Friday, September 17, 2010

Thank you!

I've heard this a million times this morning from Chelsi.  I sure hope her party's as great as she's has envisioned.

We dropped the big kids at school, went to get Jaemin's albuterol, went to get Chelsi's balloons inflated, then the library and then Target.  Chelsi was shocked when we got the balloons blown up.  I'll try to get pics later.  I found Tinkerbell balloons in a 5 pack on clearance at Walmart for $2!  They were $10.  The main one is heart shaped with a huge Tink on it and it's probably 2 1/2 foot tall.  She LOVED them!  She was so surprised since she's having a fairy party.  Last year we managed to snatch a few fairiesh decorations and gift bag treats at the $1 store so it worked out perfect for them to clearance those off just a week before her party.

I put out the pink table cloth...had to rig that up.  The package says 54x108.  It might be 24x108.  Too late to take it back though.  Decorated her cake and it's pretty cute for a home baked cake and a mom who is not that artistic.  Got all the chairs cleaned up and ready outside. 

I baked the cakes (1 for Jaemin for his birthday tomorrow) yesterday.  I had planned to take the 9x13 out of the pan, but it wouldn't come out even though I did everything I've done before.  Oh well, I left it in the pan and when Chelsi found out it would still have Tinkerbell on it she was still happy.  Or so she said.  Kaelin and Chelsi were sitting at the table last night waiting for everyone to come in for dinner and as they were talking Chelsi says "somebody messed up my cake".  Kaelin asked who and Chelsi kind of moves her eyes towards me, tries to subtly point and says "you know who".  What a stink!

This morning I put icing on the cake and cut the bag that my coworker brought me to work and put Tinkerbell on it.  She LOVED it!  She watched as I set up the garage for the party and put out he pink plates and napkins and made punch and got the bucket ready for the kid drinks.  She kept telling me how great it was and kept drawing her breath because she was so excited to even say it.

Boy I hope it's what she's thinking. 

Sunday, September 12, 2010

So bummed

We knew that with Dish we could possibly get KBS (Korean Broadcasting System).  I had been told years ago we'd just have to buy a different dish.  So we didn't do it.

I decided it may help learn Korean so it would be nice to have it.  I called Dish and was told that we were not in the orbit to get it, so even a new dish wouldn't help.  Since we were already paying for it and couldn't get it I argued with them and they agreed to come out and install the dish for free.  The guy that installed it this morning said sometimes the ones on the phone don't know what they're talking about.  So tonight we're getting KBS and Arirang, but neither air Pororo.  :(

Pororo the Little Penguin

Sunday, September 5, 2010

A side of homework

The girls and I have home work now....not just Kaelin's school work, but home work for all 3 of us.  I only have one name (no Korean name), so I don't have as much as they do, but we have to practice the 4 characters we learned about tonight,ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ, and they have to practice writing their Korean names.  I think I could probably teach them to write their Korean names myself, but they're more likely to learn from Sunghee, and pay attention.  It seems a little easier for me to remember the characters now that I actually know what they're called, though I have trouble articulating ㄹ.  My tongue does not work the same way as a Korean tongue..yes the way we use our tongues in language is different.

It is fun though.  We get to talk about Korean food and sometimes questions just come up in conversation and I can ask on the spot.  It's so helpful.  The 3 of us are getting SO much out of it already.  Even Jaemin is starting to put together kiss (보보) and the informal version of hello (안녕).  He won't call me 암마 though.  He still calls me mama.

Sunghee brought their Korean student, who's 10, with her.  She worked with Chelsi and Sunghee helped Kaelin and I.  We also had the young Korean student yesterday evening.  Since the big boys and dad were gone for the weekend it gave us a great chance to get to know her.  The two big girls got along great and played soccer, basketball, drew with chalk, played with the dogs and cats and just chatted away.  She's such a polite girl.  Very sweet.  She even brought some cute little Korean gifts for each of us.  I got the prettiest nail clippers.

Here's the art the big girls put together.

Goodbye and goodnight.
안녕히가세요 안녕히주무세요

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hoping for results

I finally get to bring Chelsi to a pediatric urologist that specializes in chronic UTIs tomorrow.  The nephrologist we were seeing gave us nothing and found nothing.  He wasn't very thorough, in my opinion, though.  So, I'm hoping this lady finds something.  I just can't get over the give her cranberry juice for the rest of her life, everyday, to keep away UTI option from him.  I don't care that she's wetting at night, but clinically she shouldn't be constantly having UTIs if she doesn't drink juice.  So wish me luck that she finds something...anything as an explanation.  She's had them for 4 years now and we've been trying to work through this for almost 6 months. 

We're also still waiting on the pathology results from Jaemin's biopsies.  He had no anatomical issues, so that was good.  If they find nothing here either then we'll probably wait another year and try to wean him from the meds again and see if he outgrows the GERD.  Not sure what I hope for him, just something to resolve it easy so he doesn't have to continue on meds, but doesn't risk damage through life.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Household Funnies

I decided the girls' kittens have personalities like their owners.  Chelsi's really doesn't eat much and Kaelin's eats everything in sight and pushes the other out of the way to get to it.  Totally like their owners.

Kinda personal, but funny.  Chelsi came to me crying the other night.  She said she had swallowed a Barbie skirt.  I kept thinking okay that's pretty big.  She should be choking and she needs to go to the hospital.  I remembered that she and Kaelin had been playing with Polly Pockets, so I asked her if she swallowed a Polly Pocket skirt and she told me she had.  I asked her how big it was and like I thought it was tiny.  I told her she'd poop it out and asked her drink a bunch of water to help it along.  She got a drink and that asked if it was going to come out her mouth.  I told her again it would come out in her poop.  Chelsi began to cry and beg me to dig it out of her poop when it came out.  Uh, no way sweetie.  She now knows not to chew on her toys and put so much in her mouth.  We shall see if this lesson sticks.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Another weekend blows by

so fast.

