Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Just say no


You don’t have to buy things.  You can just walk away. Walk away from your online cart or that nonessential item at Walmart or TJ Maxx. Give yourself time to think about. Do you have a real need for it? Do you want it or need it?  Will it wreck your budget?  Is it over the budget you set?  Ask yourself a million questions before spending. Actually, just try to talk yourself out of the purchase.  If you can because it is necessary or just really makes sense AND you have plenty of “extra” money for the purchase then fine. 

I still do this for a thing $10 and over.  Yes just $10. That $10 stacked up on items adds up quickly.  Suddenly you’ve spent $300 in one item, especially if you have a family.  

This process will keep you in check.  And most of all don’t buy things because everyone else is. Buy things because they would make your life better or add worth to yours.  I saw a reel where Rachel Cruze said she has to ask herself “if no one sees what I bought or ever knows I have it would I still buy it”. That is a great question to ask. If you’re not buying it for your own likings then why have it. It will never fulfill you if it’s to impress others. 

And have a place for it. Don’t buy more stuff you have to store away and eventually sell for almost nothing.  Clutter is clutter of the mind and soul and a weight on both.  Depleting clutter frees up everything and gives you space to breath. So don’t buy what you don’t need and you’ll reduce the clutter easy peasy. 

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