Saturday, March 18, 2023

Felt chair pads that rock!


Do you need to protect your floors from you chairs but don’t want them totally noticeable?  For black chairs, these are the answer. 

I had clear felt caps and they were fine enough for protecting the floor but I didn’t like that they were so noticeable. I found these square caps on Amazon and in black and they’re PERFECT. I’m so happy with this purchase. They fit great and don’t standout.  Now if I can eventually find the perfect square clear caps for my brown chairs. For now they’re round and clear. 

You won’t regret these. 

Link ⬇️

Follow for more inexpensive ways to protect your investments (aka wood floors). 

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Stellar new pantry organization

 Don’t get me wrong. I LOVED the vertical airtight containers I got from Amazon. But then I found these horizontal airtight storage containers that are 3.2L instead of 2.8 and they’re horizontal. Which means no pasta hiding behind pasta. And the great part was I took all of those vertical containers and repurposed them to store all of the coffee and koolaid we had in the same shelf making it look even neater. I love neat spaces. We don’t have a large house for the number of people living here so organized storage and space saving ideas are key. This makes me feel so good!  I love cleaning and organizing. 

Click on horizontal airtight containers  to purchase. 


Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Will the kids appreciate what they have?

 The short answer is they will. 


But until they learn how to work hard for something and to be responsible for taking care of things they won’t. But this can all be taught. 

We try to show them exactly how to behave and how to spend. They may not always listen but it’s always going to be with them and as they get older I see a lot of our teachings coming out. They know what’s right. For sure. They lived it for years, by example. 

Spending and saving is such a big lesson that, as parents, even if you don’t struggle you have to consistently teach kids what to do. What happens if their world falls apart and they have no coping or financial skills to fall back on?  I get off budget from time to time but I know how to reign myself in very quickly and where and how to save money.  And we talk openly about it at the dinner table as a family!

The kids in this house learn the same. It’s a skill that’s so valuable.  No pun intended. So we don’t spend a lot on their first car. You can spend $2k or $10k and still have it break down, hit in the school parking lot etc. We attempt to find a car that seems taken care of mechanically and then clean it up. Then they have something to take care of. Something to appreciate the day they save their own money and buy their first nice car. And they pay their own insurance so they DON’T want an expensive car. 

And then maintenance is yet another thing we teach them. How to change your own tire, your own oil.  Our 23 year old replaced the window motor to his car the other day. Our 26 year can fix almost anything. They learned by watching us fix and do things on our own and knowing what their limits are. They both extremely handy!

Don’t be afraid to teach your kids everyday skills. It’s not the schools job. They can only do so much in the time they’re given. If you don’t know these things maybe find someone who needs some help but is willing to teach your kid a new skill. 

#teachakidtofish #moneysavingtips #parentingishardwork #teachbyexample #stopoverspending #teachkidsselfsufficiency #teachkidsresponsibility #teachkidsrespect #teachkidsmoney

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

New containers to love and organize


THESE!!  Right here. 

I still love the 2.8L vertical airtight containers for drink mixes but the horizontal 3.2L are the ðŸ’£!

They fit 4 packages (a box) of saltines, multiple packages of spaghetti and lasagna and perfect for boxes of Mac and Cheese for a large family. 

I LOVE that I can stack them up by type and not have to try to see what’s behind what. These make my organizational heart happy and make me less anxious when I open the pantry door.  And I’m not wasting the ones I emptied because I have been repurposing them for storage of others items and the kids who don’t live here (or move out) will take some. There aren’t many left. 

Seriously. What are you waiting for?  If you see your food, you don’t waste your food. Money saved right there! 

All Amazon items that I love are in my Pinterest or here.


Sunday, March 5, 2023

Love these roman shades

 AMAZON…..when you can’t find an item for the price you want to pay.  I checked a local store for these same Radiance cordless blinds in the color I wanted and they were $15 more!

We got them from Amazon and had them up quickly. We originally didn’t have a trim piece dividing up the two windows so we decided that would look better with a set of shades so my husband quickly added that the night before Amazon delivered the shades. 

I was hesitant for cordless to roll up smoothly or evenly but I love these. And no more morning sun glaring in your face but yet we maintained some of the natural wood look we love.  

Now, should we get rid of the curtains and rod or change the curtains and soften a bit??


Thursday, March 2, 2023

Motor vehicle sales tax refund


In talking to my husbands coworker tonight I thought of something a lot of people don’t realize or may not know. For states like Missouri where you continuously pay sales tax on motor vehicles you can get a refund of sales tax if you buy first and sell later. Most people probably trade in.  But sometimes people have cash (as you should aspire to) to buy vehicles. And when you do you may find your new vehicle first and sell your other vehicle after. If you sell your other vehicle within 180 days of selling the other vehicle you are entitled to a refund of taxes paid on the other vehicle.  For example, if you paid $10k for your new car and sold your old one for $3k you would pay approximately $800 in areas of Missouri.  With the refund form you would get approximately $240 of that $800 back.   It’s a simple process and worth it.  

Bring the refund form plus the bill of sale that is attached to the title and you’re ready to go.    

#vehicletaxrefund #keepyourmoney #moneysavingtips #motorvehicletaxes 

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

In the room where it happened/prom on a dime


 Random pics from the weekend of getting to see Hamilton that happened to be in the college town where my oldest daughter is. So of course we made a weekend of it staying in her dorm for free, eating in the dining hall for free the next morning (parents eat free) and prom dress shopping at a reduced price dress store while we were in town and able to include big sister in little sisters first prom moments. 

First off Hamilton was AWESOME!  So happy we planned for the tickets and bought them. But then I won two more so my son and his girlfriend got to go. She was super excited. He admitted it was good but generally doesn’t even watch tv. Great Korean dinner for oldest daughters Gotcha Day but that’s a splurge we do every year. 

Youngest daughter is learning the art of enjoying life with careful spending.  She spent (yes she did we don’t pay for prom) less than $130 for a beautiful dress, jewelry and shoes. We will do her hair and make up as always and she’s good to go. So proud!

You would never know we got off so cheap for the whole weekend but it’s one of the best weekends I’ve had in a long time.