Sunday, October 5, 2008

She's going Pro!

This is Kaelin's 3rd year playing soccer and she's now the senior on her team.  She's doing quite well and has improved a lot!  It's fun to watch her really get in there and fight for that ball.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Great speech by Republican McCotter of the House

Monday, September 29, 2008

Finally an unbiased political fact checker

at least that's the way it appears from what I've read so far.



Sunday, September 28, 2008

Where does "your" candidate stand

I found this pretty interesting. I can actually see what they've said.

Vote Educated or Vote Party Lines

This is my question.  How many people vote strictly because it's "their" party?  How many vote because this person is of the party that typically carries their views?  How many just educate/research and then vote for the better candidate or what seems to be at the time?  I say what seems to be at the time because they can all lead us to believe what they want.  That latter question is what is our moral my opinion.

I'm STILL undecided.  I'm leaning, but I'm not there and won't be completely until November.  I'm latching onto everything I can read to compare the two sets and hopefully make a good decision.  I found this site where I can read about their voting.  It seems they're both reaming each other about this, but with what I've read I've found they're both showing "not voting" about the same amount, so you can't go with that.  And when they do they "both" vote with their party.  So that's no a very good indication, now is it.

Ugghh....can't someone in power be their own person?


Monday, September 22, 2008

Another day, another tooth

Well, Cole's molar makes tooth number 3 extracted this year.  Chase had two teeth, his fangs :), pulled last month to make room for two others that he lost in May and wouldn't come in due to room.  I'm still not clear how pulling those two and allowing the other two to come in will help.  Will the two that we pulled eventually come in if there's no room for them???

Anyways, Cole and his awesome brushing habits :( have worked him into a pretty bad cavity.  We've known about it since May, but the doc insisted we wait until that molar comes out at about age 12.  I kept telling him my kids are late at that and it wouldn't happen until at least 13.  :)  So anyways, it got bad enough this weekend to warrant getting it out.  I mean, not to be gross, but it was so big I stuck a toothpick through the rotten part.  EWE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And when doc pulled it he said those roots were in tact and had no plans of coming out anytime soon.  I could have told him that....oh wait I did.

Now the tooth is gone and so is the cavity!  Now the question is.  What does the tooth fairy pay for a rotten tooth.  Hmmm....maybe he should pay the tooth fairy.  I mean I wouldn't buy any rotten produce.  :)


Saturday, September 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby!!!

I CANNOT believe our youngest is 3!  It's just amazing really.  I don't remember any of the other 3 hitting me quite like my Chelsi. 

She didn't really get to celebrate yet 'cause everyone wanted to go to the football game last night.  She opened her gift from mom and dad at the game to keep her busy.  She got cell phone walkie talkies.  Tonight we'll have cake and ice cream and will post photos of that later.

Onto the sweet stuff.  Hmmm....what can I say.  This girl has all our love.  She is the one kid out of the 4 that took so much thought as to whether we wanted another child or not.  But, OH MY, could we never imagine any of our lives without her.  Her smile, her laughter, her sense of humor and cuddly sweetness.  She's always the one afraid of hurting someone else's feelings.  She won't say I love you if mom and dad are both there.  She says "I love mommy and daddy."  She would never leave the other one out.  Her heart's a good one.  She's terribly smart!  She knows her colors and numbers and is working on recognizing letters.  She can count to ten in English and Spanish...thanks to Dora the Explorer.  :)  She's just a great and amazing child and we're so thankful to God for getting the chance to be HER parents.  We are BLESSED!

Here are the photos I took this morning for her 3 year old portrait.