Thursday, December 5, 2013

It's that time of year

Nothing to report. Nothing special.  Just trying to keep up with everything.  I'm almost done Christmas shopping.  Just a couple of odds and ends.  All of the things I have already are wrapped and under the tree.....driving the littler one nuts.  I took the advice of a coworker and labeled the kids' gifts from their great-grandma and their grandpa, but the ones from us are numbered with a random number so they don't know which ones are theirs and won't be able to figure out what they're getting by shaking or size. 

I can't wait for Christmas.  I can't wait for Jaemin to see the scooter he's been dying for.  I just hope it's tall enough for him. I hope Chelsi isn't disappointed.  She wanted a $150 Barbie dreamhouse.  That's just not in the budget.  She also wanted a Flutterbye Fairy, but when I saw how bad the ratings were I didn't want mom to spend $30 just to throw it away.  So, I found her a Disney Flynn dolls since she's never had a Ken and go her a Rapunzel, Tiana and Merida dolls from her grandmas.  I think she'll love them.

I spend my time running kids to school, going to work and then trying to pick up ordered items or bring them back after work.  The latter seems to occur fairly often.  I've been trying to find a pair of khaki's for the big boys for months now.  Neither has dress clothes and they're both so tall and thin they can ONLY be ordered and I have yet to get a true size that will fit.  I've now splurged and ordered from Gap hoping they'll be accurate.  They are the only ones I've found to actually make the dress pants in a 29x30 and 31x34, which are still slightly big in the waist for them, but at least they can grow then.

Things are picking back up now that wrestling is officially starting this weekend.  Cole's been kinda bummed because he wrestled off for 142, but lost by 2 points.  I thought that was pretty good.  The kid is 2 years younger, but has been wrestling kids club for years, his dad is the coach and they sent him to an expensive camp over the summer.  Cole's only wrestled for 2 years, is long and thin (which is not optimal in wrestling unless you really find a way to use it to an advantage) and has a heart condition.  But, then he found out the 145 can't wrestle this weekend for Varsity, so for the week he's Varsity.  He was pretty darn happy, but is afraid he'll lose.  I told him it doesn't matter, just hope....always have hope.  Then, next week he can wrestle off for the Varsity 142 again.  Yes. he's 6'1" and about 139 pounds.  SKINNY! 

It's been getting quieter and quieter.  With Cole wrestling and working he's rarely home.  He gets home anywhere between 5:30 and 6:30 from practice and then some nights has to leave for work around 6:30.  Some nights he has to wrestle and then a couple he's home.  Then, every Saturday he has a tournament out of town and works on Sundays.  I hope he can fit his homework in.  He needs really good grades.  Chase decided he wanted to go watch his friends play basketball, so he went to school for a bit and it was just us and the 3 little ones.  Chelsi and I started the "Sound of Music", but it's too long to finish before her bedtime.  I'm realizing how quiet it is now and how much I hate them growing up and moving on, but like it all at the same time.  I won't be an empty nester that needs kids around all the time.  I think it's just that I'm still adjusting to this change.  And it's not that I need kids around as much as I just need these kids around. 

If they only knew all the things we go through as parents for them.  How much we love them.  How much we try to protect them while letting them live and learn.  It's so hard to balance that, but so delicately needs to be balanced in order for them to grow.  If only there were manuals for each very individual child.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Christmas Tradition

Our tradition, since the year Kaelin came home, is to dress in pjs and take a picture in front of the tree for our Christmas cards.  Only one year did we use a different photo instead and I kind of regret it.  It's kind of fun to look through these pictures and see how the kids have changed.  Meanwhile, I was trying to test my flash and Chase was nice (weird) enough to sit in front of the tree for me....then he pulled Jaemin in too.

But, first this is the kind of boy Jaemin is growing into; a corny, funny, little guy with a sense of humor.  Much like Chase....goofy!

Then, we took the real pictures.  This picture won the prize for landing on our card.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Another one of those spurts where

it's so busy I can't just take one single second to blog.  It was one of those weeks (maybe it's been 2 since I last blogged?) where I was doing good to get to and from work, home and get everything done at home that needed to be done.  It was probably mostly because hubby had to work 2 hours away 3 of the 5 days.  I was off Monday for Veteran's Day and got some advanced meals made and the kids in for their flu shots.  At least everyone but Cole.  He had wrestling, so he'll have to figure out a time to do it.  I was even a good girl and got a flu shot and pneumococcal.   The doctor said I can't keep getting pneumonia every year, so I'm trying it.

