Sunday, September 9, 2007

Our Annual Cabin Weekend for Labor Day

It was a lot of fun as usual.  The kids were EXHAUSTED afterward.  Too much fun to be had outside and not enough naps or night sleeping.  :)

They did the usual 4-wheelin' and mule rides.  Lots of fishing again.  They caught PLENTY of fish for the whole family.  Nothin' like spending a weekend with about 20 other family members.  It really is fun and every family should do it.

As does every kid her age every year, Chelsi loved the singing bass.

Kae and Grandpa.


Tommy, Nicole and Kae.....btw the baby came just days later.  Phew!

Fishin' fun with dad.

No, we didn't eat this one.

Help, I can't get out!

Time to eat the fish!!  YUM YUM!

And some fruit for the girls.

What a great time.  I love times like these with the kids.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Pictures from a VERY girlie birthday party

Kaelin told me after everyone left that she really liked her birthday.  She 'especially' liked the makeup and hair part.  I figured so.  She's such a girlie girl.

First her friend K came over and they did a little swimming.

Then they had McDonald's for lunch and it was on to getting their hair and makeup done.  My cousin and aunt M were so kind as to fix hair for the girls.  'Cole was even 9 months pregnant, but she was willing to do it anyways.  (Thanks 'Cole!)  The girls had a blast (the little girls anyways).

The table (aka Salon).

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Happy Birthday Binah!

I can't believe my girlie is 5!  I know it's not her birthday here yet, but in Korea it is.

I'm still in awe of the unselfish sacrifice your birthmother made.  I pray she's at peace with her life, happy and healthy.  I pray that when she thinks of you, she knows deep in her heart that you are loved very much.  

We are blessed to have you in our lives.  You helped complete our family.  I hope you always know just how much we all truly love you.  You are a beautiful girl with a beautiful smile and I imagine you got that beauty from your 'Korea mommy'.

Happy birthday big girl!


Thursday, August 16, 2007

BUMMER! (Amy V in FL this is for you)

I walked in from outside tonight and noticed a small tear at the bottom of my shorts.  I had to say something to my husband.  I'm pretty bummed about it.  I love these shorts.  I've had them for 15 years!  Yes 15 years.  Me, Amy and Sonya bought a pair of matching Umbros right before our Senior trip and I still have mine.  A little faded from chlorine pools, etc., but fine otherwise.

I can't believe I'll be saying goodbye.  8'(

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Anyone up for an evening swim?

With 100+ temps we wait until evening to swim.  The water's more like warm bath water than a pool.

Tonight we went out after church and it was feeling just right.  Before the summer ended and we took the pool down, I wanted to get some video/pictures of Chelsi now that she prefers her waterwings to floaties.  Brian was sweet enough to do it for me since I was already in with her.  Anyways, about mid-July when we really were able to spend time in the pool she saw her brothers and sister swimming and jumping around and the most she saw was Kaelin with waterwings.  She insisted on wearing them and has been swimming around ever since.  She's just like her brother Chase.  He loved to swim with wings at this age.  Nope, not Cole and Kae.

Watch Chelsi Swim

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Dad’s trying to talk her into becoming

a baseball fan.  He's got her liking doing 'Charge' now.

Click Here for Video

Cinderelli, Cinderelli

That was all I could think of as I could hear the boys working away in the kitchen, while the rest of us played and watched tv. 

The boys decided NOT to follow the rules today.  They just made a HUGE mess in the house.  They didn't clean up after themselves at all today and the house was a wreck!  We don't give them lists of chores.  We just want them to clean up after themselves.  Well, they chose not to and they received discipline for it.  It was actually pretty funny in the end.  Here's them doing some of their punishment chores.

Click Here for Video