Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sports and Grades (kids stuff)

We've struggled, somewhat, with grades for Cole for awhile.  I know most parents are completely thrilled with B averages, but he's SO very capable of more.  We're now about midway through the 3rd quarter of this year and his grades have vastly improved.  Each quarter has gotten better.  1st quarter consisted of mostly B's and the rest A's.  Then 2nd quarter was about split A's and B's.  This quarter, so far of course, is 1 B (an 88 though) and the rest A's.  SO GOOD!  Chase got a  nasty little 89 the first quarter and it threw him onto the B honor roll the first quarter.  He was VERY disappointed when he found out he would get the money.  Then the 2nd quarter was all A's with an A average for the semester too.  We've always tried really hard to encourage the kids and we've always paid Cole a little for his good grades (B's and better), but with Chase in the mix this year and sports to play we upped the anty a little.  They agreed with our new policy and wanted it over the prior policy for grade pay.  Prior to this, we paid $1/A and $.50/B and nothing lower.  If you got straight A's you got $20 for the quarter.  This year we informed Cole that since he wanted to play basketball and it coincides with the school year, unlike summer baseball, he had to have an 83% or higher in order for us to let him stay on the team.  He agreed and has worked very hard to keep this.  That combined with our new pay policy seems to have encouraged him.  I hope he stays that way.  We're now only paying for straight A's.  They get $40/semester for straight A's and if they keep them the entire year they get an extra $100.  They can spend half.  This has really been enticing for them and Chase managed it, so he's really aiming for the year now. 

We figured parents buy their kids stuff when they go to Walmart all the time or pay allowances and what not.  What's a better investment than working hard for good grades and getting money for your accomplishment.  No better way to spend money, in our minds.  Then they have to save too.  The portion they can spend we help them talk over how to spend and the best way to do so.  It teaches them to be a little frugal and wait for things they really want, but don't have the money for. 

Now, they're also learning to allocate their time wisely.  We've told them before we don't expect to be able to let them play more than 2 sports.  Having 4 kids means a sacrifice of time to go to the games/events and we want to be there for them all, as parents.  Not to mention how expensive it could get.  Cole has decided to let baseball go.  He does not want to play this Spring and we're behind him.  If he should decide, next year, that he missed it and wants to sign up again, that's fine too.  He may find other intestests...who knows.  He seemed to really like playing basketball, so we told him to put his energy into it and get better at that activity.  Chase still wants to do it all.  But, he's slimmed his two down to baseball and eventually football.  Yeah, not his mother's pick, but....  Kaelin is all about soccer still.  She seems to have no interest in anything else and she's pretty darn good at it.  She's got some natural athletic ability like Chase....even as ackwardly as she walks sometimes.  Get that girl out there to play soccer and she's a different person.  Who knows about Chelsi yet.  She says she wants to cheer like momma, but I think she'll try a year at soccer this fall to see if she likes it.  Wow...I hadn't thought about that 'til now.  My baby's old enough to play soccer.  Good Lord, where has the time gone with my baby? 


Superbowl Sunday...Sunday....Sunday

Did you hear the echoe?  I'm REALLY not into football.  I don't hate it, just can take it or leave it.  Now if there were in-person tickets...yeah.  Every sport is greater in-person.  Maybe with the exception of golf and bowling.  :)

Anyways, the feast is going.  We don't usually get together and have a party.  It's really not like that.  Brian has a couple of good friends who like football, so they usually come over, not always, and watch the game.  We make snacks no matter what.  The boys like watching the games with snacks.  So, Cole and I made a chocolate cheesecake and deer/pork bulgogi this morning.  Tonight we'll make a chili/cream cheese dip and Brian is making  a pot of chili.  We've tasted the bulgogi already (a traditional Korean dish) and the okay, not my favorite, but the pork tastes yummy and just like the restaurant.   Here's the recipe -  We'll be making some sticky rice tonight to go with the bulgogi...definitely the kids' favorite.

Can't wait for time to eat...who cares about game time.  :)

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Happy Sol Nal!  We were able to get together with a few other families this year to celebrate.  We were supposed to try last year, but... 

We had a great time with everyone.  The kids really had a good time since they were able to run around in the room we had reserved.  We truly never get to see everyone often enough.

My girls.


The group.