It just seems there's been so much to do.  Football's over and Cole can take himself to and from wrestling, but it just hasn't let us with homework etc.  I still find myself trying to teach Chase algebra from time-to-time.  He just doesn't get what his teacher says or at least not the way she says it.  I've been trying to shop for a laptop too.  The desktop hit it's last leg, but what do you expect at about 7 or 8 years old.  I was tired of trying to put more parts into it.  I'm donating what parts work to my mother-in-law's daycare.  They don't care if the internet doesn't work so great anymore, they just want to play games.  But, laptop shopping is so daunting and horribly painful.  We still have my old 7 year old laptop.  It works okay.  Better than the desktop, so it's our new desktop even if we have to duct tape the plug into the laptop so it doesn't lose power.  Battery's been dead for a long time you know.  My 2 year laptop just got a new battery.  Can't say enough for Anker's $35 batteries on Amazon.  The kids will be getting that one for home work use.  They really need something dependable at their ages.  With 1 in high school (and 1 to be) and 2 in middle school and 1 in a gift class there are nights when all computers are in use.  With this many kids you do have to have multiple.  Cole has his from Make-a-Wish thankfully, but after only 6 months the Toshiba decided to crash.  I restored it and we'll see how it holds up.  Thankfully, I'm pretty techy and can fix some things.  I finally found a little HP at Staples for $499.  I hate to spend a few hundred dollars, but the kids needed my laptop to work on and I need mine and sometimes even they borrow mine.

Then, I, unhappily, found out that Windows 8 doesn't take my Microsoft Office 2000 that we've been living on.  It's just SO expensive to buy a newer version.  Especially enough for all of our household users.  I talked to the guy at Staples and he said since I'm a government employee I should check if there are discounts and sure enough.  I got it for $23.  I live by my budgetary spreadsheets for our household.  I can't go without Excel. It's the only way this family survives. 

I am VERY happy with my HP so far.  I first ordered an Asus because they're supposed to be really good, but when Walmart got it I hooked it up and the spacebar didn't work right.  I couldn't deal with it and got this one for about $80 less!!  Huge money in this house.

Chase has been a very unhappy boy. The iPod he got for Christmas last year stopped holding a charge very well.  I called Apple and it was in warranty for 10 more days, so it's been replaced and should be redelivered tomorrow.  He's not happy that he was to reload everything, but what's your choice?  An iPod that doesn't work well or fix this one.  Uhhhhh?

This week Cole only has to work 2 days so he'll be home more....which is good and bad.  We had a great (our annual date) dinner with our co-November anniversary friends Friday which was great as usual.  This week Cole has his last orthodontic appointment and I have my physical.  Yuck.  I have to fast.  A little worried about my glucose test, but need to know.

I've started Christmas shopping!  Deep breath.  It's so stressful sometimes.  I gets lists from the 5 kids and divvy them out to their Godparents, grandparents or anyone who wants something.  I know about what most of their budgets are and this helps to make sure the kids get pretty much everything on their lists.  They're so lucky to have so many people that care about them and love them.  Of course, it helps that kids are so down to Earth.  Their lists are so great.  So many kids ask for these pie in the sky kind of gifts.  Mine ask for normal, everyday, things.  Chelsi is still slightly pie in the sky at 8 with her Barbie Dream House gift (not going to happen, it's WAY over budget).  But the other kids are almost hard to even get a list from.

Here are examples of the kind of lists I get:
Cole - speakers for his iPod, bore sight, charger cord, tshirt and Bass Pro gift cards
Chase - slingshot, replacement bands, dremel tool (for his carvings), woodburner (for his lure carvings), balsa wood, charger cord
Kaelin - bike, snow boots, charger, shoes, headbands, Mario Cart for Wii
Chelsi - dream house, webkinz, sled, headphones, flutterby fairy, stompeez
Jaemin - scooter

Jaemin's been difficult to convey the idea of a list.  He doesn't quite understand he can talk about things he wants.....he's kinda simple too. Scooter finally came out, so I will definitely find a way to get him a preschool scooter.  I made his additional list of legos and Monsters University DVD.  He loves Pororo, so I found a little Pororo table with a drawer that he can use to color in the living room.  He'll really like it.

The kids can make me so mad at them sometimes, but they're common, everyday kids that don't expect anything to be just given to them.  They're not entitlement kids that feel their entitled to anything except what they work for.  I love how tight Chase and Kaelin are with their money.  How careful they make every decision.  I see Cole getting to be more careful, but he's not quite so much.  I love that when I get something in my monthly shopping as simple as new socks they are thankful.  They know that every $10 can throw us off our budget some months.  They know we struggle to get something in savings and that that's why we're tight with our money.  We don't want to just spend it because it's there.  You never know when you'll need it.  They know were' saving all of our health savings money (I have it maxed out) to pay for Cole's $6,000 surgery.  I don't want that stress hanging over my head as I sit with him in the hospital.  I want to know we'll be able to pay for it without stressing.  Medical has become such a topic in this house with orthotics for Chase, prosthetics for Brian, Cole's annual cardiology, paying dental and vision totally out of pocket, let alone that looming surgery for Cole. Thankfully, we have insurance.  His surgery allowance alone will be $80,000 plus then we have to meet our $6,000 out of pocket max.  That's life.  It could be worse!  I just try to carefully set up appointments and get orthotics when deductibles are met so that maybe if by some stroke of luck we ever don't meet our deductible (doubtful) we will only have to pay $90 versus $500 for the prosthetics or orthotics.  Or keep Cole's cardiology fluxing between December and January so that if we meet our deductible with unexpected emergencies like we did this year I can move it to December so I only have to pay 20% instead of $1500.  It's a lot of careful scrutiny to decide how to work it so you can eventually save something.  I'm no where close right now.  We've emptied out my maxed out HSA every year since we've started.  I hope to pay ourselves back for Cole's braces early next year then I can focus on saving for his heart surgery.  That will cost a whole lot more than his braces did though, so I don't know how we'll pull that off.  We'll need a year or two of not meeting the deductible in order to do that.

