Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hoping for results

I finally get to bring Chelsi to a pediatric urologist that specializes in chronic UTIs tomorrow.  The nephrologist we were seeing gave us nothing and found nothing.  He wasn't very thorough, in my opinion, though.  So, I'm hoping this lady finds something.  I just can't get over the give her cranberry juice for the rest of her life, everyday, to keep away UTI option from him.  I don't care that she's wetting at night, but clinically she shouldn't be constantly having UTIs if she doesn't drink juice.  So wish me luck that she finds something...anything as an explanation.  She's had them for 4 years now and we've been trying to work through this for almost 6 months. 

We're also still waiting on the pathology results from Jaemin's biopsies.  He had no anatomical issues, so that was good.  If they find nothing here either then we'll probably wait another year and try to wean him from the meds again and see if he outgrows the GERD.  Not sure what I hope for him, just something to resolve it easy so he doesn't have to continue on meds, but doesn't risk damage through life.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Household Funnies

I decided the girls' kittens have personalities like their owners.  Chelsi's really doesn't eat much and Kaelin's eats everything in sight and pushes the other out of the way to get to it.  Totally like their owners.

Kinda personal, but funny.  Chelsi came to me crying the other night.  She said she had swallowed a Barbie skirt.  I kept thinking okay that's pretty big.  She should be choking and she needs to go to the hospital.  I remembered that she and Kaelin had been playing with Polly Pockets, so I asked her if she swallowed a Polly Pocket skirt and she told me she had.  I asked her how big it was and like I thought it was tiny.  I told her she'd poop it out and asked her drink a bunch of water to help it along.  She got a drink and that asked if it was going to come out her mouth.  I told her again it would come out in her poop.  Chelsi began to cry and beg me to dig it out of her poop when it came out.  Uh, no way sweetie.  She now knows not to chew on her toys and put so much in her mouth.  We shall see if this lesson sticks.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Another weekend blows by

so fast.

We spent Friday evening on the river testing out the boat.  We've been trying to get it running since we bought it in April.....knowing well that it was a fixer upper.  Battery seems to be the going trouble now, but the motor does run.  The kids had a great time just running around at their grandparents' lot on such a nice evening.

We did a fundraiser walk on Saturday morning while Chase had his first football game.  I hate that I missed his first game, but it was an obligation we already had and we do always enjoy the walk.  But, I was so tired yesterday afternoon.  Hauling an extra 30lbs on your back for over a mile is tough when you don't exactly exercise regularly.  Hmmm...maybe I should start.  Chase led his team in tackles...he's great.  Cole and I raised $514 for our charity.  So proud of them both.

Today was just cleaning day and catch up.  I did get my pancake and waffle mixes made up.  Bulk so we don't have to buy Bisquick anymore.  Trying to find ways to cut back for my pay cut in January.  It's hard when you already cut back.

And tonight we met a friend's friend who is our new Korean instructor.  Though I don't think she would like to be called that.  I get the impression she's a tad nervous.  I hope not though.  The girls and I are so super excited to have her helping us.  Anything she can teach us will be more than we could have imagined just a month ago.  I had all but given up.  But so thankful to have new friends in our lives.


Friday, August 27, 2010

Night of Leisure

No, I didn't drag my camera along.  I didn't know if the boat was going to run or not.  But after 4 months of owning it and working on it, it's officially running.  We all took a nice ride on the river tonight.  Very cool, enjoyable evening and the kids really enjoyed it.  And since Cole has his boating license we let him drive a bit.  He really liked that.  Chelsi and Kaelin just watched the scenery pass by.  I've always loved river rides.  It's so relaxing.  I loved seeing Jaemin in his little life jacket for the first time.  So cute!

But, we all have to turn in early because tomorrow is Chase's first football game and Cole's heartwalk.  Busy day, but good things going on. 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Could have been worse

I was prepared for the worst.  They said don't let him eat from midnight until they took him about 11:00 today and I was WORRIED.  We brought the kids to school, got an estimate on my car, went and got moo cow to bring to the hospital and picked up grandma for mom's support.  We got there plenty early, but registration was slow because the line was long, so it turned out we walked in just on time.  They took us back there quick enough.  I repeated my concerns about his attachment and him going out after he's taken from me.  I have to say he cried and I almost cried, but they tried hard. 

