Monday, March 21, 2011


Every full moon Jaemin doesn't sleep.  He literally lies in bed with his eye closed, but don't be mistaken, he's awake.  The second I sneak by his bedroom, to go to bed, he opens them and starts to cry.

Last night I took him back to his bed.  He came to my room screaming, so I locked the door.  He went back to bed and stopped crying, but 1/2 hour later I could still hear him whimpering in bed.  I couldn't take it anymore.  I brought him into bed.  I don't know what happened or why he started sleeping with me 6 months ago, but he's really gotten to where he has to.  He flopped in my bed and sat up several times until after 11:30.  Somewhere in there, and I don't remember when or how it came about (I was WAY tired) I went into his room, got his paci and made him throw it in the trash.  I told him that he he wanted to sleep in my bed every night that was fine, but paci had to go forever then.  He's REALLY attached to his paci, so all I could think was 'I'm going to pay for this at naptime tomorrow'.

Tomorrow's here.  So far so good.  I doubt he'll power nap as usual, but he DID go to sleep without it.  He asked me where it was and I reminded him that he was a big boy.  I asked him if Cole had a paci and he said 'no'.  I asked him if Chase had a paci and he said 'no'.  Then, I asked him if big boy Jaemin had a paci and he said 'yes'.  I told him was all gone in the trash forever.  He laid down for a second, but when I walked back by he was sitting up playing.  So since he HATES his door being closed I told him to lay down or I close the door.  He's such a little stinker, he said 'close the door'.  It was only about 1/2 hour later and he was sleeping, so that's good for him.  We'll see how future naps go, but dang, if he's gonna sleep in my bed no matter what, I'm getting something out of the deal.

On the potty front, Chelsi has been dry 11 nights in a row!  Yep, after we moved back into the house, not one wet night.  We're on week 9 o f the 12 week chart that came with the alarm.  So, I have to say, I'm pleased with the alarm....all $110 of it.  I really do think it trains their bodies.  In the beginning, if she rooted around too much or cried in her sleep, I knew she'd be wet.  But, now she stays dry even then.  She doesn't even run to the potty in the morning anymore.  She's holding it longer all of the sudden.  Now, when she first goes down she does go often.  Some nights she'll get up twice more to go potty.  I guess just a final empty.

It just feels so good to get somewhere.  To think maybe some day we'll have no pullups or diapers to purchase.  I know it may be awhile until little man is trained too, so all in all I'll end up with about 15-17 years of diapers.  YIKES!  Oh well, what can you do?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Really praying for Japan

Every time you turn around their news doesn't get much better.  It's a sobering realization of what can happen to a very strong, developed country.  What I mean is you expect the devastation in Haiti to be bad like it was, but I don't know that you expect it in Japan.  Chelsi even talked about it the day it happened.  She said grandpa had been watching it on the news and he told her that Japan was close to Korea.  I think it made her sad.  I told her he was right and that it is, but it all went the other way and didn't affect Korea.  But, still they are Korea's neighbors....even if they sometimes have bad blood between them after the occupation.

I pray for all of the people who have lost loved ones and are now dealing with radiation in the ground, food, etc.  Sounds like it's higher levels than expected and that's a terrible worry.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Snow to Sun

Today's a beautiful (though windy) almost 80 degree day.  Getting ready to take little man out after nap for some much needed outdoor run time.  But, before I go, I wanted to post a picture of the 4 big ones from this past Monday...yes just 3 days ago.  It was a day off school for snow (SNOW DAY!).  They were NOT happy at all since now it's encroaching on summer vacation.  But, I had just signed up for a free month of Netflix, so they had found Sandlot 2 on it and were quiet watching; all 4 together.  It was so nice.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Memories Forever

Or at least I hope they don't break and they last forever.  A few weeks ago I found these little stepping stone kits in LTD.  So I ordered 5.  The other night I mixed them and each kid made a handprint.  They decorated them with the little glowstones that came with them.  They are a little cheap looking, but still a great way to preserve their handprints at a particular point in time.  I love them in my rock garden.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

2 years ago we got a huge surprise

Two years ago today, we got an email to call our previous social worker.  I thought for sure it was to let us know we had a package or they had contact with a birth mother.  When I called, I got the shock of my life and immediately shook and cried.

Two years later, I have Jaemin, here with us, in person.  While today and the last few days he's not been feeling well, so he's been, well, GROUCHY, I LOVE this little boy with my heart and soul.  I love hearing him talk everyday as he came into the living room this morning and Brian said "J did you sleep in your bed last night?".  Jaemin quickly said "Nope, I slept in mommy's bed."  His language has just burst!  He says anything and everything and makes me so happy.  He's become the biggest little lover too.  I can't help but think back to the days when we first brought him home from Korea and he pushed so hard to get away from me.  He hit me and scratched me and just shoved me away if I tried to hold him, hug him or kiss him.  Now, he does the 'monkey hold' as we call it.  If Brian, Cole or I pick him up he wraps his arms around our necks and legs around our waists and lays his head on our shoulders.  He rubs your neck softly with his fingers as you hold him and he loves to lay close.  He still sleeps with me every single night, but most nights it's not too bad and I don't mind.  I love knowing he's there.

Where has the time gone for my baby boy?  Before you know it, he'll be as old as his oldest brother.  Two years ago I knew nothing of this boy.  I was so scared.  I worried we were possibly going to mess up the balance of our family, then.  I was so worried about rocking our happy little boat.  Little did I know our boat wasn't full yet.  It's fully now and I'm so happy God made a way for us to bring him home and to spend our lives with him.  I thank God for him and that email.

In case you don't remember, here's the first picture we saw of him (and I was in love)!
And a more recent, even though I've posted it before.

Happy Birthday Cole!

My first born is 14.  He turned 14 earlier in the week, but we weren't home until later this week.  So, the spoiled boy got 3 birthday cakes.  Since we were living with one set of grandparents, they made him a cake and we had dinner with another set on his birthday, they made a cake too.  Of course, I am going to have a cake for my own child, so that was cake #3!  Where has the time gone?  I cannot believe in two years I'll have a driver.  Now that IS scary.

Chelsi says he must be one special boy.  She must be right!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Long Several Days

It's been a LONG several days.  The first 5 days spent in our basement with 7 people wasn't too bad.  We survived just fine.  Then we moved to the inlaws while the floor was being done due to the smell.  It WAS pretty bad.  We stayed there about 5 days.  I'm SO glad to be home.  Just to be home!