We spent Friday evening on the river testing out the boat.  We've been trying to get it running since we bought it in April.....knowing well that it was a fixer upper.  Battery seems to be the going trouble now, but the motor does run.  The kids had a great time just running around at their grandparents' lot on such a nice evening.

We did a fundraiser walk on Saturday morning while Chase had his first football game.  I hate that I missed his first game, but it was an obligation we already had and we do always enjoy the walk.  But, I was so tired yesterday afternoon.  Hauling an extra 30lbs on your back for over a mile is tough when you don't exactly exercise regularly.  Hmmm...maybe I should start.  Chase led his team in tackles...he's great.  Cole and I raised $514 for our charity.  So proud of them both.

Today was just cleaning day and catch up.  I did get my pancake and waffle mixes made up.  Bulk so we don't have to buy Bisquick anymore.  Trying to find ways to cut back for my pay cut in January.  It's hard when you already cut back.

And tonight we met a friend's friend who is our new Korean instructor.  Though I don't think she would like to be called that.  I get the impression she's a tad nervous.  I hope not though.  The girls and I are so super excited to have her helping us.  Anything she can teach us will be more than we could have imagined just a month ago.  I had all but given up.  But so thankful to have new friends in our lives.


Friday, August 27, 2010

Night of Leisure

No, I didn't drag my camera along.  I didn't know if the boat was going to run or not.  But after 4 months of owning it and working on it, it's officially running.  We all took a nice ride on the river tonight.  Very cool, enjoyable evening and the kids really enjoyed it.  And since Cole has his boating license we let him drive a bit.  He really liked that.  Chelsi and Kaelin just watched the scenery pass by.  I've always loved river rides.  It's so relaxing.  I loved seeing Jaemin in his little life jacket for the first time.  So cute!

But, we all have to turn in early because tomorrow is Chase's first football game and Cole's heartwalk.  Busy day, but good things going on. 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Could have been worse

I was prepared for the worst.  They said don't let him eat from midnight until they took him about 11:00 today and I was WORRIED.  We brought the kids to school, got an estimate on my car, went and got moo cow to bring to the hospital and picked up grandma for mom's support.  We got there plenty early, but registration was slow because the line was long, so it turned out we walked in just on time.  They took us back there quick enough.  I repeated my concerns about his attachment and him going out after he's taken from me.  I have to say he cried and I almost cried, but they tried hard. 

The anesthesiologist took my concerns seriously and tried to get Jaemin to trust him.  He played with him and got close hoping it would help.  Jaemin got to the point he couldn't walk without looking drunk after he had his meds, but he still very well knew what was going on.  He was very upset when the nurse anesthetist took him.  She was so excited he was Korean.  She is from the Phillipines and was saying how cute he is.  Everybody stops to tell us how cute he is though.  The anesthesiologist asked about drinking after he woke up in recovery.  I told him that because he's allergic to apples he couldn't have any juice and I felt more comfortable just giving him water.  I asked him if he wanted the sippy cup to bring back there, but he said he was just going to have them get me to give him a drink. 

It was maybe an hour later and they called us back.  The doctor hadn't even come to talk to us yet, so I was a little confused.  They actually brought us back before he woke up.  He still had the cannula in his nose for O2.  The nurse lowered the rail so I could get in bed with him.  Then, they went to get the doctor to talk to us.  I was so happy that they made that exception for us.  The last time was so horrible when he woke up.  I wasn't there and it freaked him out.  He woke up so calmly this time.  I talked to him when he stirred and he was fine.  I drank his water and we got to go home.  Boy was he excited to eat some fries.  He wouldn't share with grandma.  He was not going to share with anyone.  He even ate some of my burger, drank my Sprite and then ate some of grandma's frosty.  He was a hungry little man. 

He's a tough guy.  I don't know how many times I told him how good of a boy he is.  He really is a great boy.  He hardly fussed considering how long he'd gone without food and drink.  As long as he had mom, paci and cow he was cool with it.  The doctor said there's no damage from the reflux.  He looked perfectly normal in both places and we even have the pictures from it all.  Now, we just wait for the biopsies to come back and see if he's having allergic reactions to something or if there's infection in the linings.  We don't know what's next at this point.  Especially, if nothing comes back.  Pulmonologist is where we're supposed to go after this is ruled out since the reflux is causing respiratory infections.  We'll just keep taking it day by day and get him figured out. 

So, there's the day.  I was pretty tired, but he did SO well and I love this little boy so much.  BTW, they had the cutest dinosaur wrap on his arm board.  I wish I would have taken my camera to show here.  I wish I could find some for him.  So cute on my sweet guy.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The definition of 'emergency'

Definition of EMERGENCY

: an unforeseen combination of circumstances or the resulting state that calls for immediate action 
So, based on this if it was a medical emergency someone would receive prompt action, right?  I think the hospital needs to know this.  Eye Roll
Jae has an EGD/sigmoidoscopy tomorrow to find out what is going on that he still has acid reflux.  It was supposed to be at 8 am, which is bad enough for an almost 2 year old that doesn't get to eat or drink in the morning, plus do bowel cleansing.
They called today to say they had an emergency and he had to be pushed back to 11 am.  First of all...really you want me to keep him from eating without screaming until then.  Are you nuts?  And second, 'emergency' by the above definition means they shouldn't have known early today that they need to do this tomorrow.  Makes no sense to me.  The lady proceeds to tell me that that means I don't have to get there so early now, so apparently I'm supposed to be happy.  Well, I'd much rather get up super early to have a happy toddler than one that, for good reason, is going to meltdown.  I informed her that I will be there earlier than our time because I won't know what else to do with him at that point and if I have to deal with it so do they.  They better not think they're going to get away with taking him from me before he's loopy.  I let them do it last time and I already informed them it was not good for his attachment and security and they would not do that again.  Tomorrow, will probably not be a good day to cross this mommy who's way protective over this baby boy.

