First, K has strep. After a couple of days and still a very low grade temp with meds we were worried so the doc wanted to test for flu. It was negative this morning. Since J ended up with a temp (low grade) last night they're planning to treat him for strep. He's not supposed to be contagious anymore by the time his birthday party time comes around tomorrow, so the grandparents and great grandparents want to come regardless for his special day. Unless anyone else gets sick we're having his TOL, cake, ice cream and bulgogi...just not in that order, tomorrow night. Can't wait to give J his riding/push toy I put together at nap this morning.
Since J and K were both running temps last night only dad got to go to Chase's football game last night. This is Chase's first year to play. A lot of kids, if not most have been playing flag since 1st grade and he's already in 4th with this being the last year of flag. 5th grade is tackle. He came home SO excited last night. He had an awesome game. He scored 2 of the 3 touchdowns and had 2 pickoffs and "almost" an interception. He's a lot like K. He's in his element out on an athletic field, yet great in the classroom too. I'm thankful for a boy who really strives for good grades and tries his best on the field.
We are not the type of parents to get our kids involved in everything. We don't have time for overscheduling and neither do they. But, if they want to try something, they are allowed to. Once they sign up they must finish the season and then they can decide what they want to do after that. By the time they go into high school they'll have to really limit it with us having so many kids. C has already decided on basketball only. K really likes soccer, but is wanting to try basketball in a year or she will get to. Chase is definitely not wanting to play basketball and is deciding between football and baseball, though he's pretty great at both and his build is perfect! Chels.....well, she's doing soccer this year for the first time and after practice #2 she told dad that she didn't want to play anymore. We told her she must finish, but it was fine if she didn't want to play next year. All she wants to do more than anything is be a cheerleader. And she will probably. She can yell and cheer for Chase at his games and could care less who hears that very loud voice of hers.
If I had to guess, I think C will work with computers, Chase will do something with art (graphic arts maybe), K will be a teacher as she already wants to and would be wonderful at it, Chels will be on the big screen some how (she's a little tone deaf, so probably not a singer ;) ), I haven't figured J out quite yet. Though J is VERY strong and I can see him excelling in some sort of sport.
I'm such a proud momma of my babies some times and truly miss when I don't get to see their special moments like at last nights football game.
So for a special moment for Chelsi tomorrow, the radio station is going to play "Chicken Fry" for her. She loves the Zac Brown Band and she knows this song by heart. After they announce J's 1st bday and Chelsi's 4th bday they will play her song. She will be thrilled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!