Sunday, June 9, 2013

Little Seoul Memories

There are little details from our trip that slowly fade in and out.  Things I probably didn't write down because I was too tired and there was too much to remember at the time.  But, now that we're home I have these little things I think of that just make me smile.  Like how our big boys drank Coke out of real glass bottles for the first time in Seoul.  You don't find that around here anymore and it made Brian and I smile when they brought them over.  Like how we almost didn't have enough luggage to get our stuff home.  I thought I was being so smart by packing every page very loosely and having 1 whole bag of things we'd be giving away.  When you bring pillows home, though, the room diminishes quickly.  Like when Cole and Chase shook hands for a picture at Trick Eye Museum. I have to smile every time I see that picture.  It's not something they do often.  I'm sure I'll think of other things as time passes more and more.  This memory of our trip to Seoul, Korea is just something that although it did cost a small fortune (to us), we will never regret experiencing this together.  I just put the photos in albums tonight and they've loved looking through them and they just smile the whole time.  I know this trip will always bring back memories we will treasure.  And just so we can always see the pictures, I found a photo frame (electronic) on clearance at Walmart and decided to buy it and only put on the pictures from this trip.  There were 498, so that's plenty for it to run through and it will always make me smile.  Notice how happy this trip made much smiling.

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