So far, tonight is fine.  We got through giving him the magnesium citrate.  I got lemon and he LOVED it.  I did the enema like I was supposed to and he's now resting in mommy's bed.  Special treat for my sweet baby.  I might get him up before midnight and give him a little snack yogurt.  Poor guy's been on a soft diet all day.  So, of course, when they said I could always reschedule I told them no way.  My big eater has already had a crappy diet today and I wasn't putting him through that again.  Tomorrow morning will be a play it by ear after the kids go to school.  Whatever it takes to make him happy and eventually I'll just have to hear him cry and he'll probably hit me because that's what he does when he's super ticked.  I'm anxious for tomorrow afternoon when this is all over and then next week they can get us the biopsy results and let us know what's going on....hopefully.  

Pray for my baby please.  I hope it goes perfectly tomorrow and he tolerates everything well.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

8 years later

On Jeju Island a sweet baby girl was born 8 years ago.  We were lucky enough to be come her parents.  She's funny and sweet and very caring.  Though, a little ditzy.  Gotta love my Binah.  Happy birthday sweetie.  I'm so glad you had a such a great day.  You never stopped smiling tonight as you opened your cards and got all your phone calls.

And Lois, here is her trying to open the card that doesn't open.  She finally ripped it trying to open it.  The boys thought I was going to be mad at her, but I had to just start laughing.  She was trying so hard to open that card.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Goonies, doughnuts and this and that.

I don't know if I'm just getting old, my allergies and asthma is getting to me or the nights up with a specific man that has me so tired.  I've been going to sleep at 9 the past two nights and sleeping late...thanks to my husband.  And, I still don't feel terribly recharged, but still so much to do.  After running to 3 stores Saturday to grocery shop, get the remaining supplies school has since asked for and looking to replace hubby's sandals with some new cheapies we decided to go swimming.  It's still stinkin' hot, but after that rain it felt a little cool.  I sat and watched, but the kids did NOT mind the cooler water.  Thank goodness Lois lets us swim.  Keeps the kids busy and saves a ton of money.  It's really good therapy for Brian too.  He felt every muscle in his legs last night and they were tired.  He could use that therapy a little more often. You kind of forget about the importance of ongoing therapy this far out of the accident and with life just being so busy.

Kaelin came to bed with me and watched tv last night after the two littlest went to bed.  Brian and the big guys were watching something in the basement.  She had to turn off the tv and put me to bed because I fell asleep.  Today consisted of more laundry and house cleaning.  Then, I got the bright idea to make doughnuts the way we used to at my grandma's house when I was little.  It was just a yeast roll recipe, but the kids LOVED them.  Super cheap to do.

I taped Goonies for the kids too and they sat and watched that this evening after dinner.  They actually liked it.  It was iconic in our time.  And tonight I have a kid with a tooth ache.  Not sure if it's really a tooth problem since he just went to the dentist in June, but I think it may be more sinus.  He can't nail it down to a location; it's top and bottom.  So, we're trying antibiotics and decongestant and tylenol.  See how it goes.  He's also trying some heel cups and arch supports we had to look for at Walmart yesterday.  He has a lot of heel pain after he is on his feet a lot.  I'm really hoping this helps since we can't afford another specialist right now.  We'll see on that too.

I'm trying to adjust myself to cutting back even further than we do on a normal basis.  I'm hoping my dream of going part time may come true soon, even if not for long.  We're going to start making our own bisquick mix and other little things.  That's a good thing to do regardless of if I get to do it or not.  I'm praying about part time.  The specialist appointments and keeping up with the kids has just really gotten hard working full time.  It's not that bad without all that, but I've felt somewhat overwhelmed the past month or so with so many appointments and things to keep up with to keep everyone healthy, yet get through normal life. 

I'm really nervous about this week.  I have to get Kaelin's cake made tomorrow, after work, for her birthday on Tuesday.  I'd like to pop up to just one of Chase's football practices too, so tomorrow night would be it.  I have to try to get Chase to the dentist in the next day or two if he doesn't start feeling better.  Then, Tuesday, of course, is Kae's birthday, so that takes precedence over everything.  Wednesday I have to get the Heart Walk money dropped off for the American Heart Association.  And Wednesday I get to start getting little man through his enema for Thursday's procedure.  I'm praying Wednesday and Thursday aren't terribly hard, but I don't exactly understand this soap enema thing, so I'm awaiting further instructions from the GI.  And praying his anesthesia isn't as hard on him this time, like last.  I should feel pretty darn good Friday, but I'm thinking we're supposed to do something then too, but I can't remember what.  See I'm losing it.  I need a break.  I need an assistant.  :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Starting something you don't want to continue

Gosh, I hope this doesn't continue on, but it just seemed okay for one night.  :)

Poor J was tired by 7:30 tonight.  I'm sure it's just because I had to give him yet another dose of benadryl for his hives.  At this point, I'm no longer sure what's causing them.  I took him to his room, gave him paci and puppy and cow and then laid with him and sang.  As soon as I got up he started to repeat something I couldn't understand.  I thought maybe he didn't really want to go to bed, so I let him out and he went to my room.  He pointed to the bed and wanted up.  So, I put him in bed and left.  I can't believe he went right to sleep without me there with him.  But, he did.

Then, Cole decided to sleep in Jaemin's room so he didn't have to hear Chase snore on his first night before school.  This bed exchange is confusing.  I had to make sure to tell Brian who was where when he got home from football practice.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Personal Exploration of an Adult Adoptee

First Person Plural is the personal exploration of Deann Borshay Liem to find her Korean identity.  I'm not sure it was completely uncommon for things to work the way it did in her case.  I've heard, not countless, but other stories on the internet from those early years of Korean adoption where identities were exchanged in order to complete a promised adoption.  For her, she was able to track down and still find her original identity and birth family, but I wonder about others.  Maybe some accepted who they were told they were?