The anesthesiologist took my concerns seriously and tried to get Jaemin to trust him.  He played with him and got close hoping it would help.  Jaemin got to the point he couldn't walk without looking drunk after he had his meds, but he still very well knew what was going on.  He was very upset when the nurse anesthetist took him.  She was so excited he was Korean.  She is from the Phillipines and was saying how cute he is.  Everybody stops to tell us how cute he is though.  The anesthesiologist asked about drinking after he woke up in recovery.  I told him that because he's allergic to apples he couldn't have any juice and I felt more comfortable just giving him water.  I asked him if he wanted the sippy cup to bring back there, but he said he was just going to have them get me to give him a drink. 

It was maybe an hour later and they called us back.  The doctor hadn't even come to talk to us yet, so I was a little confused.  They actually brought us back before he woke up.  He still had the cannula in his nose for O2.  The nurse lowered the rail so I could get in bed with him.  Then, they went to get the doctor to talk to us.  I was so happy that they made that exception for us.  The last time was so horrible when he woke up.  I wasn't there and it freaked him out.  He woke up so calmly this time.  I talked to him when he stirred and he was fine.  I drank his water and we got to go home.  Boy was he excited to eat some fries.  He wouldn't share with grandma.  He was not going to share with anyone.  He even ate some of my burger, drank my Sprite and then ate some of grandma's frosty.  He was a hungry little man. 

He's a tough guy.  I don't know how many times I told him how good of a boy he is.  He really is a great boy.  He hardly fussed considering how long he'd gone without food and drink.  As long as he had mom, paci and cow he was cool with it.  The doctor said there's no damage from the reflux.  He looked perfectly normal in both places and we even have the pictures from it all.  Now, we just wait for the biopsies to come back and see if he's having allergic reactions to something or if there's infection in the linings.  We don't know what's next at this point.  Especially, if nothing comes back.  Pulmonologist is where we're supposed to go after this is ruled out since the reflux is causing respiratory infections.  We'll just keep taking it day by day and get him figured out. 

So, there's the day.  I was pretty tired, but he did SO well and I love this little boy so much.  BTW, they had the cutest dinosaur wrap on his arm board.  I wish I would have taken my camera to show here.  I wish I could find some for him.  So cute on my sweet guy.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The definition of 'emergency'

Definition of EMERGENCY

: an unforeseen combination of circumstances or the resulting state that calls for immediate action 
So, based on this if it was a medical emergency someone would receive prompt action, right?  I think the hospital needs to know this.  Eye Roll
Jae has an EGD/sigmoidoscopy tomorrow to find out what is going on that he still has acid reflux.  It was supposed to be at 8 am, which is bad enough for an almost 2 year old that doesn't get to eat or drink in the morning, plus do bowel cleansing.
They called today to say they had an emergency and he had to be pushed back to 11 am.  First of all...really you want me to keep him from eating without screaming until then.  Are you nuts?  And second, 'emergency' by the above definition means they shouldn't have known early today that they need to do this tomorrow.  Makes no sense to me.  The lady proceeds to tell me that that means I don't have to get there so early now, so apparently I'm supposed to be happy.  Well, I'd much rather get up super early to have a happy toddler than one that, for good reason, is going to meltdown.  I informed her that I will be there earlier than our time because I won't know what else to do with him at that point and if I have to deal with it so do they.  They better not think they're going to get away with taking him from me before he's loopy.  I let them do it last time and I already informed them it was not good for his attachment and security and they would not do that again.  Tomorrow, will probably not be a good day to cross this mommy who's way protective over this baby boy.

So far, tonight is fine.  We got through giving him the magnesium citrate.  I got lemon and he LOVED it.  I did the enema like I was supposed to and he's now resting in mommy's bed.  Special treat for my sweet baby.  I might get him up before midnight and give him a little snack yogurt.  Poor guy's been on a soft diet all day.  So, of course, when they said I could always reschedule I told them no way.  My big eater has already had a crappy diet today and I wasn't putting him through that again.  Tomorrow morning will be a play it by ear after the kids go to school.  Whatever it takes to make him happy and eventually I'll just have to hear him cry and he'll probably hit me because that's what he does when he's super ticked.  I'm anxious for tomorrow afternoon when this is all over and then next week they can get us the biopsy results and let us know what's going on....hopefully.  

Pray for my baby please.  I hope it goes perfectly tomorrow and he tolerates everything well.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

8 years later

On Jeju Island a sweet baby girl was born 8 years ago.  We were lucky enough to be come her parents.  She's funny and sweet and very caring.  Though, a little ditzy.  Gotta love my Binah.  Happy birthday sweetie.  I'm so glad you had a such a great day.  You never stopped smiling tonight as you opened your cards and got all your phone calls.

And Lois, here is her trying to open the card that doesn't open.  She finally ripped it trying to open it.  The boys thought I was going to be mad at her, but I had to just start laughing.  She was trying so hard to open that card.