I can hope.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013

Jaemin had a blast. He is definitely starting to remember things.  We went to a couple of trunk-or-treats at church and he said he wanted to go home and ride in the wagon.  He remembered that Chase pulls him in the wagon every year through the neighborhood to trick or treat.  Chelsi decided to wear the same dress she wore last year.  The girl that I bought the dress from, found the crown after Halloween last year.  Since Chelsi made it a witch costume last year she wanted to be a princess this year.  I was stumped on Jaemin.  He wanted to be a Ninja Turtle when he saw the costume Monday while we were waiting for his medicine, but it was $25.  I had put off figuring out what to do for Jaemin's costume thinking I had all this time, but then he got sick and I ran out of time.  When we were at the grocery store (when he was sick) Jaemin picked out the Batman mask.  So I bought a $1 box of black trash bags, found some leftover felt, velcro, Kaelin's leggings and with Chase's artistic ability we made Jaemin into Batman.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Good riddens

to a bad.....horrible....week!

We had some issues going on, then little man came home sick Tuesday.  He's still sick today.  We actually had a break though.  Friday was fine.  Jaemin felt fine.  Kaelin and I went to a vision check Saturday and grocery shopping.  Found out her astigmatism changed, so she needs new glasses and mine did too.  My vision is much worse in my left eye now.  He said it was a quite a change from the last two visits, so good thing I'm getting my physical soon to check my glucose.  He asked if I was diabetic, but I do worry just a little since it's on both sides.  Kaelin and decided to get some paint while we shopped.  We got some white for the laundry room, violet for my bathroom and some kind bluish greenish color for the kitchen.  It's been 10+ years since we painted that navy in the kitchen .  I'm so ready for something new.

When we got home and unloaded the groceries then started in our painting since Brian had the laundry room taped off and ready to go.  About 1/2 way into the two room project (we worked on the laundry and bath at the same time), Jaemin started crying.  He doesn't cry often.  He said his arms, hurt, his throat hurt, etc.  I gave him a warm bath thinking he would feel better, but then he got kinda lethargic.  I dressed him and took him to bed and put my laptop in there with a movie, but then he started grabbing the back of his head and crying.  He had a temp by then too.  I gave him some motrin, but he just kept crying.  He slept for just a bit and then was suddenly fine.  Since he'd had a fever earlier in the week and threw up, I thought he may have strep since he now had the sore throat.  We had a bottle of azythromycin for him from the trip to Korea.  I put the liquid in and mixed it up and gave it to him.  A few hours later he perked up.  He still couldn't swallow very well so he wouldn't eat, but we got him to drink and eat an ice pop.  We gave him more motrin and I took him to bed with me.  He moaned a lot and then woke up about 12:30am crying in pain again.  This time he wouldn't swallow the motrin.  He just spit it out and cried.  I took him to the ER and luckily they took him right back since he wasn't communicating and were only there for a couple of hours.  They got some tylenol down him, juice and an ice pop.  The strep was negative, but it could have been the antibiotic.  They sent us home and told us to keep a close eye on him and if he wasn't feeling pretty darn good by Monday he needs blood tests.  He doesn't have any of the big symptoms, but they do want to rule out Kawasaki even though it's rare.  Tonight, he's doing slightly better.  His fever's not coming back anymore, but we're also keeping him on tylenol and motrin because his neck was still hurting tonight....which makes you worry about meningitis.  We'll see how tonight goes and how he seems in the morning.  Brian's going to stay home to paint the kitchen, but I may stay with Jaemin too.  We'll see how he does tonight and feels tomorrow.  I feel so bad for him.

I'm not feeling terrific now myself.  Pretty sure I have a sinus infection and it's massive.  I felt fine until after the vision check.  He did some extra tests with me because of the significant changes and it left me with a headache that hasn't gone away.

Hoping this week is a whole LOT better.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

2013 Pics

We finally got the kids out so I could take pictures.  I always have loftier ideas than how they turn out, but with 5, you take what you get. These are my favorites of them all. 


Tribute to Duck Dynasty (Robertson Clan)

Yes, the family are big fans.  Love this family.  Hope my kids are as close when they grow up.

Over the past year or so, the kids have acquired a Ducky Dynasty shirt each.  We thought since there was actually a commonality in their wardrobe, we'd incorporate it into the portraits I took today.