Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What identity?

I'm not really sure just how to title this one.  I was watching "Jon & Kate Plus 8" last night and seeing their girls makes me wonder what our girls will be like even at the young age of 6.  When I see other Asian children with their biological families that look like them, or at least one parent does, I can't help but think and be reminded of how hard it might be for our girls one day when they really realize they don't look like us.  I think they know it to some degree, but they're so young yet, I don't think they've really thought about it.

It doesn't bother us, obviously, but I worry how much it could bother them one day.  I pray we do enough as parents to make our children (all four) feel good in the skin their in and as happy as possible.

I know as parents we'll never do everything right (according to our kids anyways) for all of our children, but we want to and try to try so hard to do what we think is best.  Reading and researching what's best, but when it all comes down it's on your parent instincts.  I just pray God leads us to do be the best parents we can be with our 4 blessings.

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