Friday, May 16, 2014

My baby has a plan!

We didn't get an IEP, but we do have an IEP/504.

I had the meeting with the school (principal, a kindergarten teacher, the special needs coordinator and speech therapist) and after 3 years of speech, he's 80% where he should be, but they're going to keep him in so he can retain the IEP in kindergarten. He didn't qualify in the other areas for an IEP. He is gross and fine motor skill delayed, but not enough by the state to require IEP. He is low/average IQ, and language skills are low, but low enough based on his IQ level to qualify. However, the principal very much seems to be on my side when I explained that I think the IQ is a little false since he can read at the 2nd grade level, but the test doesn't reflect that, making his language further behind. His sensory isn't bad enough and since he doesn't have enough of a gross/fine motor delay they can't do an IEP by state standards. The coordinator thought his stimming was a habit because he didn't do it at all last May while in Korea, but I told her that my theory is that since he is sensory seeking being in a different country with all of the new sights, smells, etc. was filling his need he had no need to stim. The principal said she agreed with my theory. So, they decided he was delayed and does need help, so they worked out a 504 plan and he will get speech and physical therapy during kindergarten as a disability (just during naptime since he no longer takes them). It's so odd to be so happy, but I've seen the difference speech has made for him and not just in the speech area, so I know this will progress him even further. I really, really feel that his sensory disorder is a lot of the problem and if we can help him there, it will help him in the other areas. If only we could get him to color for more than 3-4 minutes.

Anyone who has known Jaemin since the day he came home knows how far he's come. He has surgery to get his adenoids out Monday and the hospital, though not a children's is being wonderfully sensitive to his needs. They actually called again tonight so they can be totally prepared for him to make this as great for him as possible. They said they would meet us when we got there and do everything he needs to be comfortable and not stressed. I love it when people understand the situation is unique and he is unique and special!

I love this kid!!!!

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