Monday, August 15, 2011

Oh poop!

I won't go into any details, but yesterday and today have been bad days for me.  So, after promising anything Jaemin likes or anything I could think of (including candy, tv, playing downstairs, gum, etc.) I told Jaemin he couldn't sleep in my room anymore unless he started wearing underwear.  Now first, you have to understand I wouldn't be that cruel to him if he weren't ready, but he's 110% ready, just scared.  He holds his pee for hours!  Yesterday I put him in underwear all day after he'd slept for 11 hours and woke up dry.  He barely wet after nap because he didn't wake up enough to make it to the potty, but he finished there.  No big deal.  Later, though, he hid in the pantry and peed on the floor because he was pooping in his underwear.  I dumped his underwear out and showed him how he dirtied his Diego underwear.

Then last night at bed time I told him he had to sleep in his bed since he wasn't pooping and peeing on the potty.  I told him if he did he could sleep with me again.  He woke up screaming at midnight and about 1/2 hour later came in to tell me he had to pee on potty.  He went a bit and I kept him in my room.  This morning he was dry again, so he peed on the potty before going to grandpa's house.  I told grandpa that if Jae stayed dry he could sleep in my room again.  When I picked him up after lunch he said he let Jaemin run around without pants and he'd finally went on the potty right before I got there...for the first time.  So, he easily holds it for 5 hours.

I put him down for nap and when he woke up I told him he had to wear underwear again, yeah he was still dry.  He went pee, but wasn't happy about it.  I reminded him that if he pooped, since he always poops in the afternoon, he could sleep in my room if he did it on the potty for the first time.  He played awhile and I was waiting for him to go hide again, but he came over and stopped, grabbed himself and said 'oh, oh'.  I ran him to the potty after I realized he hadn't gone yet and left him to some privacy.  You know even little kids need privacy for this.  He called me in not two minutes later and boy was I shocked when I saw he'd pooped in there.

I cheered so loud the kids could hear downstairs.  Jaemin gave me a high five and when I told him he could sleep with me I got a great big "YAY!"  I gave him a bunch of M&Ms for that one and then he called his grandpa and grandmas to tell them.  He is SO proud of himself.  He got to wear shorts over his undies to go outside and really thought he was big stuff.  I know it may not last, but it was a great day for him and I really felt like I was important to someone when I was finally the prize to be won!  I love you too my Jaemin!

This is Jaemin telling me he pooped at bath time.

He really enjoyed bath time tonight. 

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