Wednesday, August 14, 2024

New kid on the block

 Moms, remember sending your kids to college is not sad. It’s a new beginning of independence for them. Let them start adulting before they go and you’ll feel confident in their ability to do what they need and make good decisions. And some of those decisions include calling or texting you for advice. That doesn’t mean they’re not independent. That means they know when they need their home base contact.  

Third kid being dropped off for college and haven’t cried yet. I’m happy for them. Of course, we’ll see her in a few days. I let her make her own mistakes and left the packing to her. She forgot her he rest of her pencils and most importantly she forgot her blankie. lol. She’ll make it to the weekend. 

Pardon the Monica hair. It was straightened and smooth in the morning and then we were caught in a really hard shower there.  My hair immediately frizzed out. 

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