Chelsi and Cale

Saturday, January 17, 2009 careful

Double Minutes for Life

That's a laugh and a half!  It's not for life.  There's no fine print either.  I have my receipt and it says "Double Minutes for Life"...not life of the phone.  But, if you call their customer service they'll inform you that you should just know this.  The phone number and minutes transfer when you upgrade your phone, but not this plan that costs an additional $50.  Wrote the Attorney General's office on this.  It's out and out fraudulent practices.  I really hope they get on them like they usually do everyone else.  That's one thing our state's AG's office does do well.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's been one year tonight

I got the call that Brian had fallen playing basketball...almost at this exact time.  I was told to come to the gym, but not to be too worried.  Luckily, Jay's pretty calming.  :)  So I drug four kids with me to the gym where Jay sat with them in the van while I went inside.  I remember so well our friend Kevin saying he thought it was just a stinger like in football and he'd start moving soon.  Then the paramedics arrived and within minutes said he had to be flown to the hospital.  That started the tears.  I was terrified.  Lifeflight is never good. 

We spent the rest of the night filling out paperwork and waiting for MRI's and xrays to come back.  I remember an orthopaed coming in and explaining a bit of what he thought, but I had to wait 'til the next day for the official word.  I distinctly remember my dad and Nancy taking me to his house at 11:00 pm after visiting hours were over and crying so hard when he pulled into his garage.  I had family with me and everyone was still in my life, but I'd never felt so alone that night.  I had no husband and no children.  I think in the first 3 months of his accident I'd never gone through such a vast range of emotions in my entire life.  That was harder on me than anything.  I don't think our bodies are really set up for that.

In a way, with it being the one year anniversary I feel this weight lifted.  Like our bad year is officially over because of that.  Sounds silly, I know, but after his accident everything seemed to keep happening and adding to the stress.  I'm glad we're one year post now.  He's doing great for a year post.  It could be so much worse and we're all here.

Just can't believe it's been a year.


Monday, January 12, 2009

UCK! More shots!

You'd think I'd be done.  You'd think I'd be cured.   Nope....apparently not.

Slowly, over time, my allergies have gotten to be too much for my body to handle.  I think it might actually be worse than what it was before.  I finally couldn't take having so much trouble breathing anymore, so I went to the ENT.  He gave me 3 weeks of Levaquin for the infection and asked that I get allergy tested again.  Almost 15 years ago he did my first sinus surgery and told me to get allergy tested to help with that.  I got tested with someone else since back then he didn't do that part.  I had shots for 8 years and they told me I was as good as it was going to get, so I was done.

The last couple of years or so I've been getting sinus infections that eventually turn into pneumonia or, if I'm lucky, bronchitis.  Just in the fall.  This Winter has been hard for me to breath, so I went to him because that's not normal for me.  This is usually my reprieve, mild Winter or not.  So today, they informed me I need MORE shots....every five days!  How in the heck do you make time for that.  Once I'm done with my build up, I can do them myself, but until then I have to go to his office for them.  The nurse was shocked they were so bad considering my previous shots...over 6 years ago.  But, she said it's done completely different now.  They're also running out of allergy meds that work for me.  Very few work anymore...except the expensive ones.  Go figure.  So, I guess, when they get my serum mixed I'll have to start.  I'm finally getting over my current infection, so they think it's best to go ahead and start.

My new routine will be steroid nose spray and Ocean spray daily.  Those are my usuals now.  Then, I'll also be taking this new stuff they want me to try for the allergies themselves.  She also said if this stuff doesn't work I can try Singulair AND Zyrtec or Allegra.  Either way, it's all expensive since Singular and the new stuff are in the highest copay brackets for me.  But, it's that or not breath well.  Maybe I won't need my inhaler as much then.  That would be great!  Even Brian said for me to do whatever will work.  I think he's realizing just how much trouble I have breathing sometimes.  It has to be better now.

On a good note, we are finally getting Chelsi's Korea records back from the doctor.  I naively gave her ped everything Korea gave us when she arrived.  I didn't know they would completely take ownership and never give them back, including her chest xray from Korea.  I've been working for almost a year just to get that stuff transferred to our new family doctor.  They were holding it for awhile and told me they couldn't release since it wasn't their records....are you kidding me?  They said I could come get them for $.42/page.  They finally sent everything to the new doctor after me pestering them week after week.  The new doctor released copies to me, no problem!   FINALLY!


Korean Weekend

We had our student stay with us for the weekend.  She was 16 (Korean years), 14 (American years).  She went by Grace, but her name is JinJoo.  She was VERY quiet.  Though, I think when I wasn't around and it was just her and the girls, she talked more.  The girls loved having her.  Chelsi attached herself very quickly, which was very much not like her.  They were a little sad to see her go yesterday, but she had to get back.  It was definitely a great opportunity for us....and I think we both had lots of laughs with a little bit of a language gap.  :0)