So, lets see...where did I leave off.  Seizure?  Yes.  Okay, I took Jaemin for his EEG yesterday and he did GREAT!  He fell right to sleep.  We have to wait 1 1/2 weeks for results.  I'm not too concerned because I still think they'll come back normal and it's related to his GERD.  It's going to be awhile before we wean him from his meds.

Wednesday Brian and I spent from 8am to 12 am the next morning moving furniture back into the rooms, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, painting (touch up) and putting trim back on.  My closet doors still aren't on, but he'll do it this weekend.  They're too long now.  Thursday, I had the EEG with little man then came home to clean the kitchen (hadn't touched it yet) and found that both sides of our sink was leaking all over the place.  Luckily my father-in-law could come over and fix it up for us.  It will last a little bit, but the side with the disposal has about had it.  Hey the gasket lasted 15 years...pretty good.  Now to find one that will fit and replace it before it gives out totally at a REALLY inconvenient time.  That's the way it always happens.  My legs, feet and knees are killing me.  Brian is SO thinking I'm a big baby, I'm sure!

Tonight, we finally get to have Cole's birthday.  I'll post that later because his birthday should be it's own post!

Here are some before and after.  I didn't take before shots soon enough and all the furniture was already out.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

My baby

He scared the absolute life out of me.  I can still cry this morning just thinking about it.  The motion of what happened and his face keeps running through my mind over and over and over again and I just cry again.

We're not exactly sure what happened last night, but the ER doc thinks it was a small seizure.  Jaemin fell off the couch and hit the hard floor.  When I picked him up he started to scream and then stopped breathing, tensed up and fluttered his eyes.  Then he started to cry a little again, but then did it all again.  Because our big boys saw him look like he passed out on the couch and slowly fall he thinks that was the seizure and the way he acted with me was the post ictal (sp?) state.  The way he reacted reminded me of when Chelsi had her febrile seizure and they're biological siblings a couple of years ago.  I swear to God he scared the life out of me.  Because I wasn't automatically thinking seizure I really thought I was going to lose my angel.

He said there's a slight chance he really could have fallen asleep that fast and fell and hit his head and knocked himself out, but because of the distance and the fact that it wasn't a hard fall he doesn't think so.  They did a CT last night and bloodwork and said everything was perfect, which was great!  Now we just have to get an EEG when they open up Monday to be sure.  He said it's possible it could happen just this once and never happen again too.

Please pray for the EEG results.  I'm thankful the CT was clear and there's no tumor and no damage from the fall.  The EEG is the final piece to get an all clear unless it happens again.  AND PLEASE pray it never happens again.  I never want anything so scary to happen again.  He is my baby boy and I never want to lose my sweetheart!  I love him God...please keep him with me.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


4 whole days in the basement with 7....count it....7 people!  It's starting to wear on us all.  But, we've been sleeping much earlier....but you wake up more often 'cause there's always someone snoring!  Just another 5 to go!

Had my lumpectomy thing today.  She said she was pretty sure it was a sebaceous cyst, so no biggie.  She said it was bigger than she expected, but looked pretty typical.  I looked down after she was done and it looked pretty good.  About an inch or so long, but desolvable stitches, so easy to take care of.  All in all easy.  The numbness is wearing off this evening, so it's starting to get sore.  Time for some Tylenol. 

Tomorrow we will attend Brian's aunt's funeral.  I'm happy she's at peace now, but she was entirely too young!  It will hit me tomorrow at the visitation.  I feel for her girls so much!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Sorry, couldn't think of a better title.  My mom made me realize I haven't posted the potty results in awhile and since I know some are actually reading this to decide whether an alarm may be worth the extra $100 or not I thought I really should post.

It's been a couple weeks, I believe...since the last post on potty.  Tonight's the last night of week 5 on the alarm calendar they sent....or Progress Chart.  She'd been averaging 4 dry nights every 7 nights, which is great progress alone.  Then last week was only 3 and I started to wonder.  But, this week she's had 5 dry nights and 1 that it went off, but I'm pretty sure it went off for sweat and not potty.  I couldn't find any dampness in her undies and nothing in her pullup.  But, still...we'll finish off the 12 weeks of the chart they sent.  Will she be dry every night in the next 7 weeks?  We'll find out.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Praise God!

Cole's cardiologist called and told us about the MRI last week.  He said he saw nothing he wasn't expecting.  I asked him, point blank, if we should discontinue planning our trip to Korea in 2013 and he said keep planning it.  He thought that when he sees him next year he'll know he'll either have to do it then or it may even wait until after the trip.  Now he's saying he may be able to wait until after the trip.  He said definitely no more than a few years, but maybe more than a couple.  He said 11 minutes on the treadmill was great, so we're happy!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Our living quarters and storage

Here's our real kitchen.  We can still get to it, but you have to go outside and through the garage.  We won't be having suppers here, but at least if we must have something we can get to it.
Two bathrooms (and our closet, but you can't see it)
Here's our pillows and lovees.
Station to get ready in the morning (for us girls anyways).
Our kitchen and medicine area.
All mushed together.

Testing, testing

our patience with each other that is.  The big boys are lucky.  They have a bedroom in the basement.  No major change for them.  But, the other 5 of us have moved downstairs into the basement to live for a little over a week.  Where's the little icon with the buggy eyed guy? 

We have STUFFED all of the furniture from the 3 bedrooms, living room and hallway into the 2 bathrooms and kitchen...and one thing in the laundry.  I think we can still get to our kitchen if we must, to get meds and such.  I did pack us a small kitchen for the basement though.  We have ibuprofen, tylenol and all daily meds.  7 cups with names on the bottom and a towel.  As well as granola bars and breakfast bars for breakfasts at home.  The other days we'll be, um, mooching!  I put aside a small budget for some sub sandwiches we can eat at home and then we asked the parents if we can come over to eat on certain nights while we do laundry.  And the bathroom, right now, is the ONLY thing that worries me.  Our basement bathroom is SMALL.  Luckily it does have a small shower too, so we can still bathe.  That's good, huh? 

So what's going on upstairs?  Hardwood.  Yep, finally we have enough to hardwood everything that's not tile or linoleum.  I'm really hoping Jaemin, Chase and my own allergies will be better after this.  We're hoping the dust will be less too, therefore creating less allergies for me.  I HATE having my house torn apart like this.  And the work poor Brian is going to have to do getting the trim back on and fixing the wainscot he put up 3 years ago because some of what we did won't fit with the hardwoods.  I know I'll LOVE the end result and be happy with less dirt, but just gotta get through this week of very low maintenance me.  I'm pretty low maintenance anyways, but I won't be fixing my hair a whole lot for sure.  So beware when you see me.  It won't be all!

