Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Are you that person?

Are you the person who preaches and tells everyone they can retire early because you did or say things like “take the trip while you’re young and able with your kids” and constantly posting on social media that giving your kids experiences is so important but the only experiences you share are trips to Disney, Hawaii or other big experiences?  Or are you the parent sitting on the other side of that post reading and feeling like a failure because you can’t?

Life sometimes really is luck of the draw. Sometimes it’s hard work and sometimes it’s a combination. But one person can work hard and everything can work out beautifully while another person can work just as hard and nothing ever seems to go or come their way.  And I’ve heard, over my many years on the internet, things like well you could if you would cut out the lattes or getting your nails done.  And that’s true. If you do those things. But guess what preachy people. Not everyone does those kinds of luxury treatments.  Some people are already barebones and still just can’t afford the trip even to Six Flags for their kids let alone flying and staying in hotels somewhere really cool like Disney or Hawaii etc.  

Truly if you can do those things with your kids share away. Post the fun pics of your kids and your family. It’s a great memory for you and your family and you’re a very blessed person. But remember not everyone got your hand dealt. 

If you’re the mom that can’t afford to have the “cool” experiences with your kids and you’ve cut out the extras already and there’s no room to budge, you’re not alone.  Get creative. There are fun things you can do with your kids and they will remember it because you were there having fun with them. Have a carpet picnic with a Redbox movie or streaming movie. Go find a walking trail with them and make little stops along the way for photo ops. Let them play in the leaves or in the snow with their you.  Get sidewalk chalk and draw giant murals or watercolors and paint the sidewalk with them. It doesn’t matter as long as you’re there. Don’t let anyone else tell you that you’re not enough. You are!

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