Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The definition of 'emergency'

Definition of EMERGENCY

: an unforeseen combination of circumstances or the resulting state that calls for immediate action 
So, based on this if it was a medical emergency someone would receive prompt action, right?  I think the hospital needs to know this.  Eye Roll
Jae has an EGD/sigmoidoscopy tomorrow to find out what is going on that he still has acid reflux.  It was supposed to be at 8 am, which is bad enough for an almost 2 year old that doesn't get to eat or drink in the morning, plus do bowel cleansing.
They called today to say they had an emergency and he had to be pushed back to 11 am.  First of all...really you want me to keep him from eating without screaming until then.  Are you nuts?  And second, 'emergency' by the above definition means they shouldn't have known early today that they need to do this tomorrow.  Makes no sense to me.  The lady proceeds to tell me that that means I don't have to get there so early now, so apparently I'm supposed to be happy.  Well, I'd much rather get up super early to have a happy toddler than one that, for good reason, is going to meltdown.  I informed her that I will be there earlier than our time because I won't know what else to do with him at that point and if I have to deal with it so do they.  They better not think they're going to get away with taking him from me before he's loopy.  I let them do it last time and I already informed them it was not good for his attachment and security and they would not do that again.  Tomorrow, will probably not be a good day to cross this mommy who's way protective over this baby boy.

So far, tonight is fine.  We got through giving him the magnesium citrate.  I got lemon and he LOVED it.  I did the enema like I was supposed to and he's now resting in mommy's bed.  Special treat for my sweet baby.  I might get him up before midnight and give him a little snack yogurt.  Poor guy's been on a soft diet all day.  So, of course, when they said I could always reschedule I told them no way.  My big eater has already had a crappy diet today and I wasn't putting him through that again.  Tomorrow morning will be a play it by ear after the kids go to school.  Whatever it takes to make him happy and eventually I'll just have to hear him cry and he'll probably hit me because that's what he does when he's super ticked.  I'm anxious for tomorrow afternoon when this is all over and then next week they can get us the biopsy results and let us know what's going on....hopefully.  

Pray for my baby please.  I hope it goes perfectly tomorrow and he tolerates everything well.


alicia said...

I found your blog last year when I was waiting for our son to come home. I'm so sorry to have not commented before now!
Your family is beautiful and you sound like an amazing mom! Thinking good thoughts for your family - - -


Mindful_Frugalista said...

Thank you for stopping in and thank you for your thoughts Alicia.