I'll take a picture when I have time...I'm sure there will be some time for that.  It's an interesting set up for sure.  Jaemin at least has his swing screwed to the floor to entertain him some...and God help us help him go to sleep.  He does NOT sleep well in places that don't belong to him.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Two days of doctors down

Cole is done with his workup.  Very painless and all done.  Results of the EKG and echo were no different than in July, which was expected.  We'll have MRI results and dilation of his right ventricle later in the week or early next week.  Still unsure if he'll have a good idea of when surgery will be off of that.  Not sure if we should plan to go to Korea anymore or not.  But, Cole and I had a nice day together.  Nothing says love like spending 11 hours with you mom.  We talked a lot and it was nice!

I spent today trying to get Jaemin's autism evaluation set up.  While I'm not completely convinced of it, the ped says he has enough symptoms to be concerned and he may just be very low on the spectrum...meaning very high functioning.  While we wait for his April evaluation we're trying some changes to his acid reflux med and giving him yogurt to make sure it's not a yeast sensitivity.  I feel like we have to do something in the next two months.  May as well.

I've been watching both of my boys so much more intently lately.  I'm waiting for Cole to suddenly go off, so to speak.  I mean when's he going to suddenly start having symptoms?  Is it going to be sudden like when he was an infant, or am I going to get some notice on surgery this time?  I have no idea what to expect and that's the part that scares me the most.  Jaemin, I just watch for anything he does that keeps him off the spectrum.  Cheering at anything he does...even though mostly he neurologically typical.  I find myself holding Jaemin more and seeing just how intense my love is for him and how lucky we are to have this little angel in our lives no matter what happens.

I'm the luckiest mom in the world!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Too many irons in the fire?

Just a saying, but I think that's where we are right now.  Unfortunately, with 5 kids, there's no good time for anything.  You just let life take you where it does and you try to respond rather than react.

We're coming off the 2nd week of Chelsi's play.  This weekend is it and we're DONE!  While I think she will miss seeing her castmates, we both very much need a break.  Too many late nights is doing me in and for sure her.  She acts like a diva and it's mostly lack of sleep.

Tomorrow, Cole has his big heart work up.  We'll spend all day at the hospital so he can get an EKG, echo, MRI and stress test.  Then, hopefully, in a few days they'll have a better idea of when his heart surgery will be.  I'm hoping for something, so we're out of this lost area I feel right now.  I know it's not a perfect science, but at some point they'll have to make the decision to do it before he has permanent damage to the right side.  It's a personal call in ways, but they will make it as a group of cardiologists in the practice and they have a formula they calculate off the MRI.  Forgive me because I don't explain things well.  This is all new to me since the previous doctor never ordered these tests and should have been so they could have been watching the progress of his leakage.

Next week....oh next week.  I'm dreading.  We're getting some hardwood done, so we have to move around furniture.  We just finished painting the girls room, which made them very happy.  It's the first time it's been painted in 11 years and was painted for Chase while I was pregnant with him.  They picked an orange color that's sort of like canteloupe.  Then, Kaelin picked out black and white rugs for the floor.  Right now their bunk beds and all their belongings are piled up in my bathroom on top of the tub.  I knew that large tub would some day be handy!  :)

I also have a quick procedure next week.  No anesthesia, just a local, but I'm not looking forward to it since the lump is fairly large.  A friend was diagnosed with breast cancer recently and after B talked to her about it she has been given the sebaceous cyst diagnosis first too.  I don't know when hers grew or how long it was there before she was biopsied and haven't had time to talk to her, but B wants it out right away, so I made the appointment with the surgeon I saw last year.  Remember the cyst, no it's an adenoma, no it's a cyst?  So, while it hasn't grown since they've been watching it for the last 1 1/2 years I'm going to have it removed.  It's probably been there for 3 years or pretty close to.  I guess at some point it grew, huh?

Then, after all that's over we can have our furniture back in place and resume living, right?  I'm always a little leary when we do something to the house of any substance or go on vacation.  We don't have the greatest track record.  The last house work incurred Brian a spinal cord injury the day after we committed and started and the last vacation ended up with Cole having an appendectomy 4 days prior and Chelsi a febrile seizure on the interstate in another state.  Those memories flood through my head and though I try to shove them out I can't help but be a little gun shy that it could recur.  Cole has a BAD habit of having surgeries on people's birthdays, so this heart work up worries me a bit.  He had his appy on Chase's birthday and his heart surgery on his dad's birthday.  Obviously not planned!

But, as I tell others who get worried or stressed about things, just try to breath and live your life.  Nothing's going to change what's going to happen!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bullying's Normal

Did you know that?  I mean, yes, bullying has gone on for centuries and is a form of hazing, but isn't that what all the commercials are about nowadays.  I thought I'd seen Obama and other advocates on special service announcements talking about bullying being a problem and having no tolerance for it?  Oh wait....maybe they're only concerned if it's cyber bullying.  Yep, that must be it, because when now that my kid is getting bullied by the same kid it's 'normal'.  But, it's in-person bullying...not cyber.  So, this must be an out for a school, huh?  A kid can laugh at another kid for having a heart condition that keeps him from playing football and being 'cool' ( I use that loosely since no kid that acts like this is every going to be cool) or harassing a kid and pushing him until they say something hurtful to another that must not be bullying either.  Not according to our school.  Not one thing I could say deserved any time.  All I got was how normal this was and how many new students there were this year and how that's just going to cause some 'upheaval'.  Upheaval....that's what we call it?  My kid could care less about who this new kid is friends with ......they have no right picking on him because he's smaller and is being intimidated.  All I asked was for an 'out' for him so he could get out of the situation, if needed, and I couldn't even get that. 

No school has the right to make excuses like this.  They're lucky, for now, he's asked that we not do anything to the bullier and I made him allow me to ask them to put it in his record in case it continues.  But, if it does continue and they do nothing there will have to be consequences.  Sometimes the only thing you can do is call the Board of Education.  If I have to I will, so I hop the kid leaves my child alone!

Friday, February 11, 2011

See My Korea Trip Page

Slowly, but surely we're making progress on saving for our trip.  Another $100 coming soon

Thursday, February 10, 2011


This was the big night.  Chelsi's debut in a play.  It's a very small Christian theatre and the count was 51 tonight.  But, that's good....let her warm up.  There are over 120 scheduled for a day next week and the theatre will barely hold that.

