Monday, January 17, 2011


Yep, at almost 2 1/2 Jaemin's finally talking.  I mean on par with his age.  The doctor mentioned something in September, when he turned 2, about looking into therapy if he wasn't a little closer to his age by 2 1/2.  Well, he is finally getting there.  The only multiple word sentences he was putting together was 'Iunt' (aka I want).  Today, I heard him looking for Cole saying "Cole, where are you?".  WOOHOO!!!  I was finally starting to worry and now there's no need.  I was waiting since the doctor said to.  Luckily, he's pretty laid back and doesn't throw everyone into therapy or therapy at everyone unless they really are delayed.  There's a pretty broad spectrum for delay, so I wasn't quite there yet.

I think it had something to do with the illness he had a few weeks ago.  Somehow that ear infection must have been building up for some time and he must have had fluid on his ears.  As soon as his antibiotic started working the words started to flow.  Things he had never said before are just spewing out of his mouth.  It's crazy!  Now, it won't stop.  He'll be talking and going on and on forever.


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Repurpose for my daughter

My oldest daughter's 1st Communion is coming this year.  Now, I'm not a preachy Catholic and don't go crazy over every little step, but do know it's an important acceptance and sacrifice.  She picked out her dress.  It was the one I thought she'd pick out.  Not overly done, but a little different.  It's very pretty and was very inexpensive...shipping and all at $50.  I asked her about her tights and shoes and she decided she wanted the lacy socks with buckle shoes.  I love it.  I love that she doesn't envision it as a way to look older than her age. 

Then, I got out my veil.  The only thing I had left from my wedding day.  I didn't see the purpose of keeping my dress on the 'chance' my possible children would even want any part of it.  I asked her if she wanted to wear the veil I made for my wedding and she didn't, which I expected.  So, I asked her if she wanted me to take it apart and make her own veil for her First Communion.  Kaelin wanted the veil, so we took a layer off, shorted it up for her size and took one of my hair combs and I sewed it on.  Then, we took my flower ring from my old veil and took pieces of it and glued them onto the new haircomb.  We finished it up tonight and mocked up her hair for the day and put the veil on.  She really liked it and it looked great.  Now, I just need to try to find a steamer to steam the wrinkles out. 

After that I asked her for the necklace her uncle B brought her from Italy a couple of years ago; on the intention of her wearing it on that day.  She had lost the ring to the link.  I found an old pendant and fixed it and it's ready for the day.  It's a cross made out of crystals.  I even took the old rosary I was given after my First Communion and tried to fix.  For almost 30 years I've drug the rosary I broke around with me every where.  Back then, I didn't understand enough to know you shouldn't play with it and I tried to wear it like a necklace and broke it.  I've been carrying around the pieces every since.  I think I was afraid of discarding them and the implications attached.   However, after putting it all back together we realized it only had 4 decades.  So did it always have 4 decades and is a Rosary for the Dead or did I love an entire decade?  I can't imagine losing the one since I had one bead all by itself and kept it this whole time.  I may never know, but I'll have to check with my mom where I got it from, because I don't really remember.


Friday, January 14, 2011

Youn-su 윤수

If you are still out there, I just sent your mother a picture magnet for her refridgerator.  I took Jaemin's pictures in September and I thought she might like to put it there where she can always see him.  I hope the agency gets it to you soon.

Miss you all.


Snow Fun 2011

The big kids have pretty much gone out every evening after school to play in the snow.  Chelsi went out once and only last about 10 minutes before she was too cold to stand it.  Since it's Friday I decided we had time to have a later supper and asked Jaemin if he wanted to play outside.  He couldn't wait.  So we got on his snow suit and took him out.  He did NOT want to come in!  He threw snowballs with the big kids and fell in the snow piles left.  He laughed every time he fell or saw a snowball hit someone or something.  We had to make him come in finally and even with gloves his hands were COLD!

Chase wanted one with him and each dog.
Jaemin's on a mission.
Who's he going to hit next?
Jaemin had to find out that when you hit a tree, they hit back.
Jae and CoCo.
Lovin' the snow!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sad Reality

Chelsi and I were just sitting here watching tv when she told me that her friend A was going to Disney.  I knew this already, but didn't want to tell her because I knew I'd have to explain.  I asked if she was upset because she's been BEGGING for Disney for awhile.  She REALLY wants to see the princesses.   REALLY REALLY REALLY.

