Wednesday, May 29, 2024

We came….we have much to eat


Did I mention we flew Delta One?  It was awesome treat for sure.  I lucked across $699 upgrades.  That meant eating and waiting in the Sky Lounge in Minneapolis WAY more comfortably. But it also meant having a suite in the plane with doors and lots of storage space and being able to go from sitting to lying flat or anywhere in between on the 13+ hour ride to Incheon. It will be hard to fly economy on our mileage Korean Air tickets to Hawaii next week. But they were free so no complaints. 

A day and a half in Seoul. Maybe not that much.  We arrived arrived to our apartment around 430pm.  We settled and went to eat and check out Hongdae shopping. We decided right then this trip was going to be about eating and shopping and maybe a couple of new and old things. We’ve done a lot over the past 3 trips!  But this is our last so a bit more relaxed and completely unplanned. 

Had Cole not passed away I likely would have planned it. But all we had were the tickets at the time and I lost the ability to care about planning a trip after all of that. Heck I cried on the plane. Some young man boarded our first ride and smiled real big like Cole and I lost it. Chelsi was already asleep so she didn’t notice. The poor guy beside me was trying to avoid me while I tried to suck all my sadness and tears in. I did NOT expect this. 

We have been eating well. Bibimbap our first night. And it was so good. Last night we had a Kimbap type thing and tiny dumplings fried and then covered in a spicy sauce with fries, at the ballpark no less. All of the food and drinks we had at the game, including game tickets, were just over $30 combined. The cheerleaders and MC were as fun as always. The game was fun but then it was sort of a blow out so we left a little early. Back on the subway by 930 and that was the most crowded I’ve ever seen one. No space at all. 

We picked up some shopping items at Goto underground shopping mall.  It’s literally floors below the surface. Sometimes you don’t realize how deep a subway goes until you go up a couple floors or more and are still not street level. 

Onto a new day. Her foster mother had her appendix out this week so that visit has been canceled. We’re hoping she can reschedule before we go but don’t know yet. 

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