She did so great.  At the end the audience is allowed to come and talk to the cast after curtain.  I welled up watching everyone come through and shake her hands while they whispered words of encouragement to her.  She did tell the director, however, she doesn't care for crowds and didn't like them laughing at her.  I'm telling you.  You can't help but laugh.  She's so darn cute and funny!

One of her castmates' parents brought him candy and these little skateboards he likes as a gift for his first performance (in this play).  They also gave the same to Chelsi.  It was so sweet!  She has really bonded with everyone in the play and they all love her.  As soon as she walks in at night they all have to say hi to her and she messes with everyone all night.

As I watch her grow up I almost feel like Steve Martin in "Father of the Bride".  I just know that one day she's going to be all grown up and I'm still going to see her exactly how she looks right now at 5 years old.  I will wonder where the time has gone and how she grew up so fast.  Her and I just have a different relationship.  She's just so mature and aged.  You see this teeny tiny body, but out of it comes big words, actions and understanding.  She's an amazing little girl.  And I'm so proud of her!

Just wait 'til tomorrow night when the family comes.  Someone's going to be getting some flowers!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Breath and Catch Up

I'm catching my breath tonight.  I've had a nasty little cold and Chelsi's in the thick of play rehearsals as it starts soon.  So every single day this week we either have her at rehearsal or the show.  And last night was LATE!  She was so tired that she nearly fell over standing up in the dressing room.  The director let us go after she finished her pieces tonight so she could get some sleep.  And I won't even go into how grouchy Kaelin was after last night.  NEVER again!  But, the big boys have to go with us to rehearsal tomorrow night because they need an audience to practice on and they want to make sure they can't move her attention.  So far she's done AWESOME!  I can't believe how good she is at it and concentrating.  She stays on task, even the day that one of the guys' 3 year olds walked on stage and sat beside her.  She just went on with her part.

Yesterday, we had practice for Chelsi last night, but during the day I took the little kids to Kaelin's class at school to do the Lunar New Year (Sol Nal) presentation we were supposed to do last week.  It was canceled because of the blizzard.  Yes, blizzard.

Kaelin did great.  She actually wanted to do this and asked the teacher for it.  The teacher gave us pretty much the last hour of the school day.  So, Kaelin wrote some things on the board in Hangul, we passed our Won, she wore her hanbok and then we talked about Korean culture.  Of course, some of the kids asked about adoption too, so I would quickly answer so we could move on.  They would raise their hands so Kaelin could call on them and we could answer their questions.  One kid said "Kaelin, you're adopted?!".  It was so funny.  One kid asked how they kiss in Korea.  Oh my!  One just wanted to know how old I was.  The teacher quickly diverted that one.  We brought our pictures from Korea and the kids just loved it all.  They asked so many great questions and then they all wanted a Korean name and couldn't understand why Kaelin had a Korean name and English name and they didn't. thinks this makes her the cool kid.  :)  This was a room of 2nd graders and Kaelin loved the attention and the time to share.  Her teacher was very interested in it all, it seemed.  The kids decided I should be a teacher and teach about Korea.  So funny!  I work with one of the kids' mom and she told me today that he was so excited when he got home yesterday.  He told her knows EVERYTHING there is to know about Korea.  How funny is that?

And, now I guess I should get back to my photo editing.  I'm taking pictures for the show.  Last night I had to do pictures for the cast that would be on stage for props.  They needed some antiqued pictures.  They turned out great!  I'd post some, but there are too many others involved and don't want to invade anyone's privacy.

Blizzard anyone?  This was 3 hours into it.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Alarm Night #10

So, last night was night #10.  It was dry night #3!  Doesn't sound great to some out of 10, but for us, it's huge!  I think the last time she had more than 2 in a month period of time was when she had a UTI.  She woke up and told me she was try because she was 'holding it'.  Great new concept, huh?

Jaemin has been trying too.  He's wet at night, but no biggie.  Occasionally, he is dry.  But, yesterday he was dry all day. It helps that he LOVES getting 1 tiny, little fruit snack (not a package) every time he pees.  So while he goes often, I figured it's reinforcing the habit to his body.  So, I make as many trips as he needs.  Brian said he even came out of bed at 9 last night to go potty again.  If we could get him to poop, that would be awesome, but he seems to have a fear of this one.  Oh well.... One thing at a time.

I always find it somewhat amusing from all those parental stories of the magically trained child in one day.  I think if you ask my mom, I was one of them.  But, out of 5 I haven't had one yet.  Kaelin was probably the closest, but I do remember the process taking close to 6 months, but she was done by 2 1/2.  Much quicker than ALL the others....unless Jaemin gets in here.  We'll see.

Random Thoughts

Can't think of the last time I watched a show.  I mean really watched a show without multi-tasking.  Or better real time!  Before DVR for sure.  By the time DVR came around we easily had 3 kids and had to just miss the shows totally.  Do not have time for tv!!!

Why do people immediately judge people in terribly hard positions without any regard?  I mean I know it's human nature, but it's so unkind.  I mean, why do we have to judge someone when something terrible is going on in their family, like a loved one is dying, injured, etc?  Why can't we have compassion and put ourselves in their place instead?

I know I thought I was so smart when I was younger.  I couldn't even begin to imagine that things were really going to get much busier, like the older more mature women kept telling me, as my kids aged. a TON busier.  So glad our kids are spaced a bit so you can catch your breath.  But, sometimes when I watch others add to their families so quickly, all I can think is; how are you going to feel about that when they all are in school and have loads of homework at night, all at the same time.  There are definitely some pluses to having them spaced just a little.

And, some of this just comes from watching others on adoption boards I belong to, over many, many years.  But, why do they complain about not being able to pay their bills; medical, credit card, etc. and then jump right back into adoptions.  I understand the premise of 'I'd rather have my child than the money', but that doesn't 'seem' even remotely responsible to me.  I mean you never can accidentally adopt, so it's a very thought out decision...or should be.  So, if that's the road you choose, please do not complain about not being able to pay your bills that SHOULD be paid unless your circumstances changed after the child was home.  I honestly, would adopt another.  I would probably continue our discussions to have another, if it weren't for my realistic worries.  Can we afford it in the first place?  What if it makes it so we can't pay other bills?  Should we expect anyone else to bail us out?  I don't feel that's right at any way.  Just saying.

And one thing I can't stand is watching people with kids quit their jobs to stay home; disregarding lack of insurance and ability to pay any bills.  I completely understand those that have children with disabilities that crop up.  Finding care for those children while working would be near impossible.  Especially reliable, loving care.  Medical care is so scary for a child.  I completely understand the want to be with your kids.  You're talking to the girl who wanted it for ever 10 years before getting to go part time (even though temporary).  But, sometimes you just can't have what you want.  I've seen people quit their job to stay home, purely because they wanted to be a stay at home mommy and then put their kids on assistance.  Nothing, absolutely nothing burns me more!!!!!

