Saturday, June 30, 2012

Oh well

Not the greatest game we've been to by far.  And it was hhhhoottttt.  But thanks to my good Cardinal fan Lois we brought lots of frozen water bottles and frozen wash rags for our necks.  I caved too.  I bought Brian a ballpark beer since he'd never had one and it was 106 kidding.  I even bought a Cardinal water fan.  Yeah I messed up there.  I thought a different sign said $5.20.  Must have been an item number.  I had to pay $20!  Kept Jaemin busy for a few innings and he and Chelsi never whined about the heat again.  Jaemin was into it by the end and was ready to clap.  Blood, sweat and tears...that's what they got from their fans today.   More sweat though.

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