Thursday, April 3, 2008

The horror of it all!!

Fevers, fever everywhere.....well at least 50% of our children.

First Chels came down with a fever on Sunday morning.  Combine with the cold she'd been fighting for almost 2 weeks I took her to urgent care to find out she had a sinus infection and bronchitis.  Can't be too careful with colds for a premie.  She's now on prescription cough meds as well as antibiotics.  Slowly, slowly getting better, but boy has she been a wee bit on the grumpy side.  Her two year old personality that everyone expects is coming out now and that's such new territory swith us for her.  She's been such a pleasant two year old 'til now.

Then Kae came down with a fever Monday evening.  I stayed with her Tuesday as she just laid around.  Then yesterday her fever went away and she returned to daycare today.  Then today it came back!!!  You know the feeling....oh crap what now?  Now she has a funky rash on her cheeks....yep it's the slap face look of Fifths Disease!  Thank God once you get that you don't normally get it again so that rules out the boys getting it as they had it last year.  I thought the rash on her cheeks looked a bit odd.  At first it looked like she'd been wiping her nose too much, but closer study revealed little bumps.  Then I pulled her sleaves up and yep.....there's the lace looking rash the boys had last year.  So nothing terribly harmful, she just feels a litt yucky.  It was kind of nice that she didn't feel like chitter chatter non stop, but she's in full return and talking 10 miles a minute again.  Nope, I wouldn't even give her a mile a minute since she talks so much and never rests her tongue.

Now for everything to go nice.


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