Those are my random thoughts that sometimes pervade my mind as I drive alone to work in the morning or on the way home....or worse....during work.  :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Hope everyone has a wonderful Year of the Rabbit.

We had a wonderful celebration with friends this past weekend.  Forgot the kids' hanboks....AGAIN....but still a great time.

Chelsi and her 'husband' C

The good and the bad of a slightly larger family.

Okay, so we're nowhere near Duggar's super size, but I wouldn't want that.  No matter how much I love kids I cannot imagine feeling like I get to give them the time they deserve.  Working or not.  But, we are still, in fact, larger than your average family.  So, sometimes I think about these things as other people discuss family size.

Let's get through the 'bad'.

-Much harder to get a hotel room without separating your family or paying through the nose for a large suite.  Most hotels will allow you to squeeze in 5 or so, but not so much on 7.
-We're on the line with vehicles.  One more and we either have to trade to get an 8 passenger van or get one of those big vans.  I'm definitely not driving one of those 15 passenger things and can't afford a trade right now on my van for an 8 passenger.  Not to mention, it's hard to have carseats set up in an 8 because you still have to be able to get through to the back row.  And I'm WAY too cheap to drive a suburban.
-There's only one empty chair left at the table and it's not really an empty chair since we bought two more chairs when we found out about little man.  You have to straddle a leg, which little man or someone will be doing after he gets out of his booster.  What the heck are we going to do when we get inlawed and grandkids?
-It's really hard to afford vacations.  While others talk about their multiple trips to Disney, per year, we find other avenues every few years.  And you have to get CREATIVE.
-Food is getting WAY expensive.  And since we both work (me part time at the moment) we don't have much time for a good garden, so no great ways to save money other than old fashioned being careful.
-Diapers for 14 years!!!!!!!
-People still say 'are you done yet?' and if you actually think about another one (one day) you feel bad because you know people are going to treat you like you're crazy.  We got that with #5....not that we plan on a 6th, trust me.

And now for the 'good'.
-Vacations are even more fun with kid at various ages and expectations.  No matter where they are or how simple they are.
-Imagine the family table and tv trays and people standing at the counter to eat in just 15-20 more years when we have 5 more kids and grandkids.  It will be loud and bustling and cool!
-There's always someone around, so you never ever get lonely.  Boredom is another issue with any kid.
-We are reminded more than most other people how amazing God is and how blessed we are!
-Look how many do overs we've had.
-After you teach them to cook and clean, it's really not that bad....though they don't seem to do these things on par with my OCD expectations, so I do redo.  Bad habit, I know.
-All the things, we as parents, are exposed to due to 5 very different personalities and interests.  I learn new things all the time with new activities. 
-There's a hug and a kiss somewhere.  You can always find someone willing.

I won't go and say others who have smaller families don't know the true blessings in life, because each decision to his/her own.  I will say we have realized money isn't everything and we're thrilled to have spent so much having and raising kids.  Of course, there is a fine line on that issue too.  Next post.

Wet Nights

And I'm not talking about the blizzard. 

Last night was as bad as night #1.  She got up twice with it going off, but by the time she gets up she's done.  Her pull up is soaked.  Again, use a pull up over the underwear if you don't want added mess and frustration.

I'm going to hold out.  I'm going to continue.  I'm going to give this thing the full chance.  Repeat.


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day or should I say Night #4

She was dry.  It's probably been close to a year since she's had a month where she's been dry two times.  Let alone two times in a week.  No alarm going off means more sleep for me.  YAY!


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Cheers, giggles and smiles

I've had a couple of these pictures locked on my camera for a couple of weeks.  Jaemin found Chelsi's pom poms from the fall football games and he was cheering.  And you can see what she would rather do.....duh duh duh duh....dress up as a princess.  SHOCKER!

Jaemin had the giggles today.  Everytime I said anything he laughed.  I noticed he's been doing this a lot lately.  So, am I funny or funny looking?

All they wanna do is potty all the time

It's only been a couple of days and I feel like potty talk all the time!

Chelsi is 5 1/2, but does not ever stay dry at night, so after the doctors all agreed that other than duplicated ureters she has no birth defects and nothing that should cause incontinence issues.  So, it means it's just her.  They all recommended an enuresis alarm since she's nearing 6.  We were waiting for my new cafeteria plan year and the time has finally come.  So we've ordered the alarm and received it this week!

I have Chelsi sleeping on a mat next to my bed so that I can make sure she wakes up when the alarm goes off.  That sucker is so load it scares the crap out of me a lot of the nights.  It's only been 3 nights though.  The first night was aweful!  She had be woken up and it took a long time to get her to her feet.  Lesson learned.  She needs a pullup over her underwear to keep her from peeing on the mat, or worse yet missing and hitting my floor.  She peed twice that night.  The second night she slept through and was dry.  This generally happens one time per month....on a good month.  The 3rd night, last night she only had it go off once and it was almost 6 am.  She hopped up before I was really awake.  Of course, I still have Jaemin in my bed too.  So, about that time or maybe a little later, he was laughing in my ear.  Apparently, he was having a really happy dream because he was giggling his butt off!

Thursday I decided to try to potty train Jaemin.  It was not successful, but it must have put a bug in his ear.  He ran around naked and peed on the potty a couple of times and stayed mostly dry even when his diaper was on.  We had to put it on Thursday night because I had to go with Chelsi to play rehearsal and he won't go for Brian.  Friday we had places to go and our appliances were in and we needed to install, so he wore his diaper again.  But, he asked to go while we had company last night.  He remembered that I had bought a brand new box of fruit snacks and I, smartly, put them right at his height in the bathroom cabinet.  He grabbed a snack and told me he needed to pee.  He squeezed out a couple of drops and got his snack.  Brian things he just knows how to work the system, and he does, but I told him to let it go.  It might be enough incentive if we're lucky!

This morning as soon as he opened his eyes Jaemin looked at me and said he needed to poo.  So I took him in the bathroom, he grabbed his snack and peed....a lot!  He ate his snack and then, apparently, when he took his wrapper to the trash in the kitchen he peed on the floor in front of the trashcan.  I don't know how he peed that much in that short of time.  1/2 hour later, he always poops after breakfast, he said he needed to poop.  So Cole took him poop.  He actually went.  For the first time ever.  Cole gave him his snack.  Then, he pooped in his diaper 10 minutes later.  Hopefully, that's just a minor miscommunication with his body and he's still figuring it out.

