Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Another week of stress down

 I know I should enjoy so many moments. Especially our seniors last. But sometimes everything coincides with other things and I get a little stressed though I do try to enjoy them each as they occur. Our youngest daughter's final homecoming and our youngest sons first.  Along with him on the sidelines for his first homecoming football game and her having fun at her last. She was on court and they both were heavily involved in their class floats as class officers so they each had very early mornings and very late nights.  And we had powderpuff with our senior as QB1 and hoco events for court parents all day.  By dance night we were all exhausted and then our oldest daughter hit a deer and her car is now not driveable as they think it may have damaged the cooling system. With college a 2 1/2 hour drive that is stressful figuring out what to do. That whole week of homecoming was spent with us juggling vehicles already because the 23 year olds truck had a wiper motor go out and the dealership didn’t notice they never had the right part the whole time it was there while one of our primary vehicle was in for the ac compressor going out and what we thought was an oil leak from them not tightening the filter at oil change. It ended up being a leak deep in the turbo engine. We were frustrated with the repairs this car was needing in the short 9 months we had it and had already traded it for my, new to me, Pilot.  Last night was football and tonight was conference cross country and another last for our senior.  And the girls were conference champs!  Woohoo! Things should cool down now, literally. If we can get all of the vehicles back in order it will feel better. The college kid actually found a ride to school and she’ll just have to find another to come back after the car is hopefully fixed. 

Spirit week dress up for the freshman

Freshman float


My youngest babies

All conference xc one more time

Traditional kissing of the conference plaque

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

My view (from her room)


I’m not much of a night owl anymore. The older I get the more value I put on sleep. And I try very hard to be in bed as close to 10 pm as I can. Hoping for a good 7 hours. But every 3 years I have a senior and every fall of their senior year it means scholarship and essay crunch time. I do not write essays or do work for my kids. I’ve heard other parents say they do, not seeing the harm. I want my kids’ achievements to truly be theirs.  But this means sitting in a room with them, far past my bed time, listening to them brainstorm through essay prompts asking me questions or for my opinion every now and again. If I wasn’t here, they would probably just go to bed and by morning forget the roll they were on. So I stay up with them some, in case I’m needed for a small nugget of information or validation of a well written paragraph. 

After doing this with 3 of my, now, 4 adult kids I’ve seen them evolve from decent writers who needed me for a quick edit or read for validation to impressive writers who only proofed themselves as time went on getting scholarships with zero involvement from me.  This makes me proud. This is THEIR growth. And now I’m seeing it with child #4 and her writing ability already blows me away. 

This is why we can’t do things for our children. Do them with them but never for them. Teach them to fish!!

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Just say no


You don’t have to buy things.  You can just walk away. Walk away from your online cart or that nonessential item at Walmart or TJ Maxx. Give yourself time to think about. Do you have a real need for it? Do you want it or need it?  Will it wreck your budget?  Is it over the budget you set?  Ask yourself a million questions before spending. Actually, just try to talk yourself out of the purchase.  If you can because it is necessary or just really makes sense AND you have plenty of “extra” money for the purchase then fine. 

I still do this for a thing $10 and over.  Yes just $10. That $10 stacked up on items adds up quickly.  Suddenly you’ve spent $300 in one item, especially if you have a family.  

This process will keep you in check.  And most of all don’t buy things because everyone else is. Buy things because they would make your life better or add worth to yours.  I saw a reel where Rachel Cruze said she has to ask herself “if no one sees what I bought or ever knows I have it would I still buy it”. That is a great question to ask. If you’re not buying it for your own likings then why have it. It will never fulfill you if it’s to impress others. 

And have a place for it. Don’t buy more stuff you have to store away and eventually sell for almost nothing.  Clutter is clutter of the mind and soul and a weight on both.  Depleting clutter frees up everything and gives you space to breath. So don’t buy what you don’t need and you’ll reduce the clutter easy peasy. 

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Happy Chuseok 2023


Happy Chuseok 2023!  When we decided to adopt from South Korea we knew their heritage would come with them. Or rather it was our job to embrace it as well as them so they could be Korean Americans and be confident in who they are and where they came from. Thankfully we love Korean food, traditions and people.  And yep, we’re blessed to have adopted them and opened doors to the world  and thoughts and understandings we never thought about before.  I have to say I’m a little sad that Korean adoptions are slowly shutting down  not because they kids have homes but because of politics. 

Happy Korean Thanksgiving. For us it was a little untraditional version of bibimbap and tteokbokki!  

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Too good not to share


This is what going to the doctor with my oldest daughter is like knowing any part of it has to do with a needle.  And then yes, she is that loud screamer you can hear in the other room.  Wow!

Thursday, September 28, 2023

How to feed a high school cross country team


This feeds about 20 kids. 2 crocks of Alfredo, 1 pan of lasagna and 1 pan of spaghetti along with 3 loaves of Italian bread baked to a light crisp with butter and some dessert.  

Carb load nights the week of a meet are a tradition where they eat and hang out together playing outside games et close and just having fun bonding.  And for us parents we get one on one time as we take our turn hosing them to get to know them. 

As my husband was making the lasagna the night before while I was making that nights dinner he was saying how hectic it was and that’s when it hit me. This is our LAST pasta party night!!!

We are officially done with cross country after this year. The sport we didn’t know we’d have a kid doing until half way through the freshman season as they bullied (lol) her until she tried it. And she liked it. 

Monday, September 25, 2023

Inexpensive room refresh

We went from this light that was too high up to clean when the glass got dusty and too small for the area to 

This. And it literally brightens the room and my face every time I walk through. It’s matte gold and has perfect led lights in it. It’s also a little bigger so it fits the space much better. Installed by us so just the price of a Lowe’s light.