Friday, August 16, 2013

Lots of Learning Going on.....just starting.....again

Let's see.

Chase is still injured, but has his stitches out.  We're having to butterfly bandage his knee though.  The wound just didn't quite heal in 10 days.  Now that it's getting some air, it's starting to stay closed.  It doesn't help that he goes and runs and sweats in football practice every night.  No tackling or real drills, but the boy can run.  He forgot the other night and ran out with the 1st team and caught a ball one handed.  Coach made him sit.

The kids are BACK in school.  2nd day and we're getting used to all the structure again.  Poor Cole is finding out what real life is like.  He had to go to school today and work after school until tonight.  He'll be tired.  No one has really said anything as far as teachers, but I don't have the most talkative kids unless something is really great or really bad.  They're too much like their mother.  Ha!  Chelsi had a neat assignment last night.  They were getting ready to read a book today about a mouse with a really, really long name.  Then, they were going to discuss how special names can be, teasing and how to handle teasing.  Great lessons for 2nd grade!  She had to work with us on a paper with two questions to go with it.  She had to write her full name and then explain where she got her name from and why she thought it was special.  It was fun explaining to her that her big brothers picked out her first name from a list her dad and I came up with.  Then, her first middle name is after her Korean mother.  Her 2nd middle name is her name in Korea.  She really liked the story of how her name came to be.  She simply wrote that she thought her name was special because family named her and she got to keep her Korean name.

Tonight, I decided it was time to brush up on my photography skills again.  It's that time of year.  I need to take the kids' annual portraits, Chase will have football pics and I just need to get some new skills anyways.  Kaelin was out practicing volleyball (finally! the girl found something she loves), so she humored me and let me practice on her.  They actually turned out great once I learned how to take advantage of some additional settings.

Mostly, I wanted to compare my older lens to my newer lens for portraits.

The kids' first day.

Practice, Practice, Practice (for both of us).

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