My dream.  Oh my dream is to have Chelsi and Jaemin both potty trained at the same time.  It would be fine, if it had to be that way, to only have 1 (Jaemin) in nightly pullups.  But, oh to get them both out of diapers and pullups!!  14 years of diapers next month is what we've been doing.!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Reasons NOT to Adopt

This is not going to be popular, I'm sure.  But, this is my blog and my opinion.  Though I'm not that strongly opinionated on a lot of things, this one I am.  BECAUSE IT'S ALL ABOUT THE KIDS, NOT THE PARENTS WANTING KIDS.  And some of this I've wrestled with, but because I feel it's right in my heart, I leave it alone and remember it's right.

1) You're already deep in debt (credit card, etc.) and you want to pursue an expensive adoption.  Now, I'm not talking about you have a house loan and a car or you want to go through foster care which is free.  If you're already having trouble making necessary payments and are just getting by, maybe you should hold off until you're in a better situation.   Finances are stress...children can add to that stress.  Who am I lying to...they do.  And I mean that in the most loving way.  :)

2)  Your husband is NOT on board.  Is it okay to talk about it over and over again...sure.  As long a you're BOTH talking.  As long as there is somewhat of a discussion.  But, if the spouse (husband or wife....usually husband) is adamantly against it sometimes we wives need to concede.  BTDT!

3)  You're going to save a child from their life or possible life.  While, yes, there are children who may not survive without a family to care for them, medically and otherwise I'm not sure I will ever be convinced that that is reason enough/alone to adopt.  How do 'we' know we are their saviors?  Doesn't only 'He' know?  If you want a child that's great.  That's a great reason.  Not purely to save a soul.  This could be a lengthy discussion, so I'll leave it here.

4)  Your existing children do NOT want siblings.  Okay, you argue.  Do we ask our children if we can get pregnant?  No.  But, adoption really is a different process and can require some different parenting, sort of like some special needs children.  Not the same, but sort of.....hard to explain, but other adoptive parents understand.  It's also extremely purposeful.  Even in the case of a sibling call like we had there is still purpose.  Not accident.  Unless you have no insurance there is also minimal cost in pregnancy in comparison to adoption.  Though I'm not a fan of letting those pesky fees get in the way if otherwise you can financially handle another child.  Anyways, when we were in process, one thing very important to us as we added each one was whether everyone was good with it.  If they weren't they had time to talk about it.  IF it couldn't have been alleviated, whatever fears there were, we would NOT have proceeded.  Our guardian ad litem commented on how well all of our children have adapted to each other.  She said she'd seen families where biological children resented adopted children and vice versa.  I know hard to imagine.  She asked what we did and this is all I could think to tell her.  We made all of our existing children, one by one, a part of the process.

5)  Okay, so number 5 is a copout because really there aren't very many reasons NOT to adopt.  It's great.  It's wonderful and I'd be missing 3 little pieces of my heart without it.  So, the only other reasons not to adopt are just obvious.  You hate kids, want a servant/worker.....  Though surely that doesn't really happen, right?

If you have add ons, feel free to leave them in comments.

New Site to List for SCI

I'm going to find a spot on the blog to list this site;

For the most part, Brian's spinal cord injury is just something that happened to him and, of course, our whole family.  Most people assume that because he walked again and regained some of his other motor functions everything just goes back to the way it was, a sort of normal, for our family.  But, any SCI patient or family knows that's not really true.  It's something the patient will live with for the rest of their lives and it's not a static state.  Meaning just because they gain it back doesn't mean it's permanent.  Brian has lost some very minor simple functions.  Mostly we noticed the right end fingers.  But, over time things can happen within the spinal cord because of the injury that can cause him to lose more of what he gained back those months after and in rehab.

I won't get all technical here, but I've known for some time that he, in all reality, will likely end up disabled in 10-20 years.  At our age now, that's pretty young.  I say disabled only because the job he is trained to do cannot be done if he loses function.  Thankfully, I think he may be able to find something to do at his current employer, just not what he does now, if he ends up with a walker or wheelchair.  Honestly, I tend NOT to think about this.  It makes me a bit sad at our lives changing once again.  But, I do know it could happen and keep it purged away so that the shock doesn't hit me like his accident did. 

Anyways, this site is a great site with lots of great information on spinal cord injuries.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Finally getting back on a schedule

I've never been terribly scheduled with our time since going part time, but I do have somewhat of a routine.  It all got blown up when Jaemin and I were sick the first of the year and then with the older kids being home so much.  Now that I'm feeling quite a bit better and not going through a box of kleenex a day I feel more up to getting things done; besides what I absolutely have to.

Last week I made a alphabet and site word binder.  Sounds crazy for a 2 year old, but it never hurts and Chelsi learned at just under 3 by this repetition, so what the hey.  I printed them all off in big, bold print and put them in sheet protectors to go in the binder.  On the flip side of the letters are the words, including such important words for Jaemin such as; Cole, Chase, Kaelin, Chelsi, Jaemin, mom and dad.  :)

Over the weekend Chelsi and I went to Target after play rehearsal to raid their $1 bins.  I wanted some fun things for the trip in May and thought that would be a good place to start.  We got little journals for the girls to draw and write during the trip; pens with cords to carry them around their necks so they don't lose them, stickers for the journals, little stuffed animals and I'll try to find a couple more small items.  I got Jaemin a couple of Hot Wheels we'll give him as we go along on the drive and he gets Batman stickers too!

Anyways, while we were at Target they had flashcards in the bins.  Princess flashcards no less.  Chelsi said she wanted them and Kaelin's been struggling a bit in addition and subtraction as far as speed, so I got them.  So, today, after we went through the alphabet and sight words we went through flashcards for addition and I have begun to teach Chelsi how to add once you have a number to add to.  She's starting to get it and I have no doubt she'll have it down pat in no time. 

So between laundry/breakfast/kids drive to school and lunch we do school time.  They get to sit on a pillow on the floor while we go through our items and then Jaemin and I read a book.  Chelsi doesn't really enjoy the baby books anymore and can ready anything she wants anyways, so she just reads to herself when she chooses.  I do think Jaemin's as quick as Chelsi he's just not quite as interested as her.  Typical boy, in this house really.