She understood enough not to be mad, but she was sad.  I told her I already knew, but that we couldn't go because her dad can't handle that level of walking.  And if you want to enjoy the parks you're going to have to walk.  I know he could rent a wheelchair, but there's NO way he'd do that.  He just wouldn't go.  I never even broached the topic with Brian because there was no need to make him feel bad for Chelsi not being able to go.  She asked why he couldn't walk and I told her the accident affected his legs.  She asked me what accident?  I asked if she remembered Brian's accident.  I mean she was only 2 1/2.....literally 1/2 her age.  She said mean when he broke his neck.  She didn't quite understand that a broken neck would affect legs.  Not to mention how bad the nerve pain is for him and walking does NOT help that at all.

I hate this reality.  I don't hate that we can't go to Disney, but I hate that we have to rethink what we do or want to do because of what happened......oh my gosh....3 years ago tomorrow!  Don't get me wrong.  I'm completely thankful for it is instead of what it could be.  It's just the sad reality of it all sometimes.  And then when I really think about it I feel bad for forgetting to recognize Brian's ability to not whine, not say a word and get through HIS reality every single day and do construction work while he tired and his feet are burning.  I don't think you will ever see too many people like him.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The day of gadgets

You know I honestly miss the days of not so many gadgets.  Especially the communication kind.  Like so many others on the internet have said we've forgotten how to communicate thanks to the internet avenues like Facebook or texting. 

My boys got Ipod Touches for Christmas.  I loaded some freebie apps on them, but that was it.  Well, neighbor boy who has little to no rules and free reign over anything he want had all kinds of apps and proceeds to load them onto my boys'.  The boys just handed them over.  He's 10 like Chase.  So not very old to have free reign, and not responsible enough for it either.  He put a texting app on.  I only found out because Cole answered the phone and the answering machine picked up with H saying to text him.  So I questioned him, naturally.  I let it go so I could think about it a bit.  I decided that while I wanted to trust the boys I needed to see what they were doing with their texting ability along with seeing what other apps were loaded.

That ended up being the only app I had an issue with.  Chase hates these fangled ways of communication so he hadn't used it.  Cole, on the other hand, had quite a few text conversations.  One was with one of Chase's other 10 yo friends who used cuss words most adults would be offended by.  Granted Chase isn't close friends with him...thank goodness.  But, I was appalled.  Of course, Brian tells me that he guesses most boys this age talk like that.  This is being heard by me, a girl who didn't say her first cuss word until well into teenage years and I remember apologizing to God for it.  Cole was never mean mean and never used foul language, but H had given Cole his girlfriend's (yes girlfriend, eye roll) cell number so he could text her, pretend he was someone else and bug her.  It worked.  She was perturbed.  He wasn't rude or hateful; just annoying.  Really annoying. 

So, after all that I deleted the app and told them that if H ever downloaded on their Touches again without me seeing what it was they would be taken away.  I then called H and told him (very nicely) that he needed to do me a favor and not do that anymore since it's my house rules or he couldn't come to my house anymore.  He actually respects me and listens pretty good to me once I talk to him.  At home he seems to have no rules, so he does whatever. 

I'm waiting for the day that the 14 year old (almost) matures enough for me to EVER trust him with a cell.  He needs to learn now he can't use texting to aggravate anyone.  It could get you into a world of hurt you do not want to enter.  I'm PRAYING lesson learned.

Monday, January 10, 2011

How wonderful it was

to drop off a check in the mail for our condo today.  It was snowing pretty good out and I was on my way to drop off a check so we could go on a vacation with some friends this summer.  I can hardly wait!  I'm as excited as the kids.  I'd love to do one of those things where it's this big secret until then, but I can't do that.  I can't stand it myself.

So, I confess I'm a bit nervous.  This is our first vacation since having kids (yeah 5 in 13 years) that we've done a vacation without my family (mom, stepdad, sister and brother-in-law).  The couple we've been able to take in these years has been us tagging along with my mom and stepdad to their timeshare.  While it has always been a great time and oddly enough I love being a small 2 bedroom condo with all of us together, but since we always had kids and so many I did feel a little bad. 

I've spent the last week emailing around trying to get estimates on the cost to go there, etc.  I was SO happy when we got an email and it was only $1500 for the entire week...and then we get to split it with some friends.  We weren't really planning to spend any money on a vacation before our big Korea trip in a couple of years.  Especially, since that will exhaust pretty much whatever we have by then, but with Cole's heart surgery in the next couple of years we decided we needed a vacation before all of the unknowns of when and how long set in.  Plus, honestly, I don't think he had too much fun on vacation a few years ago when we tagged along to FL with the parents.  I can understand though.  Who would want to be 11, go to FL and just have had an appendectomy and told you can't swim.  Though we did break the rules the last day.  I couldn't take it and we put on a massive waterproof bandage.  And then you've got the whole Chelsi had her febrile seizure on the same trip and spent the night in the ER in Orlando and STILL had a 90 minute drive back to the condo.

EEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm just so excited!!!