Sunday, June 3, 2007

Amazing baby

Total mom brag right here.  Get your mom brag!I know it helps to have 3 older siblings who talk non-stop, but Chelsi just turned 20 months and talks unbelievably well! Even her daycare providers can't believe how much she talks and how well. Our oldest was an unbelievable talker (still is) and I think she beats him out. 

She says pretty much anything she wants. The other day she told Brian, clear as day "I want candy". She knows where the old Easter candy is and thought she should have some. 

She's really great at saying "hey, stop". Daddy has been trying to teach her to say "stop please". So Cole was bugging her after church this morning and she said "stop pease Co". Her newest word is 'granpa'. She calls my mom and my stepdad that. No distinguishing between the two, they're both 'granpa'. So everyday since Memorial Day (when they spent the day with us she talks about nothing but 'granpa'. Friday the girls needed to be picked up early from daycare so my stepdad did this for us since he had the boys anyways and Chelsi knew he was coming for her. All we heard when we asked if she was going to Pam's was "I want granpa now". "Now" is another favorite word.

And do not say a number between 1 and 5. She loves to count, so if you say a number she begins to count from that point. She can only count to 5, but she thinks it's funny when I keep counting to 10 and then she claps for me when I say 10.

She LOVES to sing too. People who don't know her can't always necessarily tell by the words, but they can by the melody. She can sing at least 5 songs including the alphabet song (the letters kind of run together), the "I love you" song from Barney (and no I don't condone Barney or allow it in my house so it must be at the sitters) and "Twinkle Twinkle".

We get such a kick out of this girl. She so funny and smart. She has one of the best personalities. I never would have thought that when she came home. Heck I never would have thought that for the first 9 months. She's a different kid.

I'm really not trying to brag, but sometimes I'm just in awe. She was a 30 week premie and no one would ever know any way, shape or form.

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