Friday, January 21, 2011


Do you have a celebrity you are a fan of?  I generally don't.  I mean, they're just people too and we shouldn't idolize people.  BUT, I have to say I really do enjoy Ellen.  I have very limited time to watch tv, so I pick very carefully and frugally fill my tv time.  I have to really get some enjoyment or the show gets purged.  The Ellen Show, though I just found last year.  I slow can I be.  I happened to be home a day or afternoon in May and caught a glimpse for one reason or another and it just made me laugh.  It generally takes a lot to make me laugh, so yep, you guessed it; Ellen made it into my DVR selections. 

I still watch it.  Sometimes it's pretty much an Ellen marathon because I don't have time to watch it every single day with kid activities and parenting.  I guess I should keep up with that duty, huh?  But I do make time for my Ellen marathon and my good laughs.  The thing I really like about her is how she helps people.  I think it honestly makes her feel good and I think she feels like she's giving back for what she has. 

Now, if I could figure out how to have great skin like that and look as young as she does (not that she's old) at her age.  So in just under 20 years I still wanna look like I do now because she looks my age now. 


Allergy to apples? Try pearsauce.

When Jaemin was diagnosed as being allergic to apples, I was shocked.  I'd never heard of that one.  They told me that it was actually very common.  He breaks out in hives from apples or any sort of juice if they put apples in it.  So, I have to carefully read anything he picks up if we go to a party with other kids, etc.

My mother in law actually started smashing pears for him because he was such a huge applesauce fan and he wasn't very happy if the other kids got applesauce and he didn't.  He accepted the pear smashings, though.  So, I've started making pearsauce at home for him.  All you do is put about 5 cans of pears (in pear juice), 1 small can of pineapple and about 1/8 cup of grape juice (100%) in a blender.  Blend it up and it's ready to go.  I've done it with and without the juice and he loves it either way, but I got rave reviews when I made it with the juice.  He kept telling me "yum, yum, dis good".  That's great when he does that on his own. It must have been awesome.

Snow Ice Cream

Since we got about 8-9 inches of snow yesterday and people kept writing about snow ice cream on facebook, I thought I'd give it a try.  I'd never heard of it until facebook.  We happened to get a recipe in our conservation magazine too.  So with some milk, sugar, vanilla, chocolate syrup and fresh snow we made snow ice cream for 5 kids.  Brian liked it so much he went back out and made more to keep in the freezer.  It was actually kind of fun and very CHEAP.  I like that.


Monday, January 17, 2011


Yep, at almost 2 1/2 Jaemin's finally talking.  I mean on par with his age.  The doctor mentioned something in September, when he turned 2, about looking into therapy if he wasn't a little closer to his age by 2 1/2.  Well, he is finally getting there.  The only multiple word sentences he was putting together was 'Iunt' (aka I want).  Today, I heard him looking for Cole saying "Cole, where are you?".  WOOHOO!!!  I was finally starting to worry and now there's no need.  I was waiting since the doctor said to.  Luckily, he's pretty laid back and doesn't throw everyone into therapy or therapy at everyone unless they really are delayed.  There's a pretty broad spectrum for delay, so I wasn't quite there yet.

I think it had something to do with the illness he had a few weeks ago.  Somehow that ear infection must have been building up for some time and he must have had fluid on his ears.  As soon as his antibiotic started working the words started to flow.  Things he had never said before are just spewing out of his mouth.  It's crazy!  Now, it won't stop.  He'll be talking and going on and on forever.


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Repurpose for my daughter

My oldest daughter's 1st Communion is coming this year.  Now, I'm not a preachy Catholic and don't go crazy over every little step, but do know it's an important acceptance and sacrifice.  She picked out her dress.  It was the one I thought she'd pick out.  Not overly done, but a little different.  It's very pretty and was very inexpensive...shipping and all at $50.  I asked her about her tights and shoes and she decided she wanted the lacy socks with buckle shoes.  I love it.  I love that she doesn't envision it as a way to look older than her age. 

Then, I got out my veil.  The only thing I had left from my wedding day.  I didn't see the purpose of keeping my dress on the 'chance' my possible children would even want any part of it.  I asked her if she wanted to wear the veil I made for my wedding and she didn't, which I expected.  So, I asked her if she wanted me to take it apart and make her own veil for her First Communion.  Kaelin wanted the veil, so we took a layer off, shorted it up for her size and took one of my hair combs and I sewed it on.  Then, we took my flower ring from my old veil and took pieces of it and glued them onto the new haircomb.  We finished it up tonight and mocked up her hair for the day and put the veil on.  She really liked it and it looked great.  Now, I just need to try to find a steamer to steam the wrinkles out. 

After that I asked her for the necklace her uncle B brought her from Italy a couple of years ago; on the intention of her wearing it on that day.  She had lost the ring to the link.  I found an old pendant and fixed it and it's ready for the day.  It's a cross made out of crystals.  I even took the old rosary I was given after my First Communion and tried to fix.  For almost 30 years I've drug the rosary I broke around with me every where.  Back then, I didn't understand enough to know you shouldn't play with it and I tried to wear it like a necklace and broke it.  I've been carrying around the pieces every since.  I think I was afraid of discarding them and the implications attached.   However, after putting it all back together we realized it only had 4 decades.  So did it always have 4 decades and is a Rosary for the Dead or did I love an entire decade?  I can't imagine losing the one since I had one bead all by itself and kept it this whole time.  I may never know, but I'll have to check with my mom where I got it from, because I don't really remember.


Friday, January 14, 2011

Youn-su 윤수

If you are still out there, I just sent your mother a picture magnet for her refridgerator.  I took Jaemin's pictures in September and I thought she might like to put it there where she can always see him.  I hope the agency gets it to you soon.

Miss you all.


Snow Fun 2011

The big kids have pretty much gone out every evening after school to play in the snow.  Chelsi went out once and only last about 10 minutes before she was too cold to stand it.  Since it's Friday I decided we had time to have a later supper and asked Jaemin if he wanted to play outside.  He couldn't wait.  So we got on his snow suit and took him out.  He did NOT want to come in!  He threw snowballs with the big kids and fell in the snow piles left.  He laughed every time he fell or saw a snowball hit someone or something.  We had to make him come in finally and even with gloves his hands were COLD!

Chase wanted one with him and each dog.
Jaemin's on a mission.
Who's he going to hit next?
Jaemin had to find out that when you hit a tree, they hit back.
Jae and CoCo.
Lovin' the snow!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sad Reality

Chelsi and I were just sitting here watching tv when she told me that her friend A was going to Disney.  I knew this already, but didn't want to tell her because I knew I'd have to explain.  I asked if she was upset because she's been BEGGING for Disney for awhile.  She REALLY wants to see the princesses.   REALLY REALLY REALLY.