I want to believe that with all the laws that have changed over all these years that this no longer happens, but it's hard to say if that belief is true or if we'll ever know.  I want to believe that what we were told about our children is true, mostly so they don't have to be confused by their own history.  Your own, personal, story shouldn't be puzzle pieces to put together because of adults.  I can't help but watch this video and slightly wonder what the birthfamilies of our three children are like and wonder if we'll meet them?  I pray that should our children choose to that their prayers are answered and that they will allow us to participate.  I already feel love towards their birthfamilies as if they are an extension of our family.

This is part of the reason I want to visit Korea as a family in a few years, so badly.  I feel that visiting beforehand, before they may choose to investigate their beginnings and having an understanding of their birthlands may make their experiences a little easier.  I want us to have this experience together first, as a whole family.  I know we could go to Disney or Hawaii as our one big family vacation and for a lot less money, but this just seems so important to me and something that we can't put off until it never happens.  Does that makes sense?  I hope that because I ask from time-to-time how the girls (since they're older) feel or if they I have questions I pray there's not that miscommunication or misunderstanding that makes them afraid to discuss their Korean-ness or their Korean families.

If you have almost an hour to watch this video, do. It's very interesting and gives you a lot to think about, especially if you are a family member to an adoptee.  It gives you some insight into how they may, one day, feel.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Bittersweet Evening

We got the boys all registered in middle school and then Chase went to football practice.  Cole has been doing well watching Chase do something he so badly wanted to, but I sometimes wonder when it will wear off.  It has to be hard.  We sent him away on a small vacation with his grandparents for a couple of days this week.  He was the center of attention for a couple of days and we really felt like he could use it.  I do think that played a part in him dealing with it a little better, but like I said, I don't know how long it will last.

Chase was running back tonight and Brian's pretty sure he'll be starting since he's one of the fastest and about 20 lbs heavier than the other fast boy.  I'll miss his first game because Cole has his Heart Walk that day.  But, he will have other games and Cole only does this once per year and I'm hoping this is something he'll continue on with, especially now.  He's already done it for 6 years which is awesome for a boy his age.

I just hope Cole learns to be flexible with his life and roll with it all.  It's really the only way.  However, I will always feel bad for him and pray he doesn't feel like he truly missed out.  I could care less about athletics, but if it's something my kids enjoy and are interested in, I greatly care.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Real World

Mine Vs. Others

Have you ever seen those reality shows?  We must be getting Bravo free for a bit, so I thought I'd tune into some of those housewives shows.  It just stuns me what their reality is compared to ours.  The stuff they worry about and stress about are so stupid and frivolous.  Money or not, I'd like to know if their 'lives' are real.  Do wealthy really have that low of an existence as some of these people on reality shows portray?  Sure they seem to love their kids, etc. but they make their lives so much more complicated than they need to be.  Of course, I'm sure there are plenty of people like that in every social class.

I guess I just spend so much time worrying about where this world is going  for my children and grandchildren.  Is there going to be anything left to save?  I wish I had an answer to how to fix the problems of today.  I wish I had an answer to how the middle class is going to survive without getting crushed into the poorer classes.  And I wish I had an answer on how to get the poorer classes up and handling things better on their own, for the ones who want to.  There are too many that fall through the cracks in our society and too many that take advantage of the cracks they seep into to get what they 'deserve'. 

I wish there were a way to link up social security numbers.  If you partake in social welfare of any sort, disability or otherwise, then you should sign over the government's ability to verify your accounts and holdings.  If anything is dependent on your assets and income then there should be proof.  Instead, it's left to social workers that there are not enough of and they are left to take the participant's word for it.  Yes, if they lie, then they're in trouble, but the truth of it is they don't have time to verify anything.  If these verifications were computerized we wouldn't have those same worries.

I know some don't believe government should have too much control, but if you want free government aid then you have to give up some liberties.  That would leave more funding for the truly needy.  And no, if they put assets, etc. in someone else's name it's going to be hard to verify anything, but they'd have to go through a lot of trouble to hide it at least.  It's better than the way it is now.  I don't understand the mentality of them 'owing' it to you.  I really don't.

I know right now, you're thinking what does the first paragraph have to do with any of the others.  My point is that I wonder if this isn't why we're in this predicament.  Too many people getting upset, worried and dramatizing petty things in life instead of the things that matter.  We've lost some of the important things that used to be taught to our kids and substituted them for the great American dream of having it all and more.  I've said it before and I'll say it a million times over.  As long as we can pay our bills, keep our children healthy, love each other and teach the kids to be good and caring people this is all I want for my success in life.  My kids are thankful for the smallest things and that makes me proud.  We can take free passes and take them to the pool for a couple of hours and get thank yous from them.  We hope to keep them on that track. 

We're not perfect parents, by any means, but how will it do any good if there are so few out there, or so it seems, keeping their children in reality? 

Saturday, August 7, 2010

A first for some of the kids

I took 3 of  the kids to their first concert.  It was only $10 at the county fair, so I thought it would be a good idea to see how well Chelsi would really hold up.  She was pretty much the reason I even wanted to go being the BIG country fan she is.  It was late, so I wasn't sure what to expect.  We didn't get there until 9 and waited around for it to start.  She had a BLAST!  She was waving her hands and screaming.  She was so hoarse.  Her arms were in the air more than they were down.  She really, really liked Justin Moore!  Kaelin and Chase wanted to go to.  I think they wanted to experience it.  They couldn't see real well and I could only hold Chelsi.  We pushed our way towards the front and when we got fairly close there were some nice girls that offered to hold my 50lb Kaelin.  Chelsi finally heard 'Backwoods' and was ready to go to bed.  We got home and in bed around midnight.  I loved watching her enjoy it.  She also asked me to take a picture of Justin.  I only brought my 10 year old little camera so I wouldn't have to worry so the picture stinks, but it's a picture.  :)

Definitely want to take her to a bigger concert some day.  She truly loved it!
Chelsi and I at the concert.
And on the way there.

