have to work.  Hopefully, Cole will get his license this week.  That could help a bit, bur Brian has to have time to take off and take him first.  Tuesday I'm taking off early to take the girls for some couponed pedicures for their first time.  Taking the in-laws to dinner for their anniversary (40th) and then packing up the van to leave.

Chelsi is so excited she wants it to be here so bad.  Jaemin wants it to be in 2 days, he says.  I hope it's not a beach incident like Chelsi had.  She was so excited to see the beach for the first time, got knocked over by a wave and that was the end of all excitement and beach going for the week.  Hopefully, Jaein's experience will be as awesome as Chelsi's was 4 years ago.  Afterall, this is the only time the 7 of us will be able to do this together.....or probably every again for any of us since it's SO expensive and took so long to save for.  So worth it.....I hope!