She understood enough not to be mad, but she was sad.  I told her I already knew, but that we couldn't go because her dad can't handle that level of walking.  And if you want to enjoy the parks you're going to have to walk.  I know he could rent a wheelchair, but there's NO way he'd do that.  He just wouldn't go.  I never even broached the topic with Brian because there was no need to make him feel bad for Chelsi not being able to go.  She asked why he couldn't walk and I told her the accident affected his legs.  She asked me what accident?  I asked if she remembered Brian's accident.  I mean she was only 2 1/2.....literally 1/2 her age.  She said mean when he broke his neck.  She didn't quite understand that a broken neck would affect legs.  Not to mention how bad the nerve pain is for him and walking does NOT help that at all.

I hate this reality.  I don't hate that we can't go to Disney, but I hate that we have to rethink what we do or want to do because of what happened......oh my gosh....3 years ago tomorrow!  Don't get me wrong.  I'm completely thankful for it is instead of what it could be.  It's just the sad reality of it all sometimes.  And then when I really think about it I feel bad for forgetting to recognize Brian's ability to not whine, not say a word and get through HIS reality every single day and do construction work while he tired and his feet are burning.  I don't think you will ever see too many people like him.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The day of gadgets

You know I honestly miss the days of not so many gadgets.  Especially the communication kind.  Like so many others on the internet have said we've forgotten how to communicate thanks to the internet avenues like Facebook or texting. 

My boys got Ipod Touches for Christmas.  I loaded some freebie apps on them, but that was it.  Well, neighbor boy who has little to no rules and free reign over anything he want had all kinds of apps and proceeds to load them onto my boys'.  The boys just handed them over.  He's 10 like Chase.  So not very old to have free reign, and not responsible enough for it either.  He put a texting app on.  I only found out because Cole answered the phone and the answering machine picked up with H saying to text him.  So I questioned him, naturally.  I let it go so I could think about it a bit.  I decided that while I wanted to trust the boys I needed to see what they were doing with their texting ability along with seeing what other apps were loaded.

That ended up being the only app I had an issue with.  Chase hates these fangled ways of communication so he hadn't used it.  Cole, on the other hand, had quite a few text conversations.  One was with one of Chase's other 10 yo friends who used cuss words most adults would be offended by.  Granted Chase isn't close friends with him...thank goodness.  But, I was appalled.  Of course, Brian tells me that he guesses most boys this age talk like that.  This is being heard by me, a girl who didn't say her first cuss word until well into teenage years and I remember apologizing to God for it.  Cole was never mean mean and never used foul language, but H had given Cole his girlfriend's (yes girlfriend, eye roll) cell number so he could text her, pretend he was someone else and bug her.  It worked.  She was perturbed.  He wasn't rude or hateful; just annoying.  Really annoying. 

So, after all that I deleted the app and told them that if H ever downloaded on their Touches again without me seeing what it was they would be taken away.  I then called H and told him (very nicely) that he needed to do me a favor and not do that anymore since it's my house rules or he couldn't come to my house anymore.  He actually respects me and listens pretty good to me once I talk to him.  At home he seems to have no rules, so he does whatever. 

I'm waiting for the day that the 14 year old (almost) matures enough for me to EVER trust him with a cell.  He needs to learn now he can't use texting to aggravate anyone.  It could get you into a world of hurt you do not want to enter.  I'm PRAYING lesson learned.

Monday, January 10, 2011

How wonderful it was

to drop off a check in the mail for our condo today.  It was snowing pretty good out and I was on my way to drop off a check so we could go on a vacation with some friends this summer.  I can hardly wait!  I'm as excited as the kids.  I'd love to do one of those things where it's this big secret until then, but I can't do that.  I can't stand it myself.

So, I confess I'm a bit nervous.  This is our first vacation since having kids (yeah 5 in 13 years) that we've done a vacation without my family (mom, stepdad, sister and brother-in-law).  The couple we've been able to take in these years has been us tagging along with my mom and stepdad to their timeshare.  While it has always been a great time and oddly enough I love being a small 2 bedroom condo with all of us together, but since we always had kids and so many I did feel a little bad. 

I've spent the last week emailing around trying to get estimates on the cost to go there, etc.  I was SO happy when we got an email and it was only $1500 for the entire week...and then we get to split it with some friends.  We weren't really planning to spend any money on a vacation before our big Korea trip in a couple of years.  Especially, since that will exhaust pretty much whatever we have by then, but with Cole's heart surgery in the next couple of years we decided we needed a vacation before all of the unknowns of when and how long set in.  Plus, honestly, I don't think he had too much fun on vacation a few years ago when we tagged along to FL with the parents.  I can understand though.  Who would want to be 11, go to FL and just have had an appendectomy and told you can't swim.  Though we did break the rules the last day.  I couldn't take it and we put on a massive waterproof bandage.  And then you've got the whole Chelsi had her febrile seizure on the same trip and spent the night in the ER in Orlando and STILL had a 90 minute drive back to the condo.

EEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm just so excited!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The icky green goo

That describes quite a few of us off and on since two weeks before Christmas.  Nice huh?

I haven't written since the day after because, well, that's the day I started getting sick.  It all started after Jaemin headbutted me right in the nose.  Talk about an eye waterer that made me cry and really want to scream.  I had a slight black eye a couple of days later, but not bad considering how bad it hurt.  Anyways, two weeks before Christmas Jaemin and Chase had bad colds.  They both have asthma that creeps up with colds and allergies, so they always sound really bad. Right before Christmas they both cleared up and seemed fine, so no doc.  Right after Christmas they both got sick again.  Poor guys.  Cole got sick too, but he got better so quick.  For a heart kid, he's pretty darn healthy, knock on wood.  Chelsi's starting in now.  Just for the record, she's not green....yet.

Chase swore up and down he was getting better so he didn't go to the doctor.  However, I was feeling pretty bad and Jaemin couldn't seem to shake it and was running a fever over the New Year, so he went too.  Poor guy had a sinus infection and ear infection.  I only had a sinus infection.  His ear infection was the first I've ever had in one of my kids in 13 years.  Can you believe that?  He hadn't eaten much of anything in a couple of days, so I'm glad she gave him an antibiotic.  He's now on day 2 of his meds and his cough still sounds horrendous, but he's running crazy again and eating a little more, so that's better.  He actually asked for 'more' at supper tonight.  That's my normal little guy.  I'm really not bad, but dang if I could just stop coughing.  I've had a hot totty and every medicine that's supposed to quiet coughs and nothing works.  I'm hoping for no coughing fits tonight.  Jaemin sleeps right through though.  Little stinker!