Just keep swimming...

We've now done 4 pools in 4 days.  The kids are having way too much fun swimming.  Thank God all 5 are water babies.  They're definitely MY kids.

But, before that I wanted to finally put out the pics of the little kids at Six Flags.  I wish I had pictures from the waterpark and the big kids, but it's hard to have fun if you're busy taking tons of pictures.  Kaelin road a big roller coaster for the first time and she said her tummy was doing flipflops by the end, but she loved it. 

Already sleeping on the way there.


Today we were able to swim at a friends house.  She wasn't there, but let us swim anyways.  Dad needed some alone time, so me and aunt M took them to Lois' to swim.  They had a great time!!


Friday, August 6, 2010

I did it!

I took time off just for the heck of it.  I haven't even taken time off without a reason in 2 years.  That was our last vacation right after the accident, the appendectomy and the seizure.  I took a couple hours off to use our pool passes.  The kids had a great time meeting up with their friends for a couple of hours. Then, they had their last night of swim lessons.  Cole only has one level to go and he can try out for jr lifeguard.  I'll have one in 2, 4, 5 and 6 next year. 

Then, we took off a whole day for Six Flags.  We had a great time.  We haven't just gone somewhere without any expectations or an agenda in years and I really enjoyed it.  The kids had an awesome time.  I haven't been in nearly 20 years.  Makes me sound old, huh?  I'm not really that old, just haven't been since high school.  I don't think Kaelin stopped smiling all day!  Jae did great!  All of the kids had so much fun!!  I loved watching them.

I took off early again today so the kids could go to the pool again, before they close for the season.  They got  to meet up with their friends again and had a great time.  They were thanking me as we were walking out of the park.

I really need to take my vacation a little more often to enjoy life.  I'm always so afraid I'll need it, so I really rarely use it.  And Cole's heart is a lot of that reason, but sometimes I wonder if I live in the mean time?  I'm such a cautious person.  Always have been.

And, I have to say Six Flags is definitely an enlightening experience.  We saw vehicles with taped up plastic instead of a back window all the way to tricked out Escalades.  I saw a man with a belly ring.  I've never seen that before.  One girl had some sort of ring coming our both cheeks and I think her lip too.  Either that or it was a tattoo.  I really need to get out more often.  I wonder, some days, if my kids will be as sheltered as I've always been.  Sometimes that's good and sometimes that's bad.

On the medical side, I'm still waiting to hear from Cole's PC.  We're going to try to catch each other so he can explain things to me.  Jaemin has an appointment at the end of next month.  I'm hoping we'll get somewhere with him then.  I got Chelsi in to a ped urologist next month and really have high hopes for figuring things out for her too.  They're supposed to call next week to tell me what time to come and what tests we can start with.  Jane, if you're reading this it may be an early appointment, so we may need a place to stay that night?

Anyways, I've discovered vacation time in the midst of medical stress is AWESOME!

Monday, August 2, 2010


Nothing of substance today, just tidbit thoughts muddled together.

I was anxious for the mail to come because I had called the PC's office Thursday.  They were going to mail some information on Cole's surgery.  No dice.  I was bummed.

Saturday, I had to take K to the doc for a rash that's been taking outrageously long to heal.  Doc says it's neurodermatitis.  Great, now it's all in our heads.  :)  We grocery shopped after the appointment and I had taken J with us.  When we went to the store there were Cardinals balloons in the entrance.  I didn't even see them until J yelled 'charge'.  He definitely knows the Cardinals logo.  Looks like Chelsi has some competition as far as kid fans in our house goes.

I stayed home with the little 3 today.  I think I'm a sympathetic person to stomach aches.  Chelsi started throwing up at bedtime last night.  Over and over and over again.  We got her in the shower and I cleaned up...luckily it happened to be in the kitchen.  Ever since then I felt sloshy.  I don't think I'm actually sick, I think I'm just being sympathetic to her being sick.  For some reason I do that a lot when they're sick with a stomach bug.  I'm rarely actually sick.

Other than these things, life is normal.  Back to work as usual.  Hopefully, we'll get to do some extra swimming this week though.  Summer's sliding to an end and we're really running out of time.  Really hate that.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Broken Heart

I'm still trying hard to understand Cole's heart.  I 'thought' I understood it 13 years ago.  I just can't believe what was explained to me was not really the whole story.  Our family doc is getting his full records so he can help explain things to me since the pediatric cardiologist is 2 hours from us.  I can't just pop in for an appointment and getting them on the phone has been near to impossible.  I just have generic questions, but since I can't see the post op to know exactly what was in there I can't ask those questions very well.

The PC said he has a goretex (PFTE) monocusp.  The NP (that works for the PC) said the documentation they have says transannular patch with monocusp.  I'm not totally understanding if they both actually mean the same thing or not.  I understand what the patch is, but I don't know if they replaced his valve, patched over his valve or if it was never there.  Since no one ever said atresia, I'm guessing it was there, just maybe damaged?  After all my googling it looks like standard procedure for a standard tetralogy case is to do what they told me they'd be doing.  They'd patch the holes between the ventricles (he had 2) least that's what I was told 13 years ago...who knows now...I'll check for that too.  Then they take out the muscle build up around the valve that is narrowing causing the stenosis.

When Cole was in surgery they called us in the waiting room to tell us they thought they had finished, but had to put him back on bypass because his pressures were still too high.  They never explained what they did in that time, but the new PC's office says that's when the patch was put in place.  Makes sense.  But, why never tell us?  From what I understand, if reducing muscle is not enough that's when the patches are put on.  However, withing the first 20 years another surgery is always required and it's to replace the valve completely.  So even if they spared his valve it will be replaced.  The information I found shows that usually about 10 years out is when the leakage is too much.  Most kids are good until then, depending on their specific circumstances.  So, I guess if we make it 13+ years we're doing good?  Just wish we had known.

