Sunday, October 27, 2013

Good riddens

to a bad.....horrible....week!

We had some issues going on, then little man came home sick Tuesday.  He's still sick today.  We actually had a break though.  Friday was fine.  Jaemin felt fine.  Kaelin and I went to a vision check Saturday and grocery shopping.  Found out her astigmatism changed, so she needs new glasses and mine did too.  My vision is much worse in my left eye now.  He said it was a quite a change from the last two visits, so good thing I'm getting my physical soon to check my glucose.  He asked if I was diabetic, but I do worry just a little since it's on both sides.  Kaelin and decided to get some paint while we shopped.  We got some white for the laundry room, violet for my bathroom and some kind bluish greenish color for the kitchen.  It's been 10+ years since we painted that navy in the kitchen .  I'm so ready for something new.

When we got home and unloaded the groceries then started in our painting since Brian had the laundry room taped off and ready to go.  About 1/2 way into the two room project (we worked on the laundry and bath at the same time), Jaemin started crying.  He doesn't cry often.  He said his arms, hurt, his throat hurt, etc.  I gave him a warm bath thinking he would feel better, but then he got kinda lethargic.  I dressed him and took him to bed and put my laptop in there with a movie, but then he started grabbing the back of his head and crying.  He had a temp by then too.  I gave him some motrin, but he just kept crying.  He slept for just a bit and then was suddenly fine.  Since he'd had a fever earlier in the week and threw up, I thought he may have strep since he now had the sore throat.  We had a bottle of azythromycin for him from the trip to Korea.  I put the liquid in and mixed it up and gave it to him.  A few hours later he perked up.  He still couldn't swallow very well so he wouldn't eat, but we got him to drink and eat an ice pop.  We gave him more motrin and I took him to bed with me.  He moaned a lot and then woke up about 12:30am crying in pain again.  This time he wouldn't swallow the motrin.  He just spit it out and cried.  I took him to the ER and luckily they took him right back since he wasn't communicating and were only there for a couple of hours.  They got some tylenol down him, juice and an ice pop.  The strep was negative, but it could have been the antibiotic.  They sent us home and told us to keep a close eye on him and if he wasn't feeling pretty darn good by Monday he needs blood tests.  He doesn't have any of the big symptoms, but they do want to rule out Kawasaki even though it's rare.  Tonight, he's doing slightly better.  His fever's not coming back anymore, but we're also keeping him on tylenol and motrin because his neck was still hurting tonight....which makes you worry about meningitis.  We'll see how tonight goes and how he seems in the morning.  Brian's going to stay home to paint the kitchen, but I may stay with Jaemin too.  We'll see how he does tonight and feels tomorrow.  I feel so bad for him.

I'm not feeling terrific now myself.  Pretty sure I have a sinus infection and it's massive.  I felt fine until after the vision check.  He did some extra tests with me because of the significant changes and it left me with a headache that hasn't gone away.

Hoping this week is a whole LOT better.

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