Sunday, March 9, 2014

So much done today

I'm trying to get a lot done before we go to the hospital next week.  I'm trying to make sure that since we'll miss our usual grocery shopping day, I have enough for Brian and the kids while I'm gone.  Trying to get as much ready as possible.  Next week is washing Cole's blanket to bring to the hospital.

Today, we got the house cleaned, monthly shopping done, downstairs steam cleaned and my haircut.  I always trim in between cuts.  I just can't justify going and spending $25 every 6 weeks.  So I usually trim the back in between so I can wait about 3 months between cuts.  I always do fine, but I had it too short in the middle of my neck.  Brian was really afraid, so I had Kaelin cut  it.  Yep, I told my 11 year old how to do it and she confidently put the scissors in one hand, took a comb in the other, straightened my curls and trimmed away.  She really didn't do bad at all.  Brian could NOT believe she even attempted it.  So am I stupid, brave or very trusting?

So tired and glad the day is over and so looking forward to next week being over and Cole being okay.

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