So, we'll have another appointment next Spring and do the full run of tests including, xray, EKG, echo, MRI and stress test.  Then, we're hoping they'll have a better idea of how well his heart is handling things, how much enlargement there is on the right side and when the surgery is coming.  For now, his xray confirmed his echo and he should do okay to next year.  Can't say I'm not still nervous, because for the first time in 13 years I am.

I'm trusting God.  I just remind myself of that and I feel better for a bit.


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Another baby boy!!

Congrats Tom and Nic on your first baby boy William.  I noticed you finally got to use that chosen name.  So it looks like we kept up the family tradition.  You have my middle name as your first and your son has my son's middle name as his first.  Cool!


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Public vs. Private Behavior

Do you ever wonder about people's behaviors?  I mean if someone's openly mean, how mean are they at home?  I mean I feel like I can be a grouch sometimes, but when people are just commonly like that in public (and we're usually more comfortable with our behaviors at home) how bad is it at home?

At swim lessons tonight there was a lady that had her grandkids there.  I know because I heard one of them call her nana.  Anyways, They were probably about some of my kids' ages.  I'd say 13, 8, 5 and 3ish on all of them.  The 13 yo was a junior lifeguard and was helping the lifeguards teach.  The 8 year old just finished her class before ours started and the other two didn't have class at all.  As soon as I got there grandma and 13 yo were fighting.  One apparently wanted to go home and then they just got into a stubborn match and the grandma kept yelling at her to shut up.  The 3 year old was being so patient and being pretty well-behaved for his age but she ended up yelling at him too.  He was tearing at one point, but wouldn't cry out lout, poor little guy.  Grandma pulled out some medications for the 8 and 5 yos to take and was yelling at them to shut up because they were trying to tell her how much they had to take and she was trying to read whatever their mother wrote.  Apparently, one or both were supposed to get 1/2 and she couldn't break them.  So she proceeded to yell 'you mom is full of f**ing sh*t'.  I got so tired of listening to it I had to go to the opposite side of the pool to watch the big kids for a bit.  I couldn't take it anymore. 

I came back to my spot to watch Chelsi and smiled at the little boy sitting behind me and he just quietly smiled back.  I was relieved that she was the grandma and not the mother and hopefully they're not with her often by the way she treats them.  I've never heard shut up so many times in my life.  They really were pretty well-behaved little kids.  Especially, the two youngest.  I don't think my kids would have ever sat that still that long.

I guess some people still surprise me.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Money brings out the ugly in so many

I understand being mad and frustrated...totally.  But completely being indecent and rude is just not okay.  Nothing makes someone more low class than to be constantly in judgment of others while singing the praises of yourself.

If you read our local newspaper there's a particular topic that has hit the hot buttons of so many here.  And it pertains to money....imagine that.  The thing I just don't get is the constant ridicule.  There's one particular person who is judging someone else there because she doesn't make much money and is upset about a loss in partial pay because she, alone, is raising her two children and cannot get the child support she needs to help her.  I don't know her, so I don't pretend to know if she's telling the truth or not, but she doesn't have a crazy, ridiculous story and isn't really putting anyone else down just venting about her particular circumstances.  So I have no reason not to believe she is in those circumstances.  The other person there is preaching to her that she should have bettered herself and pulled herself out of that job into better pay, etc.  She is making sure that all people who read those comments are well aware of her view that her money is not making much interest because of the middle class citizens wanting to be like the upper class and living beyond their means.  She has touted herself as coming from a poor family, enduring child abuse and working to get an education completely by herself and being completely self sufficient.

Again, I don't know this person, so could be a real story, could be fake...who knows...who cares.  The point is that she's so blinded by her own pride in herself that she thinks everyone can and is awarded the same opportunities and should make the same choices as herself.  I get the impression that she has no children as she doesn't seem particularly sympathetic of those with and is touting her and her spouses ability to just have love.  Seems a little contradictory.  Maybe the single mother was happy to be just paying her bills and have the love of her two children?  Why should money be the be all end all?  Does money make some differences...of course.   I'm not naive.  And I take offense to the statement that it's not the upperclass or poor putting us all in this situation.  It's everyone in every class.  You'll find citizens in every class wanting more.  Isn't that the American dream?  I guess for some anyways.

We're perfect middle class examples.  I think there are too many blames to lay for this crisis and don't even want to try to pinpoint it right now.  But, responsibility in ourselves would be a #1 for all to follow.  We don't live beyond our means.  We have a home loan....not bad on our income with 5 kids.  We chose to adopt and have more children over living the typical American dream or socking all of our money away for a rainy day that may never come.  We always knew we would never regret our children, but would regret not having them.  Other than paying for the adoptions and paying our bills after we added each of our children, money was not a major consideration.  I have to say with my $200/month paycut coming in January due to this massive change and the possibility (quite possible I'm afraid to actually say here) the kids are the best thing I come home to (and of course my husband) and they make me feel better.  I don't feel empty knowing we won't be able to stay in budget any longer and have no room to move anything out of our budget.  I feel full when I walk in the door to a little boy that lights up and yell's "mommy" the second I enter.  That's better than anything.  I'm ticked at the changes and I'm scared to death, but I have my family and they truly are what I need.

Considering this is coming from a HUGE budget freak that has always worried about money and preparing for the future this is big.  I can honestly say that I will do what we need to do to pay what we can when the time comes and still get the medical care our kids need, but THEY make everything okay.  THEY make my life worth it and I feel for those that don't get to feel this euphoria of love.  Such as this poor lady commenting in the paper.  Prayers for her please.  I feel she needs them.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

**Super cute**

I don't know when I'll get anymore nieces or nephews on my side (I finally have 1), so I love to look at this little one even if only by email pics.  Here's my little cute...I love sleep pictures.  Look how snuggly he looks.  :)

Anxiety? Probably

For the 2nd night in a row I've had horrible dreams.  I don't even want to outright type what they're about.  And I won't.  It's too scary.  I know it has to be related to Cole's news.  I can't believe it's bothering me this bad.  I usually don't get so rocked like that.  Yeah, I might let go of a tear or two, but rarely does it hit me to the extent of dreams.  Hopefully, I get to have a conversation with the nurse practitioner tomorrow and questions get answered and maybe my subconscious can rest.

