Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March is almost over

One more week to go and we'll be that much closer to school out and vacation.  I've had my biopsy and it came back clear.  No cancer this time.  Kaelin got to pick her dinner out last night for her 10th (yes 10th!) Gotcha Day.  Chelsi will pick what she wants her dad to make her Friday night for her 7th Gotcha Day.  Cole will hopefully keep his grades up long enough for us to let him get his license.  No, they're not terrible, but I need him to stretch to his potential.  I finally got my interview over with today.  It was terrible and I don't think I did well, but it's in God's hands now.  It's time to accept whatever is meant to be.  I may think I want it and it's perfect for me, but He knows better than I ever have, so I have to let it go.

Come on April!

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