I hope.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Children Center

Do you ever wonder if your children center you a bit?  I think they do.  They make me feel that way sometimes.

While, at work, I freaked a bit at the prospect of my $200-300 paycut in January and still figuring out the details of Cole's heart issues I can be free at home.  For some reason, after Cole's appointment tonight I just feel okay.  Okay enough anyways.  He and I have had some nice conversations yesterday and today about life, which is nice to have with your 13 year old.  I told him how much I believe that God will take care of us.  And I meant it.  I didn't say it so he wouldn't be scared.  He probably still would be anyways.  I told him I still am scared, but not for that.  I'm more worried about him and how he feels.  I told him how much easier it was to watch him have open-heart as an infant as opposed to now that he's old enough to be scared and I can't do anything about it.  I asked him to place his trust in God.  The same way we did when we leaped in faith for Jaemin.  He told me how happy he was that we did that.  I told him God doesn't steer you wrong...only you do that to yourself.  He seems a little better now.  So, he's done with his xray and we'll talk to them again next week to discuss more of the details of how we went from 0-180 just like that.  I'm hoping for things to make a little more sense next week and then I'll be better yet.

But, as I checked on them all, sleeping in their beds, before I headed to bed tonight I felt so calm and peaceful.  Every single night I'm reminded of how lucky I am.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Not so good news/Living for Today While Thinking about Tomorrow

I've never been good about living for today.  I've gotten much better after Brian's accident.  My little reality check that no matter how much you try to prepare for things you can't always.  And you never react the way you think.  The call for Jaemin taught me that or reinforced what I already knew.

We're planning to go to Korea in 2013, but at this point we're not sure.  Not sure if we should do it sooner or expect to do it later?  Not sure at all.

We went to a new pediatric cardiologist today, as I wrote about last night.  Cole has been seeing the same guy for 13 years.  We have been told for the last several years (since he was 5) that 'if' he needed anything it would be open heart, but there would be no way to know.  Then he always eluded to Cole never needing anything again after he entered adulthood.  We also were told a couple of years ago that he could do any high school sports he wanted to after being told in all the previous years that he couldn't.  I decided to let up on my overprotectedness this year and let him play football as he'd been wanting.  I asked specifically about football.

Today we saw the new doc, after personal references with other patients' parents.  We really liked him.  He took so much time with us and talked to Cole....not me.  He drew pictures of Cole's heart to explain to him and I what's going on.  And when I asked about football, he said 'no contact sports'.  So football is again out.  He can play baseball with a chestguard and basketball is okay, but the constant running could be hard on him.  Then, he proceeded to tell us something we'd never been told.  Cole's valve had been completely replaced at surgery in 1997 and valves don't, apparently, last this long.  He was astonished he was still okay after 13 years.  They don't use the valve he has anymore and the new ones only have a life of about 7-10 years and have to be replaced via open-heart.

So, today we were told open-heart surgery IS coming.  So he had to deal with being told he couldn't play the sport he wanted to and that this surgery is coming.  We don't know when.  He has no symptoms other than his right side is enlarged from the significant leakage from the valve, right now.  We're doing an xray to see how enlarged it is.  Then, next year he'll do a stress test, EKG, Echo, MRI and xray at the hospital.  He'll be able to better determine when the surgery may be.  So we literally don't know if it will be next week or 2 years from now.  It all depends on that valve that has already exceeded it's lifespan.

I drove back to work after the appointment and went through periods of telling myself everything is fine to periods of feeling like crying.  But, I won't.  I'll leave that to him.  And when I told him it was okay to cry and grieve his loss, he did.  I feel so bad for him.  I wish I could make him feel better, but right now there isn't anything I can do.  I just hugged him and talked to him and of course, threw in the usual "you have to remember there's always a kid in a worse situation than you".

For now, I will just pray that, as usual, God will take care of us and keep us all safe and healthy.  And that when the time comes He will guide the surgeon's hands as he did 13 years ago to take care of my son.  And I will hold onto and remind Cole that the surgeon said that if a new procedure passes the FDA in a few years that this may be his last open-heart.  Instead he could have it repaired by cath.  Can you believe that?  Valve replacement by cath.  Amazing!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I decided to change

the 'about me' section.  I don't want to talk about adoption right there and I decided to call myself a special mom for two reasons.  A) I technically have 5 special needs kids as determined in the adoption world (if all had been) and B) I'm special because of them.  I'm just a mom trying to get through life while working and doing everything I can for my kids and my husband...and of course, he reciprocates. 

Tonight we had a little intake visit for a state program to evaluate children's needs under 3.  I can't really say Jaemin's developmentally delayed, and really that's what it will take to get into the program, but he has some tendencies that are on the ASD side (Aspergers).  They're going to at least do intake and then they can watch him in case we have more needs as time goes least until he ages out next year.  We know it could just be a quirk, but we need to try to figure it out.  We'll figure that out if and when we need it. 

Chelsi is still having her issues that require specialists, but we're trying some new things per one office and then we'll decide where to go next.

Cole has his cardiologist appointment tomorrow and, for the first time, it's with a new PC.  Ours has quit after our 13 years with him, so we'll see if we like this new guy we selected.  He has a good rep, so we'll try him out.

I'm also trying to research and find a way to safely get Cole and Jaemin an omega-3 supplement (I would love it to include DHA benefits).  I read that this could help Cole with what's left of his ADHD tendences and Jaemin's allergies.  His eczema has increased in the past couple of weeks.  We ruled out his food allergies that they can test for at this age and it's not helping as much as it seemed to in the beginning.  We also got him some lotion they wanted us to try and it doesn't seem to be helping either.  So, omega-3 is supposed to help with allergies sometimes, so I'd like to try it since it's a pretty healthy supplement.

We'll see what we can figure out.  I feel like that's all I do at night when the lights go down.  I just research and research all the health things I can for the kids.  There's too many and after awhile it does get least when it gets late.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

That don't impress me much

Sorry, just wanted to quote Shania Twain.  :)

This article is about some folks that were able and are able to save pretty well.  But, what I mean by "that don't impress me much" is that if you read about them they have pretty high paying careers and/or few kids.  The only thing that is impressive to me about this article is the fact that there still remain people in the US that value saving and don't live beyond their means or make a lot of money and spend every single dime and penny.

We would actually have a pretty good savings if we had stopped at our older two.  We were talking about that the other day.  What if we didn't have 13 years worth of daycare (sometimes x 2)?  What if we didn't have 3 adoptions to pay for?  Short answer we probably would have saved most of it.  I'm a saver by nature and love to see it grown.  Can we save anywhere what these people are saving?  Ah, that's a big fat nada.  The couple that has an income listed makes more than 3.5 more than we make between the two of us and then you add in that we're supporting 5 children, it's pretty easy to figure it out.

We still do well considering what we do make though.  We put everything into our account to pay ahead of time.  If there's a way to lower a bill I try to find it and we do it.  We can't pay for our house outright...which would be nice.  But, how many people on our income and family size have $150,000 in their pockets?

Back to looking back and if we had just stopped at the older two.  I wouldn't, in a million, trillion years trade having the money these other families have and their vacations for my last 3 kids.  No way, no how!  They're so much better than money.

One of the 'savers' was quoted, and a paraphrase, 'I won't ever have to want for anything'.  Well, the one thing we knew we could regret one day and never take or get back is having kids.  So happy with that decision!

Monday, July 19, 2010

To sleep and dream in 5 minutes

What a record!

Chelsi went to bed and within 5 minutes was in the hall crying a little.  Cole went to go check on her and she told him that she had had a bad dream.  She really didn't want to go to bed in the first place, so I guess she thought this would get her out of it.  She was really tired.  Swimming lessons is taking it out of her.

I think I may have already said that the kids chose to do one last round of swim lessons for the summer.  The big boys needed to build up their stamina, so we thought doing back to back since no one's playing ball might be a good idea.  I do think it's helping them.  I'm not sure if they're going to pass because it gets really hard at this level, though.  Kaelin will more than likely least I think so.  Chelsi will not.  She is already well aware though.  She is water up to her chin, but she gives it more than the tall kids.  She really tries hard and keeps on going no matter how much water she swallows and how many times she can't stop coughing after swallowing it all.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Put the remote DOWN!

I found out there is a rule by DishNetwork on VODs (Video on Demand).  Apparently, no matter how the video gets rented you pay.  No excuses.  Makes me wonder how many times people falsely call in and tell them a movie got rented. 

How did I find out this tidbit?

I had to call after scrolling through the guide and seeing "rented" next to a VOD.  I actually thought about renting one, my last freebie I had, and came across it.  So I called them because it wasn't playing or anything, so I wasn't sure if something had really been rented.  Well, they informed me this is the 2nd video we got this week.  Apparently, "Alice in Wonderland" had also been rented.  I remember Chelsi mentioning that movie, but I thought she was talking about the cartoon being on Disney.  Nope...she figured out how to rent it.  But what gets me is the 4 year old knows how to read, so she had to read that it was going to cost mommy $4.99.  AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN FINISH IT!  Jaemin (yes the 1 year old) hit enough buttons to manage to rent "The Bounty Hunter".  I cannot believe how long we've had satellite and never had this happen until now!  Luckily since VOD is all day we just made sure we watched it and got something out of these dang videos.

So, make sure to use the lock PPV!  I didn't even know that existed since we never do PPV.  And Dish, well they don't even slightly feel sorry for you.  Nothing.  Just a polite and sometimes not so polite "per our agreement" yada yada yada.  If there were a cable provider here I would switch in a second.  We get so little for $63/month and we need this just to see locals!

I was mad, but it's a tad funny now.  They're definitely the two that can give you a run for the money.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


This is what my 4 yo said to me as I walked out of her room last night.  So proud of her.  A lady at a local Chinese restaurant, who was born in Korea, taught the girls how to say goodbye.  Chelsi asked me if Ok would know, so I told her to ask her.  And, of course, Ok obliged.  The girls and I always tell each other saranghaeyo (사랑해요) at bedtime.  Last night she said goodbye to me in perfect Korean.  

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Chelsi has been asking me to get another waterslide for a couple of years.  Last year we just didn't have time with baseball and Jaemin just coming home and the whole adjustment to that.  So, I finally got one the other night.  Last night after Cole got home from his birthday party we went out and put it on the hill.  We did stop when it finally got too muddy.  But, we'll probably go back out today and put it back down.  The kids really didn't get enough and Jaemin absolutely loved it!  Water is one of his favorites.  He's going to totally love that the big kids are going back to swimming lessons for the rest of the summer which means him and mommy can splash in the baby pool.

We couldn't keep Jaemin off the slide, so even if he looks terrified in these pictures he was having an absolute blast!  He laughed and squealed so much.  I sprayed them with the water hose after we picked up and Cole taught him to tell me to spray him, so he would yell "spray" at me.  :)  He's really starting to talk a lot. As a side subject he finally put together a real sentence and it was in the middle of my great aunt's funeral in church.  He yelled "I want book!".  :)

One of my favorites with all 3 of my boys.
This is Kaelin, but you